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Gita Ashok Oct 2011
A widespread condition
related to nutrition
is lactose intolerance
that is in essence
the inability to digest and assimilate
the milk sugar-lactose-the substrate
that is acted upon by lactase-
the specific enzyme
over a period of time.
This may happen suddenly
and generally
at any age most unexpectedly.

Lactose intolerance
is caused by the absence
of the enzyme lactase
that breaks down lactose
to the simple sugars-
glucose and galactose.
The condition may be
secondary,  congenital,
or developmental.

Secondary lactose intolerance
invariably has its occurrence
related to a gastrointestinal infection
and its disappearance
is linked to the causative factor’s correction.
This type of intolerance-
(certainly a nuisance)
is reversible
if we are a bit careful.

Congenital lactose intolerance,
an inherited form of intolerance,
is a rare genetic  abnormality
that one can unearth
soon after an infant’s birth.
This need not cause any fear
as it lasts only half a year.

Developmental lactose intolerance
also known as primary  intolerance
is one wherein the enzyme synthesis
is progressively less
during childhood
and this persists into adulthood.

Gita Ashok
24/10/2011, 2 pm
Philip Richards Dec 2016
When you make the choice to embrace the iron
And deny voice to impatient desire
When your heart seeks a dark relief
And you dig deep to find belief
When you bare your teeth
To earn relief
And the lactase weeps
Body burns with heat to pay the fee
You pay with hurt to settle misery
And walk the streets secretly
With an invisible wreath
Body sings a symphony
To the pain you own
Hymns of control
A punishment that you will own
Admonishing through flesh and bone
Turning will to steel, form to stone
Teaching brain to heel as hearts atone
Till everything you feel is yours alone
And your own life feels like something you own
Iron inspired, regret retired, live in the moment
Heart may be heavy but you know you can hold it
This is a love song to weightlifting - one of the few none destructive ways I have found to deal with life

— The End —