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Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
Did U know
that when U were sleeping
I was up all night
Things that mayby someday
someone would read
Did U know
that when U were were out there
to pay the bills and so fullfill
the coffers ever more
I was at home writing
Did U know
that I was pouring out my soul
with each and every  line
]as though it was a vine
reaching down inside my mind
to leave a little sign
of my soul redeaming?
With each and every step
I go forwards with regrets
of a life I tried to
fill with meaning
Did U know
that I keep it hidden
in my soul
this life I've tried to
live without sceaming?
It's so hard
to be honest and true
in these times
that have no clues
as to where or when
we should place our hearts
and still have an ending
Did U know?
eclipso child Nov 2016
..the perfect poem.. like a perfect diet..

                 ..or the perfect addiction..

       ..soulmate to yourself..

  nurse your oblivion..
                  take care of your universe..

             ..the poem..the word's..sentences..
                              ­   ..your life..

                  ..there's your perfect..
          ..if it even exist..

so mayby little china-white ain't so bad
                after all..

..or wine with crystal ****..

        ..the poem is you..
Aryana Dec 2013
To give love
Is not always free
Somtimes there's a price
It's called pain you see

You feel as if your life is over
As if you heart is broken
You wish you wouldn't have thought
The words that were unspoken

The love you lost
Is never what it was worth at first
It's like as if a witch
Gave you some kind of curse

Like you couldn't find true love
Or find a happy life
Mayby you would do alone
With no husband or wife

But true love is simple
You will know when you have it
You can feel the true meaning
It's like a key to your heart, a perfect fit

True love is a rainbow
Of many colors light to dark
You can't see it but you can feel it
It leaves a true mark

To find this love
Is harder then you think
It's like a really
Long chained link

L is for loyolty
O is for outgoing
V is for vital
E is for enchanting

Love is what keeps the human race alive.
eclipso child Mar 2017
..go closer to your edge..what 2 u find..
     ..misery..salvation..jeesus or lucifer..
the same thing..'s in get some speed..

      help..same dad..same mission..

     ..salvation..and chorus..lalalaa...b.s..
Delton Peele Nov 2020
5 AM every things all white
Every steps crisp
Wipe away the sleepy bugs
Eyes watery ......
Feels good .....
In transitioning night ending black and white
Sliding into grey
Makin good time traveling
557,000 mph
Hurling through space
Truckin along the same direction this giant stones spinning as it rolls like a giant beautiful wobly
Bluegreen mable around the great inferno .
The mysterious fire .......
One.   Of.    The
In this case
Water air and light
Giver of and sometimes taker of life
Emotions mangled
Bereft of purpose and pride .......
Jezebel ........
Triangles .....  
From Dean Martin
Ta mr bo jangles.
Looked me in the eyes slid the knife in me slowly .....
Pulled it out.
Leaking out hope
Filled me with doubt .
Boohoo i married an Infidel......
Now im on walk about finding
I trek alone
the frozen landscape  
emerging from the gloaming
Into the glow
Directly towards the center of gravity
@ 9941°

Darkness blankets frosted ground
Staring upward into
day break color begins
To Bloom
shades and hues
Attach themselves to what they belong to
The sun chases away the moon
Coffees too strong
Burping up bacon
Off the trail
Staring at a mushroom
Ruminating in this simplistic still quiet emptiness ..... The faint .......
Almost inpercievable
Feeling of happiness ....
The hot blood courses into the tiny capilaries of my face
Every beat pounding ..  .pushing it through .........
I think im smiling ........
Or mayby grimacing.....
I picked up a large stone covered in sand now i tryin to swallow it but it wont go down ........
Metaphorically .speaking
And there it is ....
The first of many
The lonely maverick tear
Brave salty and crystal clear
Leaves my eye
Feeling as if he was born for this .........embarks
Parting is such sweet sorrow
Softly caresses my flushed cheek...........
And with great theatrical exiting
Quickly runs towards my chin
To dive off into the great unknown
Gets caught
In the corner of my mouth only
To get swallowed ....
Not to worry ...little buddy
Theres always
in the distance
Laughter and saturday morn cartoons.
Before me
Past and future confluence
Narrow my field of opportunity and i can see clearly .......
Another cold day looms..............
Im excited for
What ever it may bring!!!!!!


— The End —