There is a black heart in a tower full of hurtful harmful things ,
and the rains pored down for hours
And there are flowers and black orchids. yet none of them are ripe
And so the seed that I once planted Have all been trampled in the night .
by the jailers who now guard me,
with prongs and knifes and hooks .
But you once said you love me,
but that was two thousand years ago .
But There is a black heart in a tower ,
guarded by a thief upon a cross ,
he sat me down ,we talked for hours ,
about love and what I had lost .
But there is a black heart in a tower ,
and it’s calling out my name
like the rains which are now incessant they are driving me insaine .
But you once told me that you loved me ,
Oh won’t you say it again ,
this time not with hearts and flowers ,
but by calling out my name,
Play a love song to my heart ,
sing the songs of the lyre
Oh won’t you set this heart on fire ?
I want to feel those nails inside me ,
to take this heart and turn it to white ,
to feel that love forever ,
in this God forsaken night .