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Kelly Sipko Aug 2010
I am loveblind, my life, to you.
Swerving into a one-track mind
stymied by broken hearts askew,
I am loveblind.

Our fortunes become intertwined.
We’re gravity, magnets. We’re two,
but our souls thrive as one aligned.

It’s impossible to subdue;
my fixation can’t be confined.
This addiction, I can’t construe,
I am loveblind.
Kolawole Zainab Aug 2019
My memory is full
Of your hugs and kisses
You can call me a fool
Idiot and even hisses

I am in the ocean of love
Ready to sink
Save your love
And have a rethink

When you cry
I always feel sad
Trust me,I don't lie
And I become bad

People call me names
But I don't mind
It only increased my fames
Because I am loveblind

In the darkness
You are my light
You created brightness
And saved me from my plight

If we marry
We will have wonderful kids
Do not worry
I will provide your needs

You are all I want in life
You are my truelover
I was threatened with a knife
By your ex-lover

I love you
And I am not afraid
All I desire is you
I can even be your maid

I wish you could be mine
Your love intoxicate me
Like fresh palmwine
Please marry me

Your kisses gave me reasons to live
All night and day
And please do not leave
You showed me my way

— The End —