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Heather Cahill Mar 2010
Repressed or forgotten I do not know
but I remembered in my sleep
A child, vulnerable and curious
scared and ignorant
I see her being gone- she looks like I remember her too
Skinny and tattered- disoriented and mixed up ut still love in her heart
Alone on the sidewalk- 4 years old, I stare at the neighboor hood I havent seen in years- and I remember it like it was yesterday
Repressed or forgotten, I'll never know
To what degree is your empathy
for the person sitting next to you?
Is it bare, do you care?
No matter your point of view?

We are tied to the one by our side
by the strong string of kinship.
Wether we are related or undictated,
this connection has an eternal grip.

We must love our neighboor like our creator*.
Willing to protect them at any cost.
No matter if un-aided or even stark naked.
This connection will never be lost.
Creator - mother & father or higher being.
next to the dresser i counted one of many minutes.
     a metastasis to twenty and i took it to memory
     her body not even the slightest resistance.
after bathing when feet barely dried
      leaves pools, like an admission of something.

i still have next to the sink, a shabby portrait.
     unsheathed its silence, hung by the gate
     by the neighboor as you confessed one
     April afternoon, the heat so tense erasing lush as a tree is a palimpsest
         now aged, wind reentering a distance
     like i imagine your hand in my denim.
     spaces in between bury a pattern of insistence.

  carefully extolled when i pass by the lit TV
      wasting its voice to no audience,
  when we crawled from one room to another
       leaving words inside dungeons of mouths
    and when a tongue broke loose, maneuvering
      across a tablature is music of creaking wood
      and time-worn hinge - the accidental thump
     on the bedpost softly sings

              a punishment: now an urge to go back
     yet not knowing which door to enter,
           every surrounding object as witness,
      memorized a minute's completion,
  refusing to map out which way to go.
In the morning he bought a shirt
It was so pretty and fluffy
Then he went to eat a cake
So much sugar!

In the afternoon he hid the shirt away
He never liked this color anyway
He went down to the bridge and stared down
So hopeless!

For supper he went to his favourite restaurent
The tingling sound of ustencil
The cacophony of sounds
So energising!

At night he met his neighboor
She is so annoying!
He ran away after the formalities
So angry!

How was his day?

— The End —