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Ned Carter Mar 2013
We post, tweet, google and skype
We re, fwd, edit and code
We have so much access, to so much tripe.
We log in, connect, update, download

Instant information,
endless exploration
constant zombification
Our wireless Nation

Pale electric shadows,
cast on the walls.
Unable to break from
the gripping siren's call

Camping the bodies
pwning the noobs
sniping their medic
just for the luls

Mining down deeply, into the nether
Waiting for spawns that follow the weather
Collecting the pets, weapons, mounts
Getting achievements that cross all accounts

So much to amaze, mesmerize, and entertain
All the things to look up, argue about, explain
A race with access to knowledge galore
and still we demand faster, better, MORE!
no form, just bored.
Cedric McClester Sep 2019
By; Cedric McClester

There goes another missle
In the North Korean sky
Which he  dismisses summarily
But he hasn’t told us why
All we hear from him
Is how much he loves the guy
The fact he is being played
Is something that he’ll deny

He talks about the nice letters
That his lover writes
‘Cuz he knows how to bait the hook
And also what excites
A dotard like his lover
Whom he envisions in tights
While he luls him to sleep
On those restless nights

South Korea and Japan
Understandably have concern
Because they know that the doltard
Is the type that will not learn
His hand is on a hot stove
But they'll probably get  burned
Once his lover reveals himself
And the table has finally turned

He hasn’t gone ballistic
As far as the doltard knows
But that’s not necessarily
What our intelligence shows
But he regularly ignores them
So we’ll have to take the blow
Perhaps he could think more clearly
Without ******* up his nose

                      Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Salah May 2018
It whispers in your ear.
It luls you to stop.
It tells you to relax.
It lies that things are going to be okey.
It tears through your fears.
It tells you it brings the light only to smother your own fire.

The fire to try.
The fire to get up.
The fire to follow your dreams.

Now be wary of it sweet luliby.
Or you may harm your muse again.
Life Everyday
Revelations Jul 2018
The heart wants, yearn and grows weary
But is simply a vessel beating till death

The mind sees,perceives and regrets
But it's just a lump of grey matter behind your forehead

The tongue cuts,stings, luls and inspires
But it's a mere tasting tool behind my insisers

Eyes feel,reel, impose great fear
Windows to the soul or something bland and not so real

Hands shape, create, deliver hate
Used to help deliberate

Individuals or just workers running loose for awhile.

Are we not more than that for which we were created
Builders of dreams, futures and sky scrapers

Feeling, seeing and believing
Inspiring, chastising, advertising all that we believe in.

Remembering all that we know
But still yearning for all that is not

Or is it all fake?
All masked and lying in wait
Ready to pounce, Denounce

Leaving you alone to your fate.

— The End —