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david badgerow Oct 2011
Are you clean?
I mean,
do you shave?

Please say
you don't consider
me too brave,
but is your ***** hair
into the ace of spades?

Are you hygenic?
would I need to see
a clinic
in the morning?

Are you boring?

Do you have a habit
of snoring?

Are you allergic to chlorine?
If not,
let's take a skinny dip
Oh, and do you like
with chains and whips?

Are you a biter or
a leg-clencher?
Do you moan or do you whimper?
Have you been
with more losers or winners?

Which are you more afraid of
heights or snakes?
Which do you ride more on
bikes or lakes?
Which do you soar more on
blunts or planes?

Also, is anyone in your family criminally insane?

tell me now if
you want me
to stop this
instead let me ask you
is it nice
when you're *******?

Tell me now and tell me this:
what makes you frustrated
what gets you ******?

Tell me also
what you hope for
and all that you hold dear
so that both of us can spare
each other
a tumultuous year.
croob Apr 2019
scrubbing the grime from my skin,
cutting my nails with a knife,
plucking the hairs on my chin,
oh my god, this is the life.

taking care of yourself is in style
and being hygenic is fun;
shower just every once and a while,
and dry off well when you're done.

i pick big scabs from my flat ***
and brush my teeth until they're white.
daily, i eat eyeballs en masse
in hopes of improving my sight.

being hygenic is fun
and taking care of yourself is in style.
this body is your only one
so treat it gently like a crying child.
Ruth Mulvenna May 2020
In this great big world of ours                                                                                    At the moment things are really hard                                                                        But we are very lucky non the less                                                                         Cause we have the wonderful NHS                                                                        They stand on the front line everyday                                                                      And fight this virus                                                                                                  We have the brilliant local shops                                                                           Their front line staff looking after us                                                                      Their is all the cleaners in the hospitals                                                                       Making sure everything is hygenic and clean                                                        They dont fuss and probably hardly ever seen                                                            All the delivery men and women                                                                                Putting their lifes in danger bringing us  what we need
Everything we need to our front door                                                                               The kindness of neighbours leaving us food parcels                                                               Its a terrible time we are going through           But the love and kindness stops making me blue.There is to many people to mention in one poem but we will get through this together   as long as we stand together and stay strong

— The End —