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Her beautiful fleece
Glistened like gold
Woven in silk
Like the finest of tapestries

Her open ready smile
Pursed ruby red lips
Lying betwixt two
Soft white ivory pillars

The honey that lay within
Succulent, and exquisite
Freely flowing
Upon my gorging tongue

This well of pleasure
Sated my pulsing tongue
My own lips moistened
At this taste of delight

My hands gently caressed
Two soft buds
That soon flowered
As my lips brushed over them

We were soon
Face to face
As our tongues danced
In harmonies of desire

Like the waves of a rolling ocean
She was like the ebb tide
That washed over me
Echoing my own dance of seduction

I could sense my head
Begin to explode
As her tongue
Created my own delicious eruptions

Tsunamis of pleasure
Ebbed, and flowed
Culminating in a silent scream
Of exquisite ecstasy

Revealing a unique desire
The butterflies of our souls
Our gentle wing beat
Had discovered the nectar, of our deepest desires

by Jemia
Whilst camouflaged
The Golden Dragonfly
With emerald eyes
And rubies, and diamonds
Upon it's wings, and tail
And whilst it slept
It dreamed
And within its dream
It wandered
Flying over a turquoise pool
The Golden Dragonfly
Began to ponder
On its existence
And wondered why
It was a dragonfly
But then she saw her own reflection
On the soft rippling blue water
As she became aware
Of her own beauty
And instantly found
An inner tranquility
Just at that moment
As is the way of dreams
A long rolling tongue
Shot out
And swallowed the Golden Dragonfly whole
The frog
Had no other thought
Than to feast
The Golden Dragonfly
Then woke up
That it had only been a dream
But now
Also aware
That it now had conscious thought
Beyond its natural instinct
And at first
Felt quite afraid
Looking around its surroundings
First making sure
That there were no frogs around
It glanced up
And realised
It was attached
To the outer skin
Of a curious looking creature
Some kind of giant
With hair flowing
In the soft zephyr breeze
And without realising
Spoke to the giant
"What are you?"
The giant
Looking startled
Had obviously wondered
Where the small voice was coming from
The Golden Dragonfly
Spoke again
"Are you going to eat me?"
The giant
Then realised where
The voice was coming from
Looked around before answering
Whispered, "No!"
The Golden Dragonfly
Accepted that this was at least true
"My name is Lucianne" said the Golden Dragonfly
Not knowing, until that moment
That she had a name
"My name is Petra" said the giant
With the long flowing hair
"I don't understand how it is possible
to be conversing with a dragonfly"
The Golden Dragonfly
Felt the same confusion
As it had never conversed with anything, ever
And never had questions to ask
But now
The questions came quicker
Than her wing beats
The giant spoke again
"You are welcome to remain on my waistcoat"
"And we can speak more, when we get to my home"
At that moment
A sudden gust of wind
Blew the Golden Dragonfly
Off the waistcoat
Into some dense undergrowth
And within this undergrowth
Sat a frog
And in an eye blink
A long rolling tongue shot out
And swallowed the Golden Dragonfly
The giant, named Petra
Searched the undergrowth
For several hours
Shouting out for Lucianne
Other giants around
Became concerned
When Petra explained
That she was looking for
A talking Golden Dragonfly called Lucianne
Petra would often return to the park
But never again
Did she see, or hear
The Golden Dragonfly again

by Jemia
following on with my current obsession with my tomato growing experiment, ive decided to look at books, and films, and any other related tomato themes, as follows:

The Tomatoes Of Wrath-Steinbeck

A Midsummer Night's Tomato-Shakespeare

Tomato And Juliet-Ditto


Alice in Tomatoland-Carrol

Night Of The Living Tomato-zombie horror!

E.T.- Extra Tomato!

Tomatoes And Prejudice-Austen

I Heard It On The Tomato Vine-Marvin Gaye

You're So Vine- Carly Simon

Summertime (and the living is tomato)-Ella Fitzgerald


BY Jemia de Tomatoville 😏🍅🍅🍅🦋💕🙄

any other suggested ideas welcome, as i may bring out a book on the subject (but thankfully, probably won't!) and will, or not, call it Tomato Wrong!
Since i'd seen Narnia, viewed within a small box
I'd convinced myself it was real
And desired to one day venture
Into this wild, and wonderful place
I spent my youth, venturing into wardrobes
But to no avail, and oft
Evicted from a host of furniture shops
Their owners viewing me with disdain
Or considered me slightly insane
But i was on a quest
And therefore, wouldst do my best
Then one curious day
A very old small ancient looking key
Mysteriously came into my possession
I was convinced it was related to my quest
But  a few more years passed me bye
Yet not once did i give up my search
Until one dark, and dusty evening
Under the affluence of incahol!
I took a short cut through a small park
After first absent mindedly
Using the old key to unlock the gate
So for a lark, i entered this park
Wherein i could hear the too-wit too-woo of an owl
I echoed  back the too-wit too-woo
Too-wit too-woo to you too, and giggled foolishly to myself
Then, to my surprise, the owl spoke
"I'm fine thank you for asking"
I nearly fell forwards onto my back
Then backwards onto my front
My head was spinning, and my legs felt slack
But eventually regained some composure
I said to the owl "did you just speak?"
"i'm sure i heard words uttered from your beak"
" Yes!" said the owl, with a squeak
"And i know the way, to a place you seek"
Yet my enthusiasm, in my search for Narnia
Had taken me to explore myself
And so now, here i was talking to a talking owl
So maybe now, i had lost my sanity
And madness was to become a regular companion
Here i was, a woman alone in a park
A very dark lonely park
Talking to a talking owl
So i thought, why not
What did i have to lose?
But first, i had to ask the owl
A very important question
"Is it true that owls are wise?"
The owl too-witted, and too-wood
And ate some more mouse that it had caught
Whilst i'd been deliberating
The owl replied, "some of us are, and some of us aren't"
"It's for you to decide, using your own wisdom, if you have it?"
Good point, thought i
The owl spoke again "if i tell you,that to gain access to Narnia"
"You first have to climb to the top of this tree"
"On the top branch, you'll find the key"
"And when you climb down, and not fall"
"The key will answer your Narnia call"
The owl of course, was right
And despite the night
Then climbed to the top of the tree
Next morning, i was awoken
Pretty much where i'd fallen
The ambulance lady said
"You seem to be okay, and luckily no knock on the head!"
" Were you on drugs, or some such thing?"
"No!" i mumbled "just to much to drink!"
"Well, we'll take you back, and check you over"
"And just a quick question, if that's okay?"
"Fire away, i heard myself say"
"Well it's normally teenagers, that come to Owl Park"
"But none have ever come through the gate with a key"
"All have been trying to access a strange, and magical land"
"Yes!" i confessed
"I even imagined, i'd conversed with an owl!"
And i started to laugh at my foolishness
"Methinks i probably drank a bit to much"
"And my imagination, on overload, added the extra touch"
"Well" said the ambulance lady, with a smile
"We all make mistakes, welcome back to Narnia"
And from a tree, i heard the owl speak
"so glad you made it, and if you wish to return to Earth"
"I'll be back in a week!"

by Jemia
Gnomadic   a wandering, meandering gnome
Misgnomer a female gnome
Metrognome     uses the London Underground
Gnominate   lazy gnome, idle  
Gnomad  a sane gnome
Gnoman'sland    where male gnomes reside
Gnome de guerre     see agnominous
Agnominous  a gnome with nous
Gnome de plume not a real gnome, might be a plum!
Gnome de plump An overweight gnome
Gnome more   enough already!

by Jemia
What was thought to be a small island ear to the Bermuda Archipelagos in the North Atlantic Ocean, discovered a hundred, or so, years ago. it's now been found to be, a uniquely rare species of a giant frog.
Resulting in a summit of all the world's scientists, and leaders, fearful that this frog may hop, or leap. and such is it's size, and weight, could cause a giant super Tsunami, that could flood the entirety of the globe.
Therefore, should they put into place, preventative measures, such as culling it. with this in mind, the French delegation immediately offered to dispose of the frog's legs.
It was decided to approach the problem by visiting the site, where the frog was sat, so a large cruise ship embarked on a small voyage to visit the site, so as to decide how best to deal with the situation, and the fate of the frog, that the press were now calling 'Frog Island'.
Meanwhile, the frog, which was just awakening after a long hibernation, opened it's enormous eyes, saw what it thought was a large fish floating nearby, and without waiting, it's massive tongue shot out, and swallowed the cruise ship whole. the stomach of the frog, was happy to digest the actual ship, but immediately disposed of it's contents, all wrapped up in spawn, and delivered out of it's rear end, shocked, but alive, and soon rescued.
Subsequently, there was an uncertainty, as to how to destroy the frog. If it were bombed, it may still cause a Tsunami, if it were poisoned, he impact could cause catastrophic environmental damage, and poison the world's oceans further. Another idea was proffered, perhaps they could try to somehow pin it down to the ocean floor, but the scientists couldn't reach any agreement, as they had no way of knowing how strong the frog may be, and besides, maybe it was so big, it couldn't move, even if it wanted to. No-one could even guess at it's origin, and felt sure it was some kind of anomaly, of some as yet unknown species, as the largest known frog until now, had been the Goliath frog, measuring up to just over 12". They took some comfort by the fact that there were no indications, it had ever moved.
It's mouth was at sea level, and initially, it's diet seemed to consist of a variety of sea life, and assumed that the frog had eaten the ship by mistake. At it's rear, they soon discovered remains of all kinds of fish, including Whale bones, along with flotsam and plastics, and other debris. Further investigations, unveiled remains of ships, and aircraft, this puzzled scientists at first, but at least explained that the cruise ship hadn't been the first mistake, if mistake it was?
Meanwhile, conspiracy theorists, and the like, around the globe, went into overdrive, and started now to believe that the frog was the cause of all the mysteries that had ever occurred in the area known as The Bermuda Triangle, further investigation, helped along with satellite images revealed, that indeed, there may an element of truth to it all, as some of the missing ships, and planes from a period of over 100 years, were discovered by the rear end of the frog.
Although this seemingly solved one mystery, the bigger mystery, and potential global threat, was the frog, and another worrying thought, was did it have the potential to reproduce. If that were a possibility, was there another 'frog island' somewhere, lurking in the oceans, somewhere on this planet?
Various instruments were landed on the 'island', using similar technology as used in missions to the moon, to carefully find samples, that may give some clues as to how to deal with the situation. It was soon discovered, that the frog was in fact at least 2,000 years old. Furthermore, there was some kind of undersea volcanic activity, originating from the frog itself, somehow connected to it's digestive system, and burning stomach acids. Further baffling, and worrying scientists, as any interference could cause dangers to the structure of the planet itself, and it was still unknown to where it's feet were, so further investigations were urgently needed, as time was of the essence.
Meanwhile, the frog simply stayed where it was, aware of all the hive of activity around, and upon it, and remembered a joke it had once heard "good morning mister frog, how deep is the water today?" "kneedeep kneedeep!" said the frog. The giant frog was so amused by this, it let out an enormous belch.
Meanwhile, a nearby ancient under water volcano erupted, sending a tsunami across the ocean directly towards the frog, and arrived just as the frog had belched, in the process drowned the frog instantly.
An island, not so far away, a pair of giant eyes opened....
by Jemia
I'm hoping that someone will adopt me
That will easily get totally smitten
I'll warm your laps, and purr alot
And act just like a kitten

Also, i don't go hunting wildlife
And i am afraid of dogs
I'm also very well house trained
I am the cleanest of mogs

I keep my claws unsharpened
I have no tail, like a Manx
Feed me plenty of Salmon
I'll meow an eternity of thanks

I never rub my *** on the carpet
Nor bury my poo on the lawn
But may spend all night mating
From dusk, right through, till dawn

So i'm looking for someone to adopt me
And accept me for who i am
A philosophical furball coughing *****
I purr, there fur, i Siam!
by Jemia
Shoulds't i venture out
Into the wet cooling wind
To feel the rain
Moisten my bare legs

And as the wind blows
Through my wild skittish hair
The silver globules
Disguise my tears

The damp briskness
Will awaken my emotions
Will let me
Feel alive

The clammy cloudy clouds
Leaking gently
A thirsty nature

The wind
May blow away
My shrouded

The slow drip, drop
Silver rivers
Their under bellies
Belie, race downwards

Upon my window
Like sticky tears
Gluey opalescence

by Jemia
first, let me make it clear
Before i commence my word forage
There were no bears in this
Nor any porridge!

After i dilated
For about the 500th time
Fairly routinely
Twas never sublime

I entered the bathroom
For my usual shower
To water my petals
Like a flower

When i stepped into the shower
Ouch! it was to hot
I added cold water
Then it was to cold
After further adjustments
It was just right
I was a little bare!

by Jemia
i am a poet
who happens to of had a certain op
not a trans poet
i am now my correct gender
i am a woman
when i introduce myself
i mention no gender
i am simply Jemia
i am a poet
occasional comedienne
and sometimes both
Blah Humbug
blah blah
argh ooh
****** chango
Cop that
Cop out

by Jemia
Today, is a cool
Yet sunny, windy day
And i can see
The leaves, in trees
Gently rustling
And the flag
Atop the Hastings castle ruins
Like wings
Of a new born dragon

by Jemia
If i were to die today
With my life
In such disarray
At least now
I have
If nothing else
Lived as long as i have
Not sure how
Or why
Maybe my purpose
Will be revealed
After ive left
This mortal coil
Perhaps pigs may fly?
In the meantime
I shall remain
Seemingly aimlessly
Like a petal
Caught on a wind of chance
Always present
But never quite here

by Jemia
I espy
Three people wandering around
through the busy hubbub
Of the Old Town
They have four parrots
Perched, upon their shoulders
I hope they don't poo
Anything that smoulders
"Give me a gottle of geer!"
Said an invisible parrot
In my right ear
I leapt from my seat
Much alarmed
And checked myself
But remained unharmed
Not wanting to be seen
To an invisible parrot
That was now squawking
That no-one else could hear
This invisible parrot
Squawking in my ear
"It's okay" said the parrot
"I can hear what you think"
"I like you in blue"
"But prefer you in pink!"
"Well" thought i
Feeling a little shy
"There's nothing i can do"
"As i have no pink dye"
"And besides, i prefer rainbows!"
"From my head"
"Right down to my toes!"
"Including your pinkies?"
Said the parrot in jest
I laughed out loud
in front of a crowd
So i left the Ille Cafe
As was now to embarrassed to stay
As the invisible parrot
Simply flew away!

by Jemia
With Regards Bucket Lists

Do them!
Do them
Don't wait
Life is
So was
Tom Thumb!

by Jemia

by Jemia
The valleys, and hills
And a clear sky-blue lake
Floating marshmallow clouds
Leave the sunshine, in their wake
The trees whistling, in silent winds
Branch out, to greet the sun
The valleys, covered in rich lavender
The birds whistle, at beauty so fine
Dew hangs lazily, on moistened leaves
Glistening, in the early morning sun
From caterpillar, to butterfly
Beautiful wings, soon decorate the sky
Spring has arrived
No longer the frosted earth
And chilling winds
Just the beautiful tranquillity
Of nature's rebirth

by Jemia
DreamworlD                           The
R  r             Rare                          Bermuda
E     e          Exotic                           Triangle
A       a        Abstract                          Of
M         m    Mayhem                            The
W         w     Weird                                 Surreal
O       o        Other                               Welcome
R      r           Realities                        To  
L   l               Love                           My
D                  Disorientation         World
by Jemia 💕
I had a secret, i tried to hide
Which i kept hidden, deep inside
But nothing changed, inside my head
Just my physicality, has a different thread
And one thing, that will never part
Is my love for you, deep in my heart
From the day i held you, when you were born
And every day since, from the break of dawn
Although some aspects of life, have taken their toll
I love you, from the depth of my soul
by Jemia
The room
Remained empty
And the only option available
Was a mirror
Hanging broken
From a wall
But she didn't want
The stark truth of that
She didn't want that at all

by Jemia
I was awoken
Not by
The sounds
Of silence
But by the sounds
Of sirens
And seagulls
Like a screaming choir
In a frantic

by Jemia
In the dark light
of the shadowy
and dusty mirror
I can tease myself
into believing that i am beautiful
I am in many ways
a twilight girl.....
by Jemia
One lonely, lonesome day
I strayed
And after a while
In disarray
I ventured into some woods
The birdsong beguiled me
And the flowers, and the trees
Possessed their own enchantments
Swaying gently
In a soft zephyr breeze
The shimmering sunlight
Glancing off, bejewelled Emerald leaves
In the distance
I could see glowings
Seemingly floating along the air
Like burning cinders
At first i thought
Perhaps they were Fireflies
But as i drew nearer
I noticed
That they were dancing in circles
I felt hypnotised
As before me
Were a dozen, or so
Fairies, dancing on the wind
Their softly glowing wings
Were like flames
Flickering in a draught
Silently shimmering
Like the sunlight
Like the breath of the trees
I entered this magical circle
And then i was gone
Forever lost
In the realms
Of an ethereal world

by Jemia
Can't stop thinking
Of poetical things
Like an addiction, in a dictionary
That sometimes sings
Thinking of using a pseudonym
As a her, no hymn
As i join poet's anonymous
Love irony
Not ironing
As i iron out
A criminal rhyme?

by Jemia
It's somewhat ironic
That i'm quite good
At unravelling
Quite complicated knots
And solving puzzles
Both physical, and theoretical
Yet i seem unable
To tidy up my flat

by Jemia
Monsieur Tickle
A business associate
Of my pater
Me aged four
Monsieur Tickle
Oft would visit our home
And tickle me
And tickle me
And tickle me
At first
I felt tickled
At second
I felt uneasy
At third
I felt scared
I didn't understand
I thought being tickled
Was mean't to be fun
Not of terror
After a while
When Monsieur Tickle visited
I would hide
Just two years ago
I mentioned this
To my sister
Who remembered well
This tickling mister
This sinister mister
Monsieur Tickle
As he tickled her too
And shared the same dread as i
And also shied
And would hide
As he evoked
So much fear
Whenever he was near
Yet he left
Our two brothers alone
(The third had not yet been born)
So whenever
I have to pretend
During acting practises
As part of a creative warm-up
I find myself
Having to act
As the others enjoy
The fun of it
Their own memories
Of being tickled
So i try to pick up on their vibe
Whilst i inwardly cringe
And cry
Monsieur Tickle
Now, no doubt
Lies in the company of worms
Yet still makes me squirm
The vermin now lies
With vermian

by Jemia
a memory of abuse when i was aged just 4yrs old
Iv'e dated a woman with Alopecia
And others that were Hirsute
The attraction wasn't hair, or lack of
Just a nature that was absolute
by Jemia
i'm in a women's identity group exploring how societal expectations/demands have corrupted what's natural, and truly important
The gathering sprites
Wandered over some dizzy heights
And flew
In a strange sky, of a curious hue
Landing in a country park
And for a lark
Blew raspberries
As they chuckled with glee
Which seemingly
Lifted them back to the trees
Higher, and high
They did fly
Until they rested
Upon the highest most twig
Proceeded then, to do a jig
And glancing downwards
At the lowly ground
They espied a beauty so profound
On the wondrous earth below
And so
Flew back downwards
For more of a lark
Created some fantastical art
In this wonderful, wonderful, beautiful park

by Jemia
Silent Night
I know
What is awaiting me
Whilst i'm enjoying
Whilst it's here
The moment
The noise
Of company
And entertainment
The chit chat
That come Christmas week
All that will remain
Is the white noise
Of silence
As i will
Experience the quietude
Of the days
And nights ahead
And festive memories
Of Christmas pasts
And silent nights

by Jemia
The first bridge, sent me up North
I witnessed Moon landings, and Space Odysseys, come forth
The second bridge i crossed, took me to the West
Memories of beautiful Wales, at its best
The third bridge, took me to Sussex's mouth
Life, and gender changing events, happening in the South
The fourth bridge, took me to the East
Where-in lay Thailand, a beautiful temples feast
And the fifth bridge, got me talking more
A bridge in my mouth, for more jaw jaw!
by Jemia
Life is like
A river
Ever flowing
Ever fluid
Ever changing
Strong currents
Dark pools
And as it flows
It carries with it
The essence
Of it's beginnings
We are raindrops
As we splash
Into the heady currents
Our ebb, and flow
Driven by the tides
Of our destinies
Some of us
Will fall into the vast ocean
And some of us
Will flow
Against the tides of expectancy
As we form our own

by Jemia

Ive searched
All morning
And low
And there
And everywhere
As much
As i try
May of lost

by Jemia
And as i dream
My dreams away
Whilst residing
Within the land of Fae

I often wonder
What lit this inner fire
Of far off fantasies
The wild world conspires

And then i venture
Into another dream
Where nothing truly exists
Or seems to be, what it seems

As i wretch open
Until my heart bleeds
Venturing into an insanity
Of life's brutally bitter seeds

But now
My mellowed self
Now hangs upon
A shallowed empty shelf

As i dream my dreams
Of yesteryear
Whilst i pretend
There's nothing left to fear

by Jemia
What strange webs
The witches weave
So contrary, and so contraire
A curious magic once conceived
Lies floating in the air

I wave my wand
In a curious sway
And cast my spells around
Speaking a magic of long gone days
When the world was magic bound

So i weave my webs
And cast my spells
And dream of times now past
When the moon shone brightly in the sky
As the witches shadows were cast

by Jemia
Oh wonderful beautiful sprout
So great when you're in
And great when you're out
Like a small green whirling planet
Occupied by little loving leaf people
In an infinite magnificent cuddle
I wish i could hug as profoundly as a sprout
And wish there was more of it about
Oh wondrous sprout
I love you when you're in
And delighted when you're out
This earth, this realm, this sprout
You are like another world
Oh Cosmic sprout of mine
Let us fly, as i undress your emerald gorgeousness
To taste your majestic flesh.......
by Jemia
Flowing by the wetlands of Arundel
Overlooked by a castle up on high
Ptolemy first called it the Trisantonis
Is the River Arun running by

Also known as the Trespasser
A Southern Celtic Brythonic interpretation of the word
An indication of its tendency to flood
For centuries, this has been observed

Part of the Arun, was rumoured to be called the Arnus
Brythonic for run, go, or flow
And that Arundel may mean Arno-Dell
Or where the Dell of the flowing river did go

Remains of Iron-Age forts
To Roman ruins, signs of its' long history
Along with Arundel Castle founded in 1067
Chalk downs rise on either side, but no mystery

At Amberley Church, by Arundels' castle walls
Ghostly sitings of a girl, with golden ringlets in her hair
Hungry Seals sometimes ventured up river
In times long past, mistakenly thinking Mermaids were there!

In the Middle-Ages, the river was known as
River of Arundel, The Arundel River, or The High Stream of Arundel, to confuse
By 1577, the first use of it's modern name was recorded
Although the other names were still often in use

The Rother, The Chilt, and Upper Arun
Tri in Roman, the three tributaries
Although Trisanto, when roughly translated
Could also mean 'one who goes across', perhaps the rivers three

Arundel for many years, served as a port
Ships docking at the Town Quay, formerly Mayors Quay
From the 13th century, coastal and cross channel trading vessels
Also passengers, Catholic priests, and soldiers, were carried across the sea

Yet by the 1840's, use of the river declined
Due to changes in coastal shipping, and the use of railway lines
By the mid 1850's, barges were replaced by coasters
And by 1886, most river traffic, was on the decline

The River Arun has seen much history
all 37 miles of it, from source to the sea
As it rises from a series of Ghylis, or Gills
All part of it'' profound majesty

It's Spring Tides, twice every Lunar month
Allowed larger vessels to venture along her waters
Some built at the Nineveh Shipyard
Such as Hoys, and Sailing Barges, becoming the Aruns' daughters

The River Arun, feeds ancient woodlands
And reedbeds, where dwell Water Voles, Kingfishers, the rare Nene Goose
Along with Bewick Swans, in the cold winter months
Where the yellow, and black, Common Club-Tailed Dragonflies, fly loose

The fast flowing Arun, second fastest in the United Kingdom
The Trespassers waters, has aided humans, and nature throughout
The Arun never crossed borders out of Sussex
And is one of the countries finest rivers, without a doubt
by Jemia
If i want
To look
At someone
That is
All i need
Is a

by Jemia
just got back from Pluto
amazing planet,
little atmosphere
but really atmospheric
really cool place to go
it's on my bucket list
take a bucket
space travel may make you queasy
sweet Astral dreams **
by Jemia
The state of being
A singularity
For the remainder
Of my existence
Pulls at the strings
Of my emotions
And an undying
Wavering stutter
Of sadness
That this is
My destiny
by Jemia
If i were a flea
What would become of me?
Would i simply be
An itch
That you had to scratch
As i nestled
Within your thatch
Or drown in a flood
As i quaffed on your blood
Or nestled within the hair
Of your cat so fair
As you view it by the fire
Scratching away like a feline choir
Or jump about with springs on my toes
Jumping so high, i could nibble your nose
But not to be
Being a flea
Is not for me

by Jemia
On the 31st of April
My true love said to me
A fine piece of
Silver Filigree
On the 1st day of May
My true love said to me
You do know
There's only 30 days in April.....
by Jemia
Just got back
From the land of Fae
Happily ambushed by bluebells
And Elfin stick houses
And chattering trees
And May queens
And the sun, and moon
Kissing each other
Under a blue azure sky

by Jemia
Out of the corner, of my eye
I glimpsed the ruins
Of Hastings Castle ruins
And momentarily
Mistook the flying flag
For that of a dragon
Caught on the wind
As a new kind of magic
Was about to enter my life
And breathe new fire
Into my soul
And light up
The fading flickers
Borne from the molten wax

by Jemia

— The End —