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Worried you must be too, just like everyone else n me,

I wish from up above, perform you a miracle; it's a plea

Worried we all are  about our future; Airindia's outcome.

Destroyed it have miscreants n selfish people some.

Sorry Jeh, instead of wishing you, bothering you I am;

Regret this action l do; but worried I am about the mayhem.

It's depressing to see our decline and the foreboding future

Very trgic and depressing seems the current picture.

From Heaven, guide us dear Jeh, show us the way.

It's your very own baby, that's why, I so much say.

Happy Birthday dear JEH.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.
Jerry Howarth Feb 2018
Atheism - Flat out denies the existence of a God.
Agnosticism - Claims God is unknown or  cannot be known.
Deism - A belief that God created the world of vegetable life, animal
              life and human life than left all, especially human life, to
             their own devises.
Humanism - A belief in the power of human reasoning apart from
             any Deity.

I quote a friend, now with the Lord, who said, "When one's view point  of God is wrong, generally their viewpoint of life is wrong."
         Lately, all these mass killings  proves my friends
         comments to  be true.The fear of God is not in the
         heart of Crews; if it was he and all the other killers
         would not have gone on a killing rampage.

Romans 3:15- 17 describes Crews and all the others like him as "Having feet swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their way; there is no fear of God before their eyes."  

My computer showed a person wearing a T-shirt with this message:
Student: "God, where were you when the mass killing happened in my school?"
God: "Don't you remember? I was banned from being in school."

I recently learned of an Atheist Club, open to Atheist only. You know what, if there is in fact "NO GOD" than why an Atheist Club? But
contrary to the Atheist claim that they do not believe in a god, they actually do, else Who  are they denying? I ask you, my atheist friends, isn't it kind of foolish to  form a club against  someone who doesn't exist in their minds?"

Wouldn't it be really foolish for me to form a club denying the existence of the ten planets simply on the fact that they have never seen them? I'm speaking as an atheist now.

I once worked with a man who claimed atheism as his religion,yet he took God's Name n vain every time something didn't work or he hurt himself. One day I called him on it and ask him-"Hey Rose Bud! if you deny the existence of God, why do you ask Him  to **** every thing  you don't like?" (I do not recall his answer)

Another thing that tattles on atheist that they do in fact believe in God, is what do they cry out when they are suddenly facing death?
"OH GOD  PLEASE SAVE ME!! Or they witness some horrifying
thing? What are the first words that come out of their mouth?
         "Oh my! How horrible!" ? No, You know they don't. They
           normally cry out, "OH MY GOD!"
Well I could write the biggest book the world has ever known proving that there are no true atheist. With these last few words
I paraphrase God's Word from Romans 1:25-32 explaining why their are men, women and young people who "changed the truth of
God into  lie" [claiming to be an Atheist] " not liking to retain God in their knowledge" [i.e.  having no desire to keep God in their conscious] "knowing the judgment of God is death" [i.e everlasting
punishment, suffering in the lake of fire] "never-the-less continue to
reject God [and do their own thing.]  -JH paraphrase from the KJV
                                          > Conclusion<
"Taking the position of being an Atheist is merely  a cover-up for
being rebellious against the authority of God  over  one's life.' -JEH
I realize this is a long prose but I believe the Holy Spirit led me to write it and post it. If it has offended you, feel free to write to me, telling why; or if it has made a difference in your thinking and turned your faith to God, through Jesus Christ, I'd love to hear from you as well.

Today, on 15th October, AIR INDIA is 91 years old......

Happy Birthday  to you,  o Jeh's dream child since 1932; we wish you success n prosperity

Currently undergoing Renaissance you are, with Ratan's attempt, a fresh-lease you will get; a huge diversity.

Jeh n Ratan, I pray, for Air India's immense growth, with Tata-ethics and veracity

Sure I am, Ratan, and all of us, Airindians, endeavour will, to achieve this, with a constant tenacity.

With God's blessings n Jeh's heavenly blessings, Ratan n all of us, this achieve will; with our  perseverance n capacity.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On this day you bid us the final goodbye.

In sorrow, many, including me, did cry;

For difficult indeed it was, to say this final goodbye.

Worried about Airindia you were, n so am I.

Dear Jeh, things are slipping off; sadly I sigh!!

From Heaven above, save it; we can't see it die.

May Ahura keep you in His loving arms, pray I.

Stay may you there forever, on a pedestal high.

Armin Dutia Motashaw


On this day, on 15th October in1932 Jeh flew down with his cute baby to Bombay

After success great and celebrations many, where there was lots of funfare n play ;

Teething problem baby had, like any other child would, after all it was a part of the growing up way.

For some years everything was going good, till some jealous eyes wouldn't let her with Jeh stay

Stay with the person who made her, nurtured her so very painstakingly; Jeh was kept at bay.

Years dragged, she became feeble, unfit, unworthy, every buerocrat managed to her slay.

Then something happened, Ratan brought her home with love, a huge amount he had to pay.

But now at last the baby is in her uncle's or cousin's loving arms, forever to stay.

Regain her health soon she will, rejoycing are we, all who love her. Wishing you, dear lady, a very happy Birthday.

NB: how I wish I could work again with Ratan's Air India.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Star BG Feb 2018
Galactic Federation,

Thank you for being in Earths air space
(cloned of course.)
and helping humanity not destroy itself.

Thanks for leading the way
to aid with your wisdom
to those who  channel and share.

Thank you all celestial beings on board
for believing in plight of the human race
and for helping with your energy of support.

And much thanks, Gracias, Merci, Do Jeh
Danke sehr, Khop Khun Mak Kha.
for helping as all those on earth
ascend to the fifth dimension of love.

I would say thanks in Alien language
but my ET lingo is a bit rusty.
still inspired by Just my words

On this day, in 1932, a pilot young, to India came.
Young JRD Tata n his friend, established a name.
Born was Airindia, it's existence soon came.
For him dear and exciting was this game.

Jeh, you would have brought your Airindia, a lot of fame.
But they didn't let you stay on; o what a shame !
Things that changed, now will never be the same.
Sell they want to, your child, who now is lame.

Jeh, now I wish, at least the airport at Navi Mumbai, bears your name.
O how I wish, for this, all Airindians exert an emphatic claim.
May Ahura rightly grant you this, much deserved fame.
In the annals of history, may always, brightly shine your name.
Aedoon baad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

JEH dear,  left us you did for your Heavenly home, on this day.

Gone was our hope, our aspiration, that powerful bright Sun-ray.

Our  Air India suffered most, sans you n continues to do so even today.

If you can,  help us to excel once again, our dear dear  Jeh.

Jamshedji, Ratan n you are gems of our country, in every way.

May you progress up there, in Heaven,  where you now stay.

Love you we dearly, n in our heart n memory you will live n forever stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

88 is your Birthday score today,  my Jeh's dear baby, in this pandemic.

Happy Birthday my dear  AIR INDIA; wish you well I do, even during this deadly epidemic

Looked after you,  Jeh did,  very lovingly, to all your needs tending .

Even to  tiny details,  with interest great,  he was  attending.

When you into a beautiful maiden grew; from him, they snatched you away.

The bedecked bride, from her own father was  ruthlessly taken away.

Then  mistreated you were grossly,  and soon your beauty and youth,  you lost.

This, to your admirers was a setback big. To your employees, heavy was the cost.

Today on your Birthday,  I wish you well.  May your fame, once  again,  rise n soar.

Lots of prosperity,  admiration and fame,  wish you we, from the core.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

JEH dear,  left us you did for your Heavenly home, on this day.

Gone was our hope, our aspiration, that powerful bright Sun-ray.

Our  Air India suffered most, sans you n continues to do so even today.

If you can,  help us to excel once again, our dear dear  Jeh.

Jamshedji, Ratan n you are gems of our country, in every way.

May you progress up there, in Heaven,  where you now stay.

Love you we dearly, n in our heart n memory you will live n forever stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
though a little early... I wrote it here it is......

let us all remember our dear JRD on his birthday. May our young ones learn n follow all his good qualities.              


A great human being you were; par excellence !
A visionary, who thought much in advance
in business, never did you let-go a chance.

An empire you ruled, like a commander wise;
chaired you, the Tata empire of great size
looking after your employees; always giving a rise.

Jeh, so very proud of you is the entire clan.
kind, caring, dedicated; you truly were a great man
love you always will; forget you, never we can.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.

— The End —