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Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018

who said my life was interesting? i didn't, sure as **** i remained covert, but suddenly the lies started sinking in, he started breathing fire, and i started breathing ash... we agreed that both us were to remain insomnia, or rather, live in the unconscious of the living, he would wake them, while i would allow them the circus fancies; so we watched a bit of bergman's wild strawberries, i'd mute the t.v. and watch, i'd write, what was being "said" while listening to music... he'd sit sober as a judge, while i'd drink like a jester and poke fun at the fact that: not every drunk can dis-dis-clone-dyslexicon-dyslexia... ****... SPELL! in a furore!

ernest! stay on cuba with the absinthe
and the shotgun... wait your turn, mo'fo...
cast of characters
(a) dr. isah borg
            (b) marianne borg
             (d) dr. evald borg

                  any of them, born shvine?
cheap jokes, an empty theatre
and an echoing laughter coming from
the echo and no cave...

a - where are we?
   b - the children wanted to stretch their legs
a - but it's still raining
b - i told it's your great day: they want
     to pay homage
         - slept well?
a - yes, but i dreaming; i've been having the most
ridiculous dreams lately
b - why ridiculous
a - as though i'm trying to say something
      i don't want to hear
b - what's that?
a - that i'm dead although i'm alive
b - you know, you and Evald are much alike
a - so you've said
b - Evald has said exactly the same thing
a - about me? i'm not surprised
b - no, about himself
    a - he's only 38
  b - will i bore you with the details?
a - no, i'd be grateful if you told me
b - happened a few months ago
    - i wanted to talk to Evald, so we drove to
the sea.
      - he sat where you are; it was raining then, too...

           i'm pretty sure at this point
my "plagiarism" is not really a "plagiarism"
since, Mojo B overe there is deaf as an oak
trying to lip read the movie,
as i once lip-read a nurse going to work
in a surgeon's theatre,
so i said, excuse me miss,
   can i not look into your eyes
but rather read your lips,
this clamour cackle iron hoof stampede
is doing my head in,
   can i read your lips instead?
   on a train, going from
      (DYS-LEX-IA! U.S.A! U.S.A.!
          DYS-LEX-IA! U.A.E!)
    goldersgreen (learning a karate
chop while learning to not cry
when getting kicked in
the ***** is a hard lesson to learn)
to some honk-honk outpost
for recruiting the new pool-ease
enforcers... Hendon?
d - well, now you've got me trapped,
supposed you want to tell me something

            (d! shh... i skipped a bit...
  don't tell Mr. Fantastic about our little:
do me tender, build me a temple
bits... i spent a good amount of
bourbon on this crap)

b - i wish i needn't tell you about it
d - i understant, you've found someone else
b - don't be childish
   d - what do you expect me to think?
   you say you want to talk to me
       - we drive all this way and i'm still waiting
   - for god's sake, marianne, tell me what it is
b - you almost make me laugh
     - so you think i've done a ******?
   stolen money?

           (1st narrator interlude:
   apart from me cherishing emotional
                  and having duty? yes...
you wouldn't exactly taking
a ***** donor's ***** theft, would you,

      - i'm pregnant

   (2nd narrator interlude:
   and they lived, happily, every, after)

d - you sure
b - it's definite

        (3rd narrator interlude:
  lucky for you mate,
   the one last time, 10 years ago phoned
me up an' says: i think i'm pregnant...
     oh look... it, a clown with a sad face
but happy eyes
               ­                    )
                but at least it's definite,
rather than: i think i am:
i.e. it's only my indefinite self scenario)

d - so that's the secret?   (4th narrator interlude:
                                             tissues and the toilet
                                         are mine,
                                        well, you know,
                synch. if your eggs are nothing but
yolk at the end of the 6th day,
                          on the 1st day my ideas are
nothing but day, year, zodiac, 0)

    b - i'm tell you now that i'm going to have
this child

   d - you put it bluntly
    - you know you must choose between me
and the child
   b - poor Evald
  d - don't "poor" me
    - it's an absurd life; even worse to make more
  wretches... and think they'll be better off
b - don't equivocate
   c1 - call it what you like, i was an unwelcome
child, all right
       - is the old man sure i'm his son?
     c2 - very touching, but no excuses for
childish behaviour

   d - must be at the hospital at three,
  won't discuss this
b - coward
d - yes, i'm a coward...
    the best you can do is watch the movie...
and you already know who
C1 & C2 are...
   as with b - you know this is wrong
     (i.e. "this": hard to point the blame at
yourself, isn't it...
       hard to chant mea culpa) -
by now pronouns masquarade as
gender orientations,
given the neuter: it...
                          righ­t now pronouns
are more about spatial coordination than
anything else...

  but you already know who C1 and C2 are
in relation to B and D,
      as you know that A and D are related
as being father, and son...
                as much as B is related to E,
who is of course the predecesor of B in
relation to A.

if i found this text on the internet,
well, a simple ctrl c ctrl p...
               and to think i can still read my own
Down the screen
Floating particles

Rise up
On the bottle
To shelter the air

With oxygenated heart
Filled with love
And sympathy

Care and trust
Shown on the screen
Of brotherhood

©️Isah Aliyu Chiroma

In the radiance of diverse rainbows
I remained silent in secret grief
Thinking how my end would be

Sadness seemed to dwell a tenant
In the brittle silence of the desert night
Sighted with resignation and opened my eyes

In a moment of crazy dark despair
The alternatives were too frightening
Grimacing at the bitterness of the spirits

Lying down in an enclosure
Sitting without posture
Tears rolling down my cheeks hoping

©️Isah Aliyu Chiroma
I found my self in the garden of words
Where air was raining messages
Words waving at me

There was the Noble Laureate
The man of ijebu forest
Seeing you as the words step backward

The cloud wispers to my ears
Looking into the sky it shed tears
With the lightning of the tunder which makes me fear

I searched the sky all i saw was rain
I move with the heavy breeze like the days
The drums beat and the flutes sang

I pick up my pen which will dance on my paper
Vomiting words of hope
Strong and tight like the rope

There was the pen
Which produce leaves of words
With the brack which produce the ink

The stream moves with the tides
The grasses at the shores
Sip to their thirsty roots

The trees wave higher
As the wind blows heavier
Wispering to my ears

There comes the cloud
Fading away from my sight
Moving far beyound my height

The mountains ecoed  
Chanting my name saying
Move close to see my beauty

©️Isah Aliyu Chiroma

— The End —