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Like a stroke of genius,
of just plain blind luck
rising from the jungle floor,
the majestic rubble of the Maya calls,
at once the founder and judge of all Time.

First as the serpent whose plumes turn to wings,
then as the eagle boldly eyeing its prey,
and en fin! as the jaguar, sinewy and sleek,
El Castillo looms
against the hardened, sun-baked sky --
the shifting citadel of Kukulcan,
its shadow splayed across my days.

All of them numbered,
all of them too short,
all of them fading
in the cold
, hard light of distant failure...

built and rebuilt,
like the Church,
El Castillo stands
to meet the need of holy obligation,
to meet my need for initiation,
bounded only by the firmament and the underworld,
final triumph of the dead.

And so I stand,
alone upon the sacred causeway --
enervated, unenlightened,
the bitter taste of dust in my mouth.

Until I, too, will be turned
to stone --
the languid chac mool,
sated in sweet repose.

I will drift toward the sunken cenote,
drink deeply from its oasis of evening cool,
where the memory of man and grain and god is sung:

An anthem of order, power and vision,
the great Mayan hymn of meaning.
I will hear, at last, from the porous depths of Yucatan,
what it is to be called human.
Erick Ramos Mar 2019
Quetzalcoatl, un hombre, o serpiente?
Cuál es el punto de vivir al frente?
Abandonado por una madre, Chimalma,
Un río se lo llevó con calma.

Persona sabía, animal feroz
Déjate ser guiado por su voz.
Toma un trago del suave neutle
Por el Golfo de México, alejate.

Sumergido por siempre
Renace como el mañana
Quetzalcoatl quiere decir
Serpiente emplumada.

Adoptado por los mayas,
Kukulcan, o Votan,
Cargado por chinampas
Que con el tiempo se agotan.

Su nombre real
Lo encontrarás al final,
Una profecía que habla
De la gran Tenichtitlan.

El es sabio, y astuto
Sabe las respuestas, y punto.
De la tierra al panteón,
En la estrella de Venus se convirtió.

La galaxia infinita,
Salpicada de piedras preciosas,
Que con diamantes acosas.

Una escultura en tu honor creada
Serpiente con penacho,
Con garras de Jaguar,
Hermoso y diferente.

No tendrás ningún igual.
The culture behind this poem is simple and savage, but full of beauty in every sense possible. Nomas ve y pregúntale a los dioses en el panteón.
The sky wavered orange and gray,
as dusk settled over the Mayan ruins,
the Yucatan scrub land, the cooling
tiles of the archaeological villa
outside Chichen Itza, where we stayed.

I sat poolside, contemplating the fading,
fiery orb of the sun, musing on Kukulcan,
the sacred cenote, the Mayans' murderous
ball game, their majestic pyramid,
and rows upon rows of chiseled skulls.

When suddenly an epiphany engulfed me:
I saw my life come together as a perfect whole,
from beginning to then, and it showed one thing
only: that I would be and remain a writer. My soul
rose in ecstasy. I have never failed to feed it since.

— The End —