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She tuned her conscience to a high frequency
Tall, handsome...with enough hard currency
I balanced through the tight rope with Tigers below
You wanted sleep, I brought matrass and pillow

I gave you sugar, I gave u glucose
Yet you are still looking for something sweet
I gave you fire, I gave you flame
And you are looking for heat
When people say women don't know
What they want,people think it's a myth

All my love entreaties went down the gutter
Impressing you was a basket full of water
Yet I'm a specimen of your requirements
But when I show up, you front
Women don't know what they want

Even if we make love in the river, under the rain
You will still want to be wet
If I give you brandy inside an elevator
You won't still be high

I will never rest
Until I sweep the Sahara
And mop the Atlantic
Even push Everest

You can never be impressed or happy
Because even in the midst of a feast
You will still be looking for what to eat

I wonder why
Yet you want a perfect guy
When you have me...

Corina Feb 2015
Sometimes I wish I was still allowed to call you sister
because it's  the most powerfull word I know
But no matter what the world does to you
and no matter how much you'll change
to become somebody nobody would call a sister
I will be here
and I will be your sister

And if life sometimes makes you so tired
you consider sleeping forever instead
please let me stand next to you
please let me keep talking until the morning
If the world hates you
let me be your world instead
And let me fight at your side
changing the world one stubborn person at a time
I promise we'll get there
I promise they will all love you some day

let me be your God until you find Him back
let me be your life boat in the storm
let me be your water bottle in a dessert
let me be your Lily in the valley of death
let me be anything that keeps you alife

I'll be your willow if you need someone to cry for you
I'll be your car if you want to get somewhere fast
I'll be a poem when you need music
I'll be a mirror, if you want to know if you're still beautiful
(because you are, with or without *******)
let me be your pillow when you're sleepy
and your cup of coffee in the morning
let me be something... anything
because I'd be anyting for you
and I'd do everything

because when my world seems too dark to keep on going
and I need something to hold
you're always the rope to pull me trough
and you're the light that keeps my heart light enough to carry it
I consider it an honour when you sleep on my spare matrass
It's a privelege to be on the other side of the line
when you're on the phone for three hours
I love how neither of us ever hangs up until our mother forces you to go to sleep
I love how you love my stuffed animals more than I do
I love how you never complain about my ***** room
I love how you can spontanously kiss my... toe
I love how you bought and cooked my favorite food when I left you my wallet
I love how you dare to be vulnerable enough to fight to be yourself
I love how you love me so much, I dare to be myself
Happyness is having a hard time keeping up with your awesomeness
Please never doubt it will catch up with us soon

And if you don't want to be my sister anymore
that's okay
you can be my brother or my sibling or anything you'd want to become
because I know nothing more powerful
than my love for you
Jude kyrie Jan 2016
sometimes I sit alone in our floral garden.
We have travelled so very far together.
The large pretty home and expensive
cars in the driveway attest to our success.
But my thoughts drift back to the start of us.
fFnishing college together
making love in our bare
of furnishings single room.
We dined at our picnic table
Slept on an inflatable matrass.
Ate frozen pizza and drank cheap wine.
made love as the moon bloomed its light
through our undraped window.
talked the night away after *******.
I remember thinking how much I loved you
How I would never be able to get enough of you.
I would give everything we have today
to go back there with you my love.
for without knowing it
we had everything back then.
Where do we go to?
carpe Diem
Corina Apr 2015
If you need someone
to help you fix your closet
I'll be here

I'll put a matrass inside it
bring you food if you let me
I'd do anything
to help you hide who you are

— The End —