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Ken Pepiton Jul 2019
outside my window is a dragon fly,
it was
a true UFO

of a species genera imagine-
natively named by an
old story teller, a

fellow fallen, once-wing-ed one.

I imagine,
at first motion sensed,
I see a hawks sillohuette, a mile away,

but, no,
motion detector detects motion
incompatible with known
hawkish believable moves,

yet, moves, I saw.

I saw movement, abrupt, sharp, fast
outside my window was a dragon fly,

starring straight at me, saying nothing,
making me think,

For a mortal moment, you saw a  true UFO
Gretchen Long Jan 2014
Electric taste
sensation elicited
stimulating tongue
currently this phenomenon  … nomenon enon nony
cannot convey information classified
humans cannot perceive with their tongue

Methods involve
taste foods
and drinks
by using electric taste

We propose a system
drink beverages using straws
connected to an electric circuit

We propose a system
eat foods using a fork or chopsticks
connected to an electric circuit

We propose a system
Discussing augmented gustation
using various sensory

Please do not care who you disappoint

— The End —