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Criss crossing the magnetics where
the politics are poles apart,
the blues and reds share each others beds and
shed their skins like snakes.It
takes some special breed of man to plan
the downfall of another,
can you believe you voted this lot in?
What a shower of **** they've been and
the other lot,
I'd get shot of them,
Ed Miliband and his merry men.

What we need is a party to lead
from the front not the back but what we
get is an attack on the welfare system by
the men of the ministry, and
that lot will finish me.
I wish they'd
bury me deep and keep me away from the
******* of politics they spew out today. but
the ministry men will have me down the crem',
cheap *******.
The Eton mess
the ugliness
they don't impress
me and
I'll never take the hand of
David Miliband.
National front or Ukip
another lot who make me sick,the
take your pick of
politics, the new lunatic
If I focus the lotus turns into a locust.

I sit underneath the Miliband tree and
wait for Ed ***** to fall upon me,
and Cameron, what a  love,
handed me the dubious gift of YouGov,
which to be sure has a tenuous link with that man of old ink in that its current CEO is called Shakespeare,
first name Stephan.

Nadhim Zahawi the former CEO is now a conservative MP for Stratford upon Avon.

The Bard spins or maybe he grins in his grave.

"YouGov is the authoritative measure of public opinion and consumer behaviour. It is YouGov's ambition to supply a live stream of continuous, accurate data and ...Blah Blah Blah, Yawn.
Yenson Mar 2019
This is partly because of a communications network called NEON (New Economy Organisers Network).
Neither affiliated to Labour nor Momentum,
this organisation has been working hard behind the scenes to train left-wing  experts, community organisers and activists
in direct action peoples power
Corbyn’s anti-Semitism crisis  and the proliferation of the extreme left factions proves one thing:
The old Stalinist gang is back in charge of Labour

Those people, whose lives were fundamentally shaped by a Labour government determined to keep them out of the UK because of the colour of their skin, might be surprised to hear the claims in recent weeks, from different quarters, that Labour always has been or was an anti-racist party.

This is a label people in Labour have long claimed. And to prove it, there are particular facts they point to. The introduction of the UK’s various Race Relations Acts all happened under Labour governments. The Stephen Lawrence inquiry was established in the early years of the Blair government – crucially, though, after years of campaigning by Lawrence’s family. And even though it was often met with a frosty reception, there is a rich tradition of anti-racist and anti-colonial organising within Labour;

A little over 10 years ago, New Labour politicians were describing children whose parents were seeking asylum as “swamping” UK schools, running a campaign that declared Labour as on “your side” and the Lib Dems as “on the side of failed asylum seekers”, treating people of colour as not belonging to the nation, defending colonialism and overseeing policies that made asylum seekers destitute. And then there was the post-New Labour “controls on immigration” mug under Ed Miliband.

If we allow people to misrepresent the past by erasing the racist politics that have caused pain, economic degradation and treated people as “other” because of their skin colour, religion, immigration status or “culture”, then we won’t see racism – including anti-immigration racism – as structurally embedded and systemic. These fraught histories are ones the left, within and outside the Labour party, can learn from. Declaring yourself something doesn’t mean you are that; it takes work.
jennifersol May 2015
The future is blinding me
I'm lost in a space of bliss
and falsity
It could be something by which we all are led
or does it inhabit only my head?

Or maybe it's real
something planted to test it's appeal
for Miliband to prove his great pledge:
That school leavers are struggling in this big wide world
something to give him the edge.

Or for Clegg,
millions of pounds for the looneys in Bedlam?
he'd have to beg! But use it on us, boost the statistics
he'll get more votes for the kids gone ballistic.

Or maybe it's our parents as Larkin said,
In the genes they passed down or
the time they sent us to bed
"we never had all these choices"
they say. They really wish our lives to be better,
but how should the modern mind handle such pressure?

And oh the irony
that God and his threat has faced such scrutiny
but even now
in thinking finitely,
we still have brutally
created hell, right here
an earthly community.
Yenson Nov 2019
The Milliband brothers inherited over two million
Mr Blair and his family are worth over twenty million
when the old Mr Denis Healey died his estate was five million

former Labour MP Lord Watts attacked  Mr Corbyn’s inner circle as “the London-centric hard left political class who sit around in their £1m mansions eating their croissants at breakfast and seeking to lay the foundations for a socialist revolution.”

According to research produced by the Tories the new £1,000 membership fee would apply to former leader Ed Miliband with a £2.5m house in Dartford Park, London and his ex-deputy Harriet Harman who owns a £2.3m house in Dulwich.

While shadow international development secretary Diane Abbott owns a £1m pad in Hackney and shadow defence secretary Emily Thornberry has a £3m home in Islington.

Wealthy Labour members of Mr Corbyn’s inner circle include his chief aide Seumas Milne who has a £1.5m house in Richmond, shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn with a £3m house in Chiswick and shadow justice secretary Lord Faulkner with a £17.5m mansion in Westminster.

An African man from a Country where one British pounds equals
N#450.00 is considered an Elitist despite not even having £200

Our great Revolutionary are busy hounding and tormenting Afro-man
Hellbent on ruining his life and driving him to suicide or mad

The Protection Money Racketeers are from the working Classes
they contact their Socialist friends for solidarity when payment
was refused
They all gang up against poor Afro man who has suddenly become
an Elitist, a Leech and a Parasite that deserves to be ruined,

The Leftist and Racketeers launc serious gangstalking Revolution
Character assassination, Public humiliation, harassment, Provocation, hounding, Isolation, Taunts and tormenting is the game

Join in everybody, the Revolution is here, go pick on the Afro man
Go make his life a living Hell, hound him to death

He is an Elitist, a parasite, a Greedy *******, fleecing the poor
His CRIME? Well he is a Native Customary Prince from Africa
Yes, he's unpaid, No state Income, No Castle or Duchy of Cornwall
That doesn't matter, he black but Blue-blood, that will do

This is how Politics work in these days of ours, People
We are the MUGS,
It is the era of DISRUPTION and blindsiding the people
Help them buy more CHAMPAGNE for the TOP TABLE and leave
more millions for their children.  

Neon...NEON.... where are you,'re after the Afro Prince
yeah...good job....REVOLUTION!!!
former Prime Minister Tony Blair with his £8.6m mansion in Westminster, former business secretary Lord Mandelson with an £8m home in Regent’s Park, and the newly-elected MP and former Director of Public Prosecutions Kier Starmer with a £1.4m home in Kentish Town.
The theory of communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. — Karl Marx, 1818-1883, German philosopher

"Everyone may be called 'comrade,' but some comrades have the power of life and death over other comrades." — Thomas Sowell

​If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist.— Karl Marx, 1818-1883, German philosopher

“Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.” — Frank Zappa (1940-1993), American musician

The left claims that the guilty party in a conflict is not the one who wants to take another person’s goods, but the one who defends his own. — Nicolas Gomez Davila, 1913-1994, Colombian writer

The whole secret of the campaigns unleashed against Spain can be explained in two words: masonry and communism...we have to extirpate these two evils from our land. -- Francisco Franco

“I see in Communism the focus of the concentrated evil of our time.” -- Whittaker Chambers

“Communism destroys democracy. Democracy can also destroy Communism.” -- Andre Malraux

“For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people in the West, it is still a living lion.” -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“My grandparents and my mom came from Cuba back in the '60s because they were fleeing from communism and Castro. I wouldn't be here otherwise.” -- Lauren Jauregui

“I have taken an oath in my heart to oppose communism until the day I die.” -- Eldridge Cleaver

“Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky.” -- Boris Yeltsin

“Communism brought out the worst in human nature and crippled people's ability or ambition to participate in a market economy.” -- Thomas Woods

“I have lived under totalitarian Communism, so I prize freedom as much as anyone and have long fought for freedom of conscience and speech.” -- Os Guinness

“Communism didn't work because people weren't ready for it, it was corrupt, and because it squelched individualism.” -- Tom Shadyac

“We need the private sector to create jobs. If the government could create jobs communism would have worked, but it didn't.” -- Tim Scott

“In communism, we never had any freedom -- of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots.” -- Lee Hyeon-******>

“Technology helped end communism by bringing in information from the outside.” -- **** Walesa

“From a monarchy followed by suffering under communism, Ethiopians must be given the opportunity to flourish under the greatest of systems – democracy.” -- Jack Kingston

“Communism is in conflict with human nature.” -- Ernest Renan

“During my childhood in the Cold War, my family saw America as a great ally in our common struggle to keep back Soviet communism.” -- Gavin Esler

“It would have been difficult to design a path out of communism worse than the one that has been followed.” -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The real evil of the Russian communist state is not communism. It is the secret police and the concentration camp.” -- John Boyd Orr

“Communism feeds on aggression, hatred, and the imprisonment of men's minds and souls. This shall not take root in the United States.” -- Emanuel Celler

“Communism was meant to be an alternative religion.” -- David Miliband

— The End —