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Last post I was in a daze.
This one I’ve found my way.

His goodbye was lengthy,
He knew he’d never be back
Down this path, from which no one has ever returned, was frightening but necessary

See his village was dying, every night he’d lose blood, and loved ones.
His people feared it as the wrath of God
But God wouldn’t do this would he?
They were good people
He was stronger than them
He didn’t know why, but he still needed them
He stumbled down the dirt road.
Water in his eyes, he could barely  see down in
No one could speculate on where it went, just that it went, so he went
Corpses litter the ground, he knew these people well
They all seem to have been coming back
He wanted to turn back too but he knew what needed to be done
He began to run
The energy he mustered surprised even himself
Leaves ruffled in his presence
He sprinted for so long it felt like hours
All until he stopped
Dirt flew from under his feet down the giant canyon in his way
A sharp fall awaited him
He grit his teeth and spun around
Mumbling to himself, he began to walk back
He felt a subtle pressure on his back and turns
Like someone guiding him, someone present, but not in his presence
He loved his God he knew his faith was strong
But was it stronger than his fear?
Before he allowed himself to think he ran and jumped from the cliff the canyon floor seems to be nonexistent as he fell for days
He had lost all hope until a bright light emanated below him
He sprouted wings but couldn’t fly
His clothes turned a sharp white
So did his eyes
Suddenly, Kudzinayi was amongst the clouds
Everything felt right, and God, was in sight

— The End —