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Introduction before the curtain is opened.
-->The  introducer addresses the audience.

Instead of none-stop
Condemning the past
Let us do our part
To lift our country
From economic morass fast.
Better than licking a wound,
Taking corrective measures
On former leaders’ mistakes
We could
Capitalizing, on what
They did good.

(Open Curtain)

--> Enters Emperor Tewodros II

I had tried
Citizens to unite
So that
They will not
Stop short of might
When invaders they fight!

I had also exemplified
Portraying a spectacular
Self dignity and pride
Whatever sacrifices
Trying times demand,
A coward,
An Ethiopian must not
Yield a hand.

To convey
I had also tried,
Though possible
As a tourist,explorer and
Even a covert spy
To enjoy oneself in
Ethiopia, famed for
A hospitable land
The impossibility
To carry away with
A shoe
Ethiopia’s golden
Silt or a sand.

--> Enters Emperor Yohannes IV

In the battle of Gundat
And Gura
I had shuttered
Egyptians' and Khedivi’s
And their Europian advisers'
And North Americans' aura.

Revolted by
A scramble for domestic power
Or salivating for wealth
And abhorring
Stooping to things glittering,
Defending my country
And faith
Valorous, on the forefront
Of a battle
I did shake hands
With the angel of death.

There are lessons
You should learn
Adoring your country
Rent seeking
You have to shun,
Putting my country first
A notable self sacrifice
As I had done!

--> Enters Emperor Menelik II

Simply with
A sword and a spear
Carrying a shield
And riding a horse,
I did chase out
To its teeth
With modern weapon
Armed invading force.

When citizens
Join force and unite
With a golden pen
History they can write
History that flickers light
The oppressed,worldwide,
Could win if they fight
For their
God-bestowed right.

Also to modernization
According focal attention
Must be the task of
A given nation
If ignorance and disease
Their tight grip
Must cease.

--> Enters Emperor Haile selassie I

When many warned me
“You will live to regret
Your good gesture!”
To the development of
My country giving
Focal attention
I allowed students pursue
Further education.

I  also allowed many  here
And   abroad a broad-array of
Subjects learn
And their poor country
Serve in their turn.

A prophet
I exposed League of Nation's
Double standard
So that
The world understand
“Though today
Ethiopia’s turn
The flame of fascism
And ******
Supper powers too will burn!”
It was my wont
In the diplomatic mission
To bring
My country to the front!

Along with fellow leaders,
It was my dream object,
To de-colonize
And unite the continent.

That is why many
Saw for a continental seat
—OAU later AU—
Ethiopia fit.

--> President Mengistu Haile Mariam

As revolution
Was the day’s talk
With the progressive
I broke
On peasants and
The proletariat
Imposed yoke.

Sied Barre’s
Unexpected attack
And intrusion
I had managed
To reverse back,

Also fighting
Mass illiteracy
Was my
Outstanding task.

In fact,
I did try to keep
My country intact.

-->Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

My long-cherished bent
Was ensuring
Political pluralism
And democracy’s advent
For which cause
My youth and adulthood
I spent.

I and combatants
After tyranny
To a grave sent,
I invited
Marginalized states
To come aboard and
Equally enjoy
Development’s boon.

In an astounding
Developmental feat
I was out
The unconquerable

—Blue Nile—

To defeat.
Also against poverty
A similar victory repeat.
What is more
On the road
Of Renaissance
I did inspire
Over 80 ethnic group
Forward to run
Actualizing a leap in
Their life span.

A win-win
Environment smart growth
Was what,charismatic,
On the global arena
I brought forth
Making super powers believe
Giving attention to Africa
Is worth.

--> Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn

In trying times
Not to allow
Started mega projects
Suffer a set back
I saw to
Things are on the right track.

More than one cabinet reshuffle
In  the leading party
Deep renewal and reform,
Together with  members,
I did perform!

To a peaceful power transition
I have set a glaring example
A move
In Africa many took unthinkable!
Averse to rent seeking
I am patted on the back
“You have done a nice thing!”

(Close Curtain)

--> Introducer

To grab the rein
Of power
At the cost of harm
Allowing one ethnic group
On others to tower
Sluggishness in resource
Utilization, not allowing
Development to equally
And fast flower,
Harbouring fright
When citizens exercise
Their allowed democratic right
Are follies
The coming generations
Have to fight
So that
Ensues peace
And days bright,
Off springs of Lucy
We have to always unite!///
Distilling the best from the past warding off hurdles pressing ahead.
Damaré M Dec 2013
The clock is ticking 
And it's time 
...It's time 
It's time that we get our act together 
And disengage ourselves from the miseducation and disorientation 
That we have been suffering from for quite some time now.

I'm tired
... I'm tired 
I'm tired of witnessing the sentences of the corrupted minds chained up to face the consequences of their crimes 
By trading in their freedom 
Trading in their wisdom 
For wasted time 

I'm sighing 
...I'm sighing 
I'm sighing because me and my people are blinded by the quote on quote finest 
Presuming to purchase from producers 
Why are we only consumers?
Just followers of every mindless introducer who is on the screen rhyming steadily binding our youth's futures 

I'm crying 
...I'm crying
I'm crying for the losses of our precious souls, our beautiful smiles that are buried beneath the ground 
By a repetitive loud sound 
Coming out of another hand that is brown 

I find it 
... I find it 
I find it aggravating that the colored brother and sister are becoming further and further lacerated 
Just because me and my brothers underwent emasculation doesn't mean that we should stall on our sisters complete emancipation 
LOVE HER and free her from all agitation 
These are our mothers and the foundations of our nation 

I'm reminded 
... I'm reminded
I'm reminded of our history, our lengthy history which to most of us is a mystery
Way before Arabs, Europeans, Hispanics, and American Natives got creative and began to enslave us.
Before our spirits became diminished by religion 
We valued family, tradition, education, productivity, ownership, land, earth and everything that take part in a birth
Most importantly we valued LOVE

So I'm dying 
... I'm dying 
I'm dying because we are so reliant and dependent on someone who is much more different and much less interested 
Our declension is their intentions 
But when we see the illusion on the television 
We see a little succession 
Why is it that we can easily make the team or get in the studio to sing 
But to become a businessmen is not quite our thing? 

I'm dying 
Because we all just living a dream 
A dream that was once our reality 

I'm dying 
Because we are all asleep 

I'm dying 
Because we are afraid to wake up
thurrsday Nov 2012
im the girl your not supposed to be friends with
the bad influence, the introducer, the girl not to be messed with
ill take you down all the wrong roads, and to all the places you dont wanna go
ill let you see all there is to me, the bad, good, and mysterious
but i cant really be serious?
i like many things, and have some bad habits
i fall into holes chasing those rabbits
but in the end its your choice to follow me
cause deep down everyone wants to know how life is
if your completely free
your parents hate me cause i showed you a new way
but all i wanted to do was play
i didnt make you follow, you did that one on your own
and now you feel all alone
sitting on the streets, figuring out your defeat
you wonder why i did this to you?
i made it look so fun, happy and free
they feel sorry for you, and could probably **** me
but noone stops to think who did this to me?
i wasnt born like this
i was torn and broke and molded to this
i started out like you too
in the end i just didnt wanna be alone like this
i didnt wanna be left or used or even kissed
for all who say ignorance is bliss
i think forgiveness can still fix this
Chris Apr 2020
Cause its miles in between
But I've never been good at judging distance
So far when I've lived with em
So **** close two towns over
In a state spread out
And in a spread out state
Would've walked it a minute ago
But I've settled for settling and gotten in the habit
Now the world is getting sick anyways
and curfew is consistent like
We waiting for sirens singing
So I type and type as rage against
The collective connector
The great introducer
I just hope we get off our phones
When we finally get to hang

— The End —