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Aye, but she?
  Your other sister and my other soul
  Grave Silence, lovelier
  Than the three loveliest maidens, what of her?
  Clio, not you,
  Not you, Calliope,
  Nor all your wanton line,
  Not Beauty’s perfect self shall comfort me
  For Silence once departed,
  For her the cool-tongued, her the tranquil-hearted,
  Whom evermore I follow wistfully,
Wandering Heaven and Earth and Hell and the four seasons through;
Thalia, not you,
Not you, Melpomene,
Not your incomparable feet, O thin Terpsichore,
I seek in this great hall,
But one more pale, more pensive, most beloved of you all.
I seek her from afar,
I come from temples where her altars are,
From groves that bear her name,
Noisy with stricken victims now and sacrificial flame,
And cymbals struck on high and strident faces
Obstreperous in her praise
They neither love nor know,
A goddess of gone days,
Departed long ago,
Abandoning the invaded shrines and fanes
Of her old sanctuary,
A deity obscure and legendary,
Of whom there now remains,
For sages to decipher and priests to garble,
Only and for a little while her letters wedged in marble,
Which even now, behold, the friendly mumbling rain erases,
And the inarticulate snow,
Leaving at last of her least signs and traces
None whatsoever, nor whither she is vanished from these places.
“She will love well,” I said,
“If love be of that heart inhabiter,
The flowers of the dead;
The red anemone that with no sound
Moves in the wind, and from another wound
That sprang, the heavily-sweet blue hyacinth,
That blossoms underground,
And sallow poppies, will be dear to her.
And will not Silence know
In the black shade of what obsidian steep
Stiffens the white narcissus numb with sleep?
(Seed which Demeter’s daughter bore from home,
Uptorn by desperate fingers long ago,
Reluctant even as she,
Undone Persephone,
And even as she set out again to grow
In twilight, in perdition’s lean and inauspicious loam).
She will love well,” I said,
“The flowers of the dead;
Where dark Persephone the winter round,
Uncomforted for home, uncomforted,
Lacking a sunny southern ***** in northern Sicily,
With sullen pupils focussed on a dream,
Stares on the stagnant stream
That moats the unequivocable battlements of Hell,
There, there will she be found,
She that is Beauty veiled from men and Music in a swound.”

“I long for Silence as they long for breath
Whose helpless nostrils drink the bitter sea;
What thing can be
So stout, what so redoubtable, in Death
What fury, what considerable rage, if only she,
Upon whose icy breast,
Unquestioned, uncaressed,
One time I lay,
And whom always I lack,
Even to this day,
Being by no means from that frigid ***** weaned away,
If only she therewith be given me back?”
I sought her down that dolorous labyrinth,
Wherein no shaft of sunlight ever fell,
And in among the bloodless everywhere
I sought her, but the air,
Breathed many times and spent,
Was fretful with a whispering discontent,
And questioning me, importuning me to tell
Some slightest tidings of the light of day they know no more,
Plucking my sleeve, the eager shades were with me where I went.
I paused at every grievous door,
And harked a moment, holding up my hand,—and for a space
A hush was on them, while they watched my face;
And then they fell a-whispering as before;
So that I smiled at them and left them, seeing she was not there.
I sought her, too,
Among the upper gods, although I knew
She was not like to be where feasting is,
Nor near to Heaven’s lord,
Being a thing abhorred
And shunned of him, although a child of his,
(Not yours, not yours; to you she owes not breath,
Mother of Song, being sown of Zeus upon a dream of Death).
Fearing to pass unvisited some place
And later learn, too late, how all the while,
With her still face,
She had been standing there and seen me pass, without a smile,
I sought her even to the sagging board whereat
The stout immortals sat;
But such a laughter shook the mighty hall
No one could hear me say:
Had she been seen upon the Hill that day?
And no one knew at all
How long I stood, or when at last I sighed and went away.

There is a garden lying in a lull
Between the mountains and the mountainous sea,
I know not where, but which a dream diurnal
Paints on my lids a moment till the hull
Be lifted from the kernel
And Slumber fed to me.
Your foot-print is not there, Mnemosene,
Though it would seem a ruined place and after
Your lichenous heart, being full
Of broken columns, caryatides
Thrown to the earth and fallen forward on their jointless knees,
And urns funereal altered into dust
Minuter than the ashes of the dead,
And Psyche’s lamp out of the earth up-******,
Dripping itself in marble wax on what was once the bed
Of Love, and his young body asleep, but now is dust instead.

There twists the bitter-sweet, the white wisteria
Fastens its fingers in the strangling wall,
And the wide crannies quicken with bright weeds;
There dumbly like a worm all day the still white orchid feeds;
But never an echo of your daughters’ laughter
Is there, nor any sign of you at all
Swells fungous from the rotten bough, grey mother of Pieria!

Only her shadow once upon a stone
I saw,—and, lo, the shadow and the garden, too, were gone.

I tell you you have done her body an ill,
You chatterers, you noisy crew!
She is not anywhere!
I sought her in deep Hell;
And through the world as well;
I thought of Heaven and I sought her there;
Above nor under ground
Is Silence to be found,
That was the very warp and woof of you,
Lovely before your songs began and after they were through!
Oh, say if on this hill
Somewhere your sister’s body lies in death,
So I may follow there, and make a wreath
Of my locked hands, that on her quiet breast
Shall lie till age has withered them!

                        (Ah, sweetly from the rest
I see
Turn and consider me
Compassionate Euterpe!)
“There is a gate beyond the gate of Death,
Beyond the gate of everlasting Life,
Beyond the gates of Heaven and Hell,” she saith,
“Whereon but to believe is horror!
Whereon to meditate engendereth
Even in deathless spirits such as I
A tumult in the breath,
A chilling of the inexhaustible blood
Even in my veins that never will be dry,
And in the austere, divine monotony
That is my being, the madness of an unaccustomed mood.

This is her province whom you lack and seek;
And seek her not elsewhere.
Hell is a thoroughfare
For pilgrims,—Herakles,
And he that loved Euridice too well,
Have walked therein; and many more than these;
And witnessed the desire and the despair
Of souls that passed reluctantly and sicken for the air;
You, too, have entered Hell,
And issued thence; but thence whereof I speak
None has returned;—for thither fury brings
Only the driven ghosts of them that flee before all things.
Oblivion is the name of this abode: and she is there.”

Oh, radiant Song!  Oh, gracious Memory!
Be long upon this height
I shall not climb again!
I know the way you mean,—the little night,
And the long empty day,—never to see
Again the angry light,
Or hear the hungry noises cry my brain!
Ah, but she,
Your other sister and my other soul,
She shall again be mine;
And I shall drink her from a silver bowl,
A chilly thin green wine,
Not bitter to the taste,
Not sweet,
Not of your press, oh, restless, clamorous nine,—
To foam beneath the frantic hoofs of mirth—
But savoring faintly of the acid earth,
And trod by pensive feet
From perfect clusters ripened without haste
Out of the urgent heat
In some clear glimmering vaulted twilight under the odorous vine.

Lift up your lyres!  Sing on!
But as for me, I seek your sister whither she is gone.
David Jul 2014
carpet of moss green
'neath ancient lichenous trees
incense of cedar
copyright 2014 David
Butch Decatoria Dec 2015
Let us run to the beach,
Through the night's navel, lichenous
Inflated by escape and something new
For just the rush / the sensation

Like bodies aloft from kiss
the brevity of laughter
Of youth / full / of mischief.

We'll leave the night a peeking eye
while in the meditation of surfers
Early sparring with willful morning  
Waves / puppets of gravity & moon

So wax upon fingers of great monsoons
Should the tides ride high it's might
and fly to god's white laughter too soon
At least we've glean the world between
With wings of sunkist sailing heights
Dreams unfurled in gold morning light

Hurl toward the awe of love for life
Completely free as one with chi,
Let this be an ode, an unscripted history
a mandarin and blue backdrop scene

And I will be perched on the shore
Shakespeare's heartfelt pen / pining ardor
Adoring the balconies and open doors
of such romances / daring devils for more

Tho' a grain of sand to everything
Now just a set of eyes

Audience for the world and skies

Belisimo !

I applaud as fish and man fly
Nod as the sun sets the stars to night
As in twilight to midnight
As the moon smiles


Through the belly of the unseen
We have crawled
Now we are in the poetry of awe
Watch onlooker as the stage curtains
Paints it's strokes
Blood rose clouds and deep
Blues from burning

Magic show in a wink

This deserves a standing ovation
I lift both hands high
This must be love
I cannot deny

Some kind of wonder
Full of infinite and muse
All epic and classic
Watched without shoes...

In all these things
Time and motion
(In a seashell)
Listen to the ocean.
wren Jul 2022
leaf through the
pages of our skinny love lost:
tender—all that was bitter for
ideal, sweet almond ink and
a cinnamon paper oeuvre
of the warmth-starved half-life

calcify the war in our art
fashion it into mountains—
unyielding, monolithic
salted retrospect brings answers
but never closure,
broaching possibilities
suspended, stalactites birthed
upside down from the gritty
seepage of premature confession
in some subterranean depth

natural succession is patient and kind:
i think of the enshrined fossil relics of
a holy pain i'll learn to value when
thistle and thorn, lichenous growth
start reclaiming the barren alpine knolls
a holy pain i'll proudly unearth, brandish
when wildflowers and hares show me life and
faith can be coaxed from salt-tainted gardens

leaf through the
pages of our skinny love lost:
and you will know that ours
began with the end always in mind:
in the middle of things, in medias
restitution for the things unforgiven

the penance of the emaciated lover
is flesh for flesh, and the rituals that
once nourished now take, keep, (p)reserve

seek meaning in the tea leaves at the
bottom of the thrift store china teacup
in the spidery tea egg cracks in the
veneer, hot and caustic with blood
and you will know that our story
was always meant to be read backwards
with perhaps a little too much allusion
to cicero and caesar, consonance
bellicose, brash, and bracing—
spitfire-like, similes and pandora's box
metaphors fragmented with asyndeton,
paradox, oxymoron, pun, ellipsis...
all bookending the great
irony of the self-aware narcissist
wanting for someone other than himself:

"utter but one word and i will come running,
chasing stimulus before reward like pavlov's dog:
i'll be your motley fool, your painted mime
i'll be your idiot, your deer caught in the headlights"

there is no consoling him.
he misses wanting to be wanted,
the free climbing thrill of being
strung up with good intentions
and not much else...
who will fight?
who will fall far behind?
after “skinny love” by bon iver, covered by birdy.

— The End —