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vircapio gale Oct 2013
awakened cows chewing
a mountain pass
dawn warms their massive eyelash rows
clinging drops of dew
spark in rhythm with the cud

darkness rumbles distant now
clouds dispersed to other nights
while metaphoric bull unhinged resounds
the cosmic rut

must i hide my love for this
unweave my judgment from my sight?
what in me defies all sacred holiness forever sung?
bees will ravish even newly opened buds
who am i to battle with the lightning's surge?

presumtuous coverings
can net me willing lustful
stars i see a field i open fertile
ecstaticly unblessed enough

lost heroic i had thought to know
pretends a second thrum
i see in random eyes the breaking sky
and lightning branches over snaking crevices
a sound of faultlines folding free
tectonic sexplay deep
in lava belly
far behind the summit mount--
there i see the sun a base as well
earthen seedbeds heating heights of life

space is cracked!
vast width enwombs the narrowness i preen
in nervure's shine,
a sponge mycelial with soak of raining
carbon underground
the drumming hoofbeats shake and settle
days dehiscing spinning sun
to somber eve in active rest
dreaming pasture real
within a trailing effort's ease
based on a translation of the hymn "To Indra [primarily a deity of the thunderstorm]", x.89; from R.T.H. Griffith, "The Hymns of the Rigveda, 2 vols. (Benares: E.J. Lazarus and Co., 3rd ed., 1920-6)
Zani Jun 2017
Thank you
For the hills and the fields
We have passed many faces
I am grateful for each one of these
I chose to come thus far
But was carried here by siblings
Who made it happen

With this sudden realisation
We have filled Gaia with love
And continue to do so
Until homebound our true course
Takes this wagon full of gratitude
To a different altitude
Where the relative differences
Between giants has been settled
Over a cup of nettle tea
As in times of Olde
Before any talk of gold or barter
Where being martyr actually meant something

I forget that to give one’s life
Does not cease one breathing
But fills her with meaning
Beyond the mundane
Yet some call it insane
The path of giving

When the disguise trips to reveal
This canine Freudian slip
It is the tip of the iceberg
For the psyche
Wading through the dirt
a swine-like search
For the wisdom of truffle
Shuffling through the murky mess of life’s lurch
To attain the diamond in the sand

Passing it around to accept our mortality;
To find love for each other and manifest parity
For all these beings
With their sight they cause reality we live
So give what your will allows
Save enough rawness
To make some more mess
With this love and this land there is home for us all
To breath a clean conscience

In this predetermined egg and spoon race,
Neglecting the entire garden,
and the fact that we are guardians
Is lost to some
The epiphany will come
The sums will add up for the lazy
As the crazy rant and rave
Over their craving for a vegetative
Dietetic state of emergency

For the awakening to being
Pull this gem up from sin
Into ethereal environment
Silent merriment of the joker
Contests dominance lightly
But in secret will germinate madness
Within mass mind to tear apart
These castes which have broken
Our hearts to the point of compliance
With something less than pure science

A less than noble lie
Sense to drill
These nonsensical operations
Into our daily veneration for life
Meant to pierce what is left of eternity
With light so potent it can change our verse
Yet only when focused
With utmost certainty
So travel wide
Make sure

It will fill you with love so pure
You will come home a healer
By deed, not by choice
By nature
It will moisten the cavernous minds
Dried by systems unkind
of the dearly beloved you thought left behind
Yet here they remain as an anchor
To your destiny
By minding your roots with mycelial density
Reminding where one comes from

Give to this earth that we have grown
Anomalous flowering of mysterious seed sown
We can prune it to perfection
Correct these behavioral inflections
We inflict on each other
By seeking council with
Holiest temple our mother
To whom we should be grateful

To her
To him
To one another
Thank you
Only the highest realms of gratitude
Danny Wolf Mar 2022
Skywoman fell from her world above with seed in her hand. The muskrat, dead of life, clenched mud in its paw, its final offering so Earth could become. It all begins with soil and seed. Soil, a micro universe of life sustaining life. Seed, the tiny carriers of stories and sustenance. Two rich and sacred beings I will learn well in my life. My fingers have placed many seeds into cells packed with fertilized soil, placed many seeds straight into the Earth. I have watered them, transplanted their strong roots and promising sprouts, tended to them, harvested their food body and been nourished by their flesh. Soil and seed are the foundation of all plant life, and thus, the foundation of us. Their cells become our cells. Their fiber scrubs our bodies clean of waste and sin. They are the Earth's lungs that breathe life into our lungs. Skywoman fell with seed in her hand. Seed from another world, her offering to a place not originally her home. Turtle Island is not the home of my ancestors. I feel discomfort in the thought of tending to land that was brutally stolen. I find solace in the story of Skywoman. Through her steadfast dedication and reciprocity with the land, Turtle Island welcomed Skywoman in, let itself become her home by its own choice. Her offering of seed a promise to be its tender, its stewardess. Although this Land of Turtle Island is not the roots and soil of my Ancestors, we are all inhabitants of a greater Earth. Through the waters and the mycelial network buried under the old growth forest, I can reach to where my great, great, great, great grandparents stewarded land and tended to beast alike. Their stories are not lost to me, and although I may not know them in the form of words, they are, like the plants, the cells, blood and bone of my being. They comprise the very physical structure and spiritual essence of who I am. And so although this Land of Turtle Island will never be my ancestral home, I can only pray to become its native in time, by its choice, by its welcome. My ancestral home is Earth, as it is for all human life. All of the two legged beings that came before me have foot-printed her soft soil, swam in her rivers, and returned their naked bodies deep in the ground to be food for worms and microbes that digested both their skin and stories. These pieces of human life nourish the soils where wild ramps and fiddleheads grow, where wine berries burst in color, and where carrot seed roots itself sweet and deep. What are we but food for the impeccable microbial universe present in each and every handful of soil? If I work in this life to make my body, my flesh, my muscle, my blood, the most nutritious food for the micro beings to consume and put to new use when I am placed naked and free back into the ground, then I will have done part of my duty. May I one day be potent medicine for them. My duty, next to nourishing the microbes when my heart no longer beats, is to tend to this land as home, healer and relative. One day there will be land that I need, and it will find me, and I will work each day to know and tend and feel and understand that land like my own very body. Until that day, and still after, I will build upon my own heart and mind a beautiful layer of compost and woodchips to breakdown and become rich, soft soil. Soil that retains and builds nutrients and water, is beautifully aerated and loamy. I will build that world within myself so I can extend it outward to every seed I touch, every wild and cultivated food I harvest. And, when that land comes to allow me to tend to it, my offerings will be of humble, hard work. Of service. My work will be to become its native. May the birds know the beat of my footsteps like they know the beat of their own hearts. May the coyotes and the rabbits and the groundhogs and squirrels know my scent the way they know the scent of the wildflowers that have bloomed alongside them year after year, decade after decade. May the soil know the salt of my sweat that has dripped into its universe every day from April to October under the heat of the Sun. May my salts and electrolytes mix with their world, day in and day out, until they need me, too, to survive. May I be as integral to the system as every bee that pollinates the flowers, every frog that eats the bugs, and every fungus that consumes the dead leaf particles and turns them into fertile forest floor for the ferns and other fauna to emerge in ecstasy and vigor. The flavor of this place will be as diverse as the many worlds that collide and coalesce to create it. And I yearn for the day to know the shade of golden yellow of the butter that comes from the cream that separated from the milk that comes from the cow that’s been nourished by the land we have inhabited and fell in love with together. One day I will know just by the subtle change of the smell of the breeze that the magnolias and daffodils are about to blossom. I will know the sweetness of my carrots and green beans, the lingering smell of garlic scapes on my hands after plucking them in May. But first I must make a home of myself. First, my own body, mind, spirit, must be tended to with such adoration and respect and beauty and brilliance. So I will start there…becoming native to my own body. Becoming home to my own self.
Lucas Apr 2023
christ alive, so am i.
i am otherwise dry compost
like becoming sand far from water
just sand resonating sand.
still the signals of consciousness are there
but far from complex growth or

a stain, a mold, a t-shirt in a palace.
all things ductile, all things closely resembling hyper athletic celery.

we mirror amplifiers. constant alchemical gain undeniably transmitting unstable, uncertain, postmodern programming.

the devil is real.
existing in things like air conditioning and silicon. moving subtle through maple syrup and backsplash.
the devil is mycelial and plastic;
a beach of wet, burning relief;
a root system of universal, cosmo(logical/politan), terran and mythological cinema.
the devil is a pisces that smells like lemon rinds and rusty door hinges.

we live in a bottle
where we create our own weather.
vircapio gale Jan 2024
sundogs past the vale --
late Spring's changing wind atop
the same, sturdy tent

bald mountain rains--
the worms retreat
with every step


sunset river-bat~
i stand deaf on the loud shore,
with star and crescent moon


Spring-summer fronts ~
tornado siren, trains;
owls on the edge

the French Broad's roar
doesn't drown the bass across--
campsites decay

pristine pristineness~
comparing filth with (to less) filth,
unnatural taste

tree, then mycelial port,
ants, woodpecker feast.
earth, life, openness;
a walking-staff's thud.


water's tone
over three leaves~
a steady stream


mountain spring of Spring--
a higher note is struck
in flowing free

shady water source--
salamander audience
of fullness' ease

mountain nooks in bloom--
univied cradles pause,
contact deeper breath


almost summer--
a level ridge
stretches our backs

growls in the Spring dark--
a large rodent returns home
to unwelcome guests.

Spring lushness--
mountain sunrays glide north
as we climb

woodpecker echoes ~
the empty forest vibrates
my growing hunger


please feel free to form a tanka with any of these starting verses. perhaps renga will follow

— The End —