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David Messmer Nov 2013
Every time I'm around you, my teeth clench
I get teary eyed when you have to hang up
When I think about you I become painfully aware
of this you sized hole in my chest
When we hug i don't want you to ever let go
Because for some reason its the only time my nuts don't hurt...
David Messmer May 2013
I'll never forget the way you slapped me.
Gentle. Meaningful. Seductive.
We had just started going out.
I was First Seargent, yet you were in control.
I'll never forget the look you gave me
But, honestly, I wish I could.
That's the moment I knew I'd fallen in love.
Why is it that you never know what you have... until she's gone?
Whats the point of perfection when all you can do is watch it slip away?
I wish i could take it back.
I made one incredibly stupid mistake and now you're gone...
The only thing I have left of you is...
How I still feel the sting from when
You slapped me.
Gentle. Meaningful. Seductive.
David Messmer May 2013
Full of Hope and yet it found me,
Hopelessness somehow seeped through my walls.
It penetrated the mortar that held my house together.
And I feel all alone while the people outside beckon to me.
Incredibly brilliant and yet unbelievably stupid,
The retardation of one seemingly trivial act disgraced my heart.
It’s like an acid, liquefying the bricks and dripping onto my shoulders.
It stings like a whip and exposes my flesh as I wait for time to heal.
Popular and yet abandoned,
People say that I have it easy with the life I have, but I hardly call it living.
Loneliness is a disease I caught from the cut called "closure" she gave me.
Finally my house is gone,
And I see my amazing life with all of my potential and all of my friends
And yet…
The sting of love clings to me.
David Messmer Jun 2013
The Girl my life revolves around.
I cant get her out of my head.
My heart's on fire at the thought of her, yet
She carries my heart in her pocket.
I love her more than me, but
She keeps me out of sight, out of mind.
Even so,
She carries my heart in her pocket,
And I'd like to leave it there.
(Sometimes, I wonder if she remembers I'm here...)
David Messmer Jun 2013
I'm trying to see things your way but correct me if I'm wrong.  pretending I'm you  I've always been lonely growing up.  I've been hurt and abused and scarred for life.  I wish so much to forget it all, and then, one day, I do.  I forgot because I finally found the person I didn't know I was looking for.  Because someone finally called me the B-word and he meant it.  The love I felt burned so bright and hot I... I couldn't explain it, but somehow he was perfect.  He knows how to hold my heart gently and make my soul want to sing... But the dreaded six days are over and he says "I don't know.  I'm not sure if I'm up for a long distance relationship" and I know its a mistake but I let him make it anyway.  People are calling his name to get on the bus, but I haven't said goodbye yet.  I grab his attention and lean in for one last kiss before he leaves.  I'm hurting inside but I want him to see my smile.  Too late.  The tears start to flow and they just don't stop.  I bury my face in his safe embrace... and I watch him walk away for the last time.  I get back from summer camp and my tears have dried but the pain never went away.  I tried to text him but he always cut the conversations short.  It was like he avoided me... like he didn't love me. I hated him but I couldn't stop loving him, but the pain I felt was far too great.  My friends tried to help me but it was like sending care packages to Hell; All I could see was His fire and coal he left all around me.  One friend in particular tried his hardest to save me and suddenly he wasn't just a friend.  He was my relief and I needed him as much as he wanted me.  Suddenly I found my hero... to save me from the pain... to save me from the one that hurt me.  I made him my storybook Prince Charming and everything he touched turned to gold.  He covered the coal and I no longer felt the burn of the fire.  I was grateful, but eventually I missed the boy with fire.  I went through old photographs and found one of Us sitting on the ground in front of the barracks and I felt warm once again.  Although my hero was the Golden Boy, I longed for the warmth of the fire and then I saw something amazing.  The gold in the fireplace started to melt and I remembered that's where my hero buried the burning coals of the Bad Man... but... but it felt good and my heart began to thaw.  It brought back the pain but the fire started to burn and I started to feel... to feel the way  I felt those months past at Summer Camp and the question comes up.  "Why didn't he stay?," because I need a different answer, a real answer.  He replies to my text, but he can't give an answer.  He began whispering sweetly in my ear of how he wishes he could take it back, how he wants a redo, how he misses me.  Now my heart is melted and it spills onto the hard golden floor as my Golden Boy tries to catch me but he only caught 3/4 of my heart as the rest spilled into the fire.  My Golden Boy wants to fix my broken heart again but he doesn't understand that war was declared and that the fire won't retreat.  I think to myself that maybe i can force my heart back into place but I'm confused.  The harder I try to force it, the farther my heart retreats into the fire.  By now the room is blazing hot and my heart is beating faster and faster.  Now I see the battle unfold:  The Golden Boy Vs. The Flame on the opposite side of the room, but there is no victor because the Flame can't leave its coal and the Golden Boy is too ready to accept the stalemate.  The Flame starts to go out and whispers softly "Please, will you feed my fire once more?" and I start leaking slowly from the hands of my Golden Boy.  Suddenly, I remember where to find my coal but hesitate wondering if I can handle the burn and if I can make it last 12 more months of cold weather in the presence of my motionless Golden Boy.  I ask myself the question and wonder "which king do I want? I, the queen have to choose which one I'll side with, but I'll ponder this more."  The fire went out but the Coal starts to get hotter and my melted heart screams at me to pick it up and put it in my pocket and so I do.
David Messmer Nov 2013
Tears streak and smudge
The stuff you hide behind
You think it makes you prettier
Life was that kid on the playground
That kept poking you with a sharp stick
When you were face to the ground crying
You couldn't see the one who was trying to help
And you couldn't bear the pain of even the gentlest
Comfort was so foreign a feeling that you rejected it at first
But you soon realized how good it felt to be treated right for once
You Became Addicted to the touch and though I tried my best to fix you
I tried my hardest to love you with everything I could possibly think to give you
You couldn't accept the fact that I might leave someday and wanted me to stay forever
I tried to give you warning but you didn't take it and hoped i would take it back but i couldn't
I can't explain to you how I felt because it was indescribable and almost unbelievable how fast it left me.
The timing is terrible but the place is right. You're safe now and you can trust those people with your feelings
Better than you could trust me apparently. You held your deepest pain inside and wouldn't let it go but I tried to help
I saw it and asked you to show me but it felt as if you laughed it off hoping i would leave it, so I did leave. I left the problem.
You two were inseperable and i wish you the best, that this wound will allow the pain to leak out as your friends return it as a blessing.
That was not my original intent nor was it a forethought; I wish i could've left without a scratch but you need to learn to let got of your pain.
I would have thought you would have learned by now that Blood washes away.  Tears are a blessing.  Blood leaves scars that you are ashamed of
But its a good thing to hit rock bottom, not so that you can drown but so you have a better perspective that standards are a sham and you are very lucky
To have what you do; many would do anything to have the possessions you treasure, the friends you have, parents that don't have money troubles; you are lucky
You're better than you know but worse than you wish to admit. We had great times; I had terrible times. I took it all and didn't judge you for it but my heart finally had enough
I guess it's a good thing you are stuck in a place where kids actually care because they know what you've been through. I'll never give up on you even though I don't feel romantically for you
Don't make this goodbye. Let the Water take you. He's much stronger than I. I can't help you if you refuse to help yourself but He can help you no matter what. Please don't resent these words. I mean them
I'm human. There's only so much we can do...
David Messmer Jun 2013
Despair trails behind
When I find hope, you can't see it
It's like a river behind a mountain.
When I lose hope, it's all you can see
And the river floods the valley
But, hope is what keeps me going
She's a lifeboat and...
I still feel the rain...
But I'll make it through the storm.
Thanks Peaches : )
David Messmer Nov 2013
Sadness is a reliable friend.  Like the dealer that gets you addicted so you won't leave.  Sweet, reliable, addicting... This is not what we look for in life, but love.  So easily manipulated, faked, unstable, but brings you the real high, happiness.   Some people chase after it. Many are disappointed. Some give up, but we have to remind ourselves that love requires commitment. Don't give up on the ones you love.
David Messmer Oct 2013
What I see and what you say are not the same, all the same,
I love you...
I was never mad at you for broken promises because I did and I do,
I love you...
I want to protect to to the end but I misunderstood what you said.
Your sweet honey words tinged with pain; I tried
I still love you...
I'm sorry I didn't get your message in time. A couple words were missing.
I did my best to mad lib the rest but I made some mistakes;
I'm sorry...
I messed up and your Hole family knows. I tried to dig you out,
But I realize now; they're your Whole and they're there to stay.
I'm sorry...
I misunderstood and I cant take that away, but I need you to know
...I love you and I'm sorry.

Morgan Ashleigh Smith, will you give me a second chance?
David Messmer May 2013
You asked me to do the impossible.
You asked me to let you go.
I couldn’t do it because…
Because I thought you were…
Perfect and beautiful,
Not only on the outside,
But all the way through.
I did what you asked…
I tried to let you go,
But every relationship comes back to you.
I can’t keep walking,
Acting like nothing’s wrong,
With a hole where my heart was.
All I ask is for one more chance,
Because I can’t do the…
David Messmer May 2013
I made it.
I got what I wanted.
But I'm not happy.
I'm just in less pain than before.
Would She have waited for me? I can't know.
Or do I really like the other girl? I don't know.
Is it really love if you love because
You can't go under again? I don't want to know.
Would I survive another time? I can't think.
Will it ever be the same after last summer? Not without Her.
Can the other girl make my rebound? Will I make her.
Is she? The Wrong Choice?
You can read it as a question and answer or as two seperate conversations.
David Messmer May 2013
Lost love's sweet poison.
It lingers in  my thoughts.
It trickles through my veins;
I desperately needed saving,
The antidote was the One
That delivered me the sweet poison...
It paralyzed me.
I lay there on my bed,
Tears streaming down like a river.
I tried.
wrote this 4/27/13
David Messmer May 2013
My body rises with the sun,
But my soul seems content
To rest six feet under the dirt.
David Messmer May 2013
It feels like my life is falling apart
And nobody knows it but me.
Like life’s tied a noose,
And hung me from a tree.
Sorry for letting you down.
I know it really is my fault
And I have my reasons,
Though I’m sure you’d rather not hear
About how I’m near [broken.]
It must seem like I slacked off this last week but I tried to try,
For the past week, it’s taken my best effort just not to cry.
I have a lot going on and I won’t pretend that I’m the only one,
But these feelings I’ve kept hidden sometimes seep through and stun [me.]
I’m sorry I wasn’t there but I wanted you to know,
I tried to try.

— The End —