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Czytać nadzieje w poezji jest dużo jak rozumieć niebieski kolor w niebie,
ona czuje, zna ten perfum, co nie może sama sobie kupić.

Ten wiatr ciągnie, utrzymuje ale nic ujawnia,
koty marzą, a ona ciągle czyta te same książki.

Szuka ten kolor wszędzie, jej farby nigdzie nie pasują,
wysyła pocztówki do siebie z miejsc nieznanych z których
zawsze pamięta dziękowac za piwo.

Lata idą, a ona powtarza sie, ciągle zapomina patrzyć na dół,
nieobecna że niedługo ominie go.

Reading hope in poetry is much like understanding the blue in the sky,
she feels, knows this perfume, that she can't afford to buy on her own.

This wind pulls, maintains but doesn't reveal,
cats dream, she still reads the same books.

Searches for this color everywhere, her paint doesn't match anything,
she sends out postcards to herself from unknown places from which
she always remembers to thank for the beer.

Years go by, she repeats herself, still forgetting to look down,
unknowing that soon she'll pass him by.
Koty Peter Oct 2013
I saw her almost every day.
But my confidence... It wouldn't let me say anything.

She was cut out of my fantasy,
and dangled right in front of me.
On a perfect high,
Euphoria led me to her in a tunnel of light.

And color.
Opening to rumor.
"I hear she's got it out for you."
I highly doubt that.

But still I wander through material mazes.
To catch a glimpse of you,
In navy and khaki.
And when I did?
The moment came and went,
So fast I don't remember what we said.

But I couldn't leave it at that.
So I ran around Wal Mart,
Just trying to get your attention.

I asked for your number,
You said your phone was broke.
****** Koty! You ****** up!
Your a derp.
That's all you'll ever be.
There's no interest and I promise you she,

Was only trying to spare,
Your feelings.
So take a step back.
This is just getting embarrassing.

But I don't care.
Because my friends on my front step,
Mistake her for an angel when they stand her shadow.
I don't care.
Because my friends on my front step,
Mistake her for an angel when they stand her shadow.

Can I lie in your shadow?

Can I lie in your shadow?

— The End —