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Rain is f a l l i n g on my window paine, darkness is taking away the light
I can't go to sleep I have to fight
These memories of you
From hiding under my bed any longer
Because I know if I keep you in my heart they will just grow stronger
What do I have to do to scare these monsters out from under my bed
These monsters are feasting on my soul and sooner or later I'll be dead
I can't hide under my covers and pretend they were never there
Because when it comes to these monsters, there is never ending memories of you to share.
I can't turn on my light
My nightmeres are taking flight
I can't stop them
My fate they'll condemn
I wish they would just go a w a y
These monsters will lead me a s t r a y
I am a b r o k e n body forever ment to d e c a y.
Darin Marie Nov 2012
Watching her play "The Entertainer" on the keyboard,

I was completely overwhelmed with a vast ocean of deep emptiness.

I've completely dived into a realm where I did not belong.

I could never belong.

But I already knew this.

I didnt know how to act or what to say.

I have nothing that has prepared me for this.

The little girl has so much excitement to see

but I could care less about her.

She is not me, and I'm not her.

There lied the initial problem.

The little boy has down syndrome.

and autism.

he is the only person I can relate to

as we share the same bewilderment towards each other.

We stare, having trouble wrapping our brains around the fact that we share the same blood.

All I can do is stare.

I can barely muster up any fake smile or laugh.

I can barely carry on a conversaton.

What am I doing here?

I feel like a ghost who realizes everyone in the room can see me.

I sit in silent anger.

All this was premeditated.

So why then, am I choking?

This house in which I sit,

This music which fills up my ears;

This was all taken away from me.

And Im the only one that really understands.

Too much time has passed for anyone to try and put a bandage on the wounds.

Too much time has passed for anyone to cap the nightmeres.

I was the only one that tried to split the gap.

I was the only one that cared.

— The End —