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i was in a shell
a dark, vast shell
filled with a tiny little me
the taunting voices
and of course,

the voices spoke
and like i said
they taunted me much
i hated it
and i often wonder
in this dark shell
how do i know what to hate
when i know so little
of what there is to like.

then one day
the dark shell cracked
and light flooded in
a shell that was seemingly solid
was beginning to crack
by the people outside
but then again how did i know
they were people?
how did i even figure there was a world outside
when all this while the shell was the only
place i'd been?

but the best thing about the crack
the best thing that came with the crack
was the flooding light
its warmth
its luminiscence
its existance in the shell
the light embraces me,
causes me to feel safe

i hunger more for the light
i try to break out
for it meant freedom
now how i knew that
once again i dont know
it's just blind faith
but the voices
sometimes they pull me back
but i'm fighting
i want that light
i want to get out
to know
to experience
to be alive
to be loved
for i already feel the sneek peak of it
and i want more.
theblndskr Apr 2017
There's a creature that lives
outside this house,
under the left side window,
whispering dispersed breaths
of echoing luminiscence. .

It never goes in,
No matter how wide
You open the window. .
But its' soul creeps in,
Swallowing the air inside . .
Like it wasn't here,
But it lives within your skin. .
B e t w e e n    the   g a p s
You can't even see.
It digs on the surface,
To taste your blood cold.

You look around,
But it wasn't there. .
You started sitting on the corner
Beside the bed
Holding your head,
Covering your ears.

And when the dark clouds
Start to overshadow the land,
You see its shadow

S l o wly,    sl o w  l y. .

         Peeking in.

You held your heart.
I cannot imagine what a shadow's expression appear to be. . Could it be how we look like when we're afraid, but with a smirk there. .lol

This poem is a mess in structure, like how my mind is when I made it.

— The End —