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karen hoose Feb 2011
High upon the tower
of your ego-mania bliss
i am setting bombs and launching rockets
at you: CHRIS.

Christopher McDaniel of Oildale:
******* in the face!
I cannot believe you disgraced
the sacred of my world for your fake needy weakness
like this, and now I do hate!

Now I do hate!
Apprehend yourself for the impact,
I promise you will not enjoy the ride.
For all the lies and falsity,
Whatever did you say to make this arise?

I care not, luxerious one.
Like fly paper so full at Jack's.
I shall go beachward - alone -
since you mean nothing to me,
as I do you.

As I do to you:

mean nothing.
You are really something else.
False pretender of things lovely, demon of boring apathetic hell.

You smell, too so brush the teeth, fool.
stopthatnoise Mar 2014
at about one am
i woke
and erased the poetry I had written
in the margins of my biology textbook

some original
some bukowski and yeats and mcdaniel
bukowski and yeats and
bukowski and yeats
bukowski and

it vanished from view in the same manner
i think
as i vanished from your thoughts

i thought that We was an absolute
that We would never not exist

i wrote it in pencil
in the first place
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
so much for view counts...
when... you find... more pleasure...
sieving 2 tonnes of soil...
than... writing your abysmal best...
for some...
with... wait... who's in charge?
of the
well... old news...
willard bunn III...
    henry bienen... "resigned"...
oh now i'll be watching...
gone with the wind...
like some ******* secret a-class
*****... like some: ******...
like... requiem for a dream...
             like caligula in the face:
malcolm mcdowell...
i never liked: gone with the wind...
more a ben-hur fan...
barbara! oh... barbra: streisand! oosh!
and effect...
i'll be watching gone with
the wind till the wind don't take me
but lazy thames: might...
**** it... gone with the wind
marathon... one movie x 4...
will probably equal...
the whole harry potter and twilight saga...
well i don't think it's funny...
given... Hattie McDaniel...
nigh-eerie-***** was an uncle tom
after all... h'along...
didn't work 'ard anough!
cots the cradle and cotton the *******
spinning "oops"...
                    about time to stop caring...
i cared once...
bash up: prop'ah punk limbo...
   and the youth can read
the same trash elsewhere
on brick walls and their grafitti hierogylphics..
not mine...
oh sure... well... the movie film critics
were always...
not-circumcised ******...
hard to match up to a pleasing
palette of the aesthetically pleasing: prunes:
last sauced... for the edible...
   coz danzig and world war two
vil alwayz be like: whatz-everz...
             cotton picked: no coal mine: mined...
the slam dunk!
leave that to the slavs:
the albino nigh: oh gee...
no carry bone-ant-and-bean-pop do...
  paid for nothing:

— The End —