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Jordan Chacon Apr 2014
The Ravens

On a rainy night so boring
I heard Munin soundly snoring,
I grew tired of my poring
Perched above Valhalla’s door.
“Munin!”, screeched I to the ceiling,
Sending the poor fellow reeling,
“Let’s deal out a joke to Odin,
One that he’ll be falling for -
Just one joke, and nothing more.”

After barrow ghosts-invoking
Odin entered, wet and soaking,
And I started with my croaking
From the dark above the door:
“I’m the first and oldest Volva!
All my secrets I could tell ya,
For the right price I might sell, yeah”,
And I cawed, “Would you know more?”
(He is crazy about lore.)

“What!”, cried Odin, “Quick, be talking!
At the price I won’t be balking.
Searching wisdom, I’ve been walking
Wandering from door to door.
Let my need for knowledge reach you,
All my own skills I would teach you;
Tell me all now, I beseech you!”
Quoth I grinning, “Nevermore!”
(Just a jest, and nothing more.)

Odin with frustration sputtering,
Munin laughing, wildly fluttering,
I was dead-pan and kept uttering
Nonsense about hidden lore.
For his need he found no quelling,
All Valhall woke from his yelling –
Oh, the fun to keep on telling
Him that one word, “Nevermore!”
(We thought it was a joke, no more.)

In the morning ceased his raving,
But that did not end his craving,
And we saw our master waving
To our roost above the door.
“Friends”, he said, “Now I will ride out;
Over Midgard you shall glide out:
Seek the Volva in her hideout!”
- Then it felt a joke no more.
(And Munin, to this day, is sore.)

Every day we must keep flying,
Always for that “Volva” spying,
Acting as though we were trying;
Well, the joke’s on us, for sho…
To escape a rightful chiding,
To this day the truth we’re hiding;
By this tale we are abiding,
And we’ll tell you nothing more!
PNasarudheen Sep 2013
O, dear friends! May I tell  
a , tale of   Graceful Norse God ?.
Odin or Woden of the Norse Myth
Father of gods and men on Earth
Faced much risk, to help His world
Mimir the God of Knowledge claimed
One of His eyes to  share  knowledge.
Suffering much studied  Woden-
Runes on wood, metal  and stone.
Ravens on either side of His shoulder
Fetch the  news from far and wide
Thought and memory were two birds
Hugin and Munin they were called.
He got  skaldic mead from the Giants
Touch of which makes  anyone a poet.
Gracious Odin gave away His skills
To  all gods and men of His reign.
Can you be such a heroic leader
To save our sighing Motherland?
Note:Norse Myth=Mythology of the Scandinavian area. The day of the Woden is Wednesday.
Jordan Chacon Apr 2014

I scream my desire
But my mouth makes no sound
Only my fingers move
Over a page, as empty as my heart.

I remember fullness
With sweetest of inebriations,
Then falling into the feathers
Not of Hugin and Munin,
But oblivion's heron
And cold turkey

Till even desire takes wing
And leaves me alone
With a phantom memory of love.

I know where you hid your eye, Odin
Where did you hide my heart?
kippah ummah
i take off my dribble
and Ronaldo
the day Denmark
is no part of the continent
the Great Danes
funky edition
if nEngland
not be part of Scandinavia
iceland rude\
brood Ireland tow...
i need meat i need
i need carcass\
i neeed food
i need flesh and blood
i'm bringing Jesus
Christ with me
along with Hugin and Munin...Edinburgh
or Baghdad... bigP: bagpipes: fresh: Juice Justices
squeeze a proper orange...
England is Scandinavia
post imperial
this is my replying to Enoch Powell
what was England
before the Empire?! Angevin England!
some rugby some Scotch sing song
ol' flower of scotland
the Pict to Alba
my acupuncture
             Mickey Moose not a Mouse:
i don't know why i love her
i just love her and she loves me
and this daughter sinister Eminem... door closed:
bread wine crunch
i don't know she my headache
mein *****~!
a girl's name!
*****!                   *****! get get get!
get *****!
aim: with rifle! aim at *****!
***** got, sir! what next?!
ego... ego... son! now take the ego!
you've taken the ***** now
take the second ****: the ego:
you are not female: Enoch bred you covert:
****** loves like your ramming
her with a strap-on *****,...

         Sartre was myopic... utopian...
but there's a merry England:
it's Scandinavian....
if Denmark can be Scandinavian
yet the frige attached to Germany:
like Austrians thoiught themselves:
but there was the Baltic
the Prussians
who weren't Germans...
you forgot the Prussians...
like the next storm comes from

          England post imperialism must
geographically: it is the de-globalized entity
of islands...
it is Scandinavia... part of...
England is Scandinavia:
stop thinking about it it itself
as pronouns and western Europe:
there is no western Europe:
Europe is a funnel...
          England can find safety in a Norwegian
status... you are:
what is western Europe
if not a skew... south with a French-Germano
conflation and proper lingua...
         you are not the holders of the last cusp....
you do not require yourself of
the ordeal...

a tongue like a centipede or a spider...
eyes like daggers
smiles as actors...
                   who are you? the slavic people
are gearing up to taste all that wrath of God
in the Mongol personified...

— The End —