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Trevor Gates Apr 2013

Welcome to tonight's program

We have a fabulous show for you.

I'm sure you'll all find it enjoyable

You might even find it


















It could be all of these and maybe none at all
But what is it when you examine each emotion listed above?

Take each word and run it through your head

Imagine everything in your life that is associated with each particular word

The events in your life that were frightening
That were beautiful
That were delicious
That were seductive

And what emotions were felt behind the events of each memory?

Ah yes what were the stories you personally saw unfold?

The times well spent

The days you regret

The nights you couldn't forget

The people you forsaken

The lives you ruined

The love that was lost

The identity that was regained

Has your life turned out to be what you thought it would be?

Are you proud? Content? Disappointed?

Think of that one thing you could do again.

Have it clear in your mind

Now forget it

There is no point trying to imagine what could have been when you can change what will be.

   There is a life ahead of you.
Whether your 18 or 48

There is still life ahead of you.

Quit trying to mend the past.  The past is all in memory, pictures and writing.
The past isn't there waiting for you.  The only thing that opens its hands to you is the future.

A future where you fall in love
A future where you travel to where you've always wanted to go
A future where the human imagination lets you float above worlds and compose impossible music.

Be the artist that paints a beautiful picture
Be the composer that conducts a glorious symphony
Be the writer that creates a literary masterpiece
Be the one human that understands life be accepting the fruits of imaginative longevity.
Flourish in the bath of simple joys
Walk through the park and appreciate the wonderment
The wonderment of how a bird is so content with just being a bird
Why can't we be content with just being ourselves?
Is there some other choice?
Is there some other version of us somewhere? The true self?
The true self is there.

Right there

In front of you

In the mirror

In the pool of water

In the significant other

In the sky

In the oil pastels

In the five stanza poem

In you.

With you

Around you


Before and after

Once you're here and once you're gone.

The breath of life.  

Thank you all.
Please everyone take a bow.  Rejoice!
We'd like to thank:  Christian Bale, Tommy Tutone, The Cure, Lipton Tea, Museum curators, Mark Millar, Arthur C. Clarke, Keith David, Slowdive, Gregg Araki, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Elizabeth Taylor, Scott Pilgrim, Leather trench coats, Irish tweed hats, Technicolor dream coats, Mufasa, Rebekah Del Rio, Bruce Lee, Terrance Malik, Penelope Cruz, Selma Blair, Chopin, Orbit gum, Vlad the Impaler, five layer burritos and finally Howard shore for making this all possible.

Goodnight and God bless!
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
The greatest gift in life is life itself;

And all the material things that we call wealth;

Cannot compare to our joy;

Of a new born baby boy.

We’ve watched him grow this past year;

Seen him laugh, play and show a tear;

His innocence and baby smile;

Are what make our days worthwhile;

He won’t be a child for long;

He’ll grow taller and with God’s help strong;

We’ll enjoy this moment, while we can;

Before he grows to be a man.

Those first step, first words;

The education from his Tutor;

We’ll do what we must to get it right;

Because children are the future.

                                           Robert C Millar
Copyright © 2009 R C Millar
NADHA May 2014
Podría morir en un truco de magia, como por ejemplo: en unos besos, mirarte fijamente a los ojos, que puedas tocar mi alma por medio de la luz que captan tus pupilas y se desfragmenta en colores dentro de tu mente o en el millar de caricias que te doy debajo de las sabanas azules que te regalaron tus padres en navidad. Porque hay magia en todo el mundo, pero soy más consiente de ella cundo tú estás a mi lado.
Esmena Valdés Mar 2019
Soy un alma deambulando
de un lado a otro
me gustan los brotes de abril.

               Ya casi es abril.

Pensé en él.
Dijo: 'cuando el agua cae en la tierra deja sus huellas en ella,
calma la cólera del fuego.
Tú eres agua,
yo ardo.'
Así sucedió el mediodía y sus palabras se regaron dentro de mí como fértil magma de mis jardines.

Somos procreadores del mundo
queremos escapar del bullicio de las calles, abrir la ventana y saludar al sol.
Queremos penetrar el océano un millar de veces y dirigirnos a la montaña fría
por sentirnos tibia la piel.

También dijo:
'Que encuentres los mejores caminos
hacia los mejores lugares.'
Palabras bien cimentadas,
me llevaron hacia él mismo.

Sigo aquí.

Entré a través de sus ojos oscuros. Estoy satisfecha porque respira, porque me mira, porque es.

Quiero que se quede
hasta que el principio y el fin
se hayan disuelto.

Han sido los impulsos
los que me han mostrado el mundo
parte de mi plenitud,
me han llevado allá donde el sol y la tierra son eléctricos
y me separan de lo peor,
de los monstruos que se ocultan bajo mis tristezas.

Al final de la jornada sólo deseo acurrucarme entre sus brazos de cuna
hacernos inmortales
en un suave beso fugaz
y fusionarnos en el mismo sueño.

Él es mi morada,
él es mi movimiento,
él llena mis días.

Entre las ciudades y los caminos
mientras las estrellas nos miran
existe un lugar rodeado de campo
de nubes multicolores
y de cálido misterio.

Quiero perpetuar ahí
con los míos y los tuyos,
hacerlo todo parte de nosotros,
el filo del horizonte, los tejados y el cieno del bosque, la compañía, el sol, el silencio, las camas, el olor de la madera, la sonoridad de los árboles, la sensualidad, los poemas que leemos en voz alta, la humedad, el agua de la regadera, las comidas improvisadas, las risas de los desconocidos, mis gestos, tus manos, el arte que al que vamos atados.

Está bien envejecer,
está mejor envejecer contigo
en esta casa.
Es magnífico llamarte hogar.
Millar Hill May 2012
Good fortune & together we'll be.
Oh; the sun is shining, and the weather is free. So kick off them shoes. Feel the energy and just breathe. Oh; have no worries or no fear. Live the life you desire. Good fortune has yet to come. Oh; come along with me to a place where we can sit and sip some tea. Oh; my darling there’s something I must say. You’ve got me so high. I can no longer see that beautiful smile that fuels my day. I cannot wait to be home. Spend the evening with you. Slip away into the night sky. Wake up with you by my side. Together we'll be. – Millar Hill
How dark is the sun when you hide you’re smile ,
and the leaves have turned yellow ,
and fall in you’re path as you walk on by .
The  grave yard stones have all shifted not to get in you’re way ,
for even they have seen a happier day .

The seas are all angry their boats tossed like toys ,
Persidens. arms are lifted as a child in his bath tub ,
finds soap in his eyes .

My heart trembles within me and seeks only rest ,
as dark clouds gather and rain falls on you’re breast .

Even the stars i named when the clouds had all gone ,
have left the heavens ,
for even they know something is wrong .
  For even King Johns smile when counting his gold ,
has nothing to you’re frown when all is told !

But when you smile ,
like crimson the stars ,
the sun beams out on sunflower meadows and brings light to you’re
charms .
The trees find their colours all green not turning red ,
and the grave yards lay empty as no one lies dead .
The seas are as quiet as a mill pond in spring ,
for no one has ever seen such a daintier thing .
And my heart now rejoices for you’re tears have all gone .
How lovely the millar who burst out in song .

And yes I still love you what ever you’re refrain ,
and if that grave yard should ever find a happier soul ,
I would gladly join you ,
so you will never feel old again .
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
Darren Millar ignored
prohibition and went
drinking in Scnedd.

— The End —