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Mark Crane Mar 2016
Camouflaged under an age old willow he wept
His sun scorched tears stained the squirming ground
Countless concealed eyes watching without a sound
Nestled amongst wilted sadness he slept
A bright new dawn delivering it's daily dismal gloom
Decision made! Time to **** the pain within
Carefully fastening twine to the willows ageing limb
Cursing the god's in final muttered words he leapt to meet his doom
Awoken dazed to mother natures golden smile
Cleansing his spirit with her cool fresh breath
Miraculously eradicating his intentions of death
Sweet songs from the surrounding life lifting him from the bile
Bleeding heart caressed by mothers healing hand
Smooth, soothing whispers swirling amid autumns falling leaves
Hope once abandoned and lost; Now again he believes!
Be at peace my darling child by gaining the knowledge to understand
Riot Jun 2014
i never cried like this before
my heart slamming against against my sanities door
no more
i cried so hard
my eyes were sore
when i thought you left
and slammed the door

my tears were on the floor
while i was trying to get god to help
send a messege through his doors
the only thing i said was
"God please help her"

when i thought you were gone
i wrote a song
saying exacly what was going on

though i didn't know the full story
i still thought i could help

but then you came back

this is my first time
witnessing a miracal

— The End —