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I have the 'flu and it's Wednesday morning and my bones are groaning,but am I moaning?
it's what men do when they get the 'flu and the world as they knew it comes to an end.
Please send for the medic,make it quick 'cause I am sick and while you're about it can you make me some soup.
Ali Mayo Aug 2014
Mucous trickling down my nose
Ice crystals forming twixt my toes
Mind juggling with full-blown prose
What a way to go?

Bronchial valves erupt from deep
Eyes blurring from lack of sleep
Insidious thoughts continue to creep
What a way to go?

Sinus passages gurgling to drain
Phlegmatic vocal chords taking the strain
Cranial neurons humming a refrain
What a way to go?
Rhiannon Jan 2017
The lurgy man came,

And he infected your brain.

Now there's only a pinch,

Of personality left.
Think I got the 'flu
not sure from who
it feels like the 'flu

what I did is
what I do
***** and vapour rub
it'll work for you too.

The barman gave me a funny look
when I asked for that
cash on the nail without fail
works miracles.

— The End —