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ali Nov 2013
i remember the first time bryn brought a boy for christmas
his name was chris
and we had to distinguish between him and my cousin chris
so we called him gay chris
because he had lots of pockets
and he always looked better than my cousins
who hardly ever tried to look presentable.
i remember last christmas
how damon gave elise
sweaters from a thrift shop and fleetwood mac records
and how happy she was.
i never wanted to be allie from the notebook,
and i never wanted you to be noah.
in the 8th grade,
hidden between shelves of a torn-down library where i'd sit for hours,
was a short, thick book with pages of romanticized post-it notes
and the smell of sawdust.
dash and lily's book of dares
was all the things i'd been dreaming about.
the first-glance feelings in the middle of new york,
the warm feeling melting through your bones with an even warmer drink.
i've always wanted a chris
or a shaina
or a natasha.
i've always imagined thanksgiving day going differently for once in my life.
when my uncle asks me if i'm texting my boyfriend,
i want to say "yes, actually" and i wanted to find a boy
to take to my grandmother's house.
i wanted to show him
how tristan would pay me to go sneak him cookies,
and the way we fought over couches.
but now we took all the couches out of the basement,
and i think someone else is living in that house.
but there's still thanksgiving,
there's still an extra seat at the table,
and i'm not sure but i think justin is bringing maya this year.
so when it is my turn to go around the house and say hello to everyone,
and my uncle asks, "how many boyfriends do you have?" teasingly,
i can smile and say "just one"
and it can be you.
Jamie Cohen Dec 2011
barely wearing sweaters
in the middle of december
florida winter became alien to me
bathing suits under flannel shirts
lawn chairs on driveways
that ******* flamingo has a santa hat
he is the most damaged person I know
and I all I can say is
happy holidays
Jamie Cohen Dec 2011
I'm still trying to wrap my head around
why I still can't see in full-color

where's the snow?
chris iannotti Dec 2016
lollipop laughter,
light-hearted living,

picturesque, perfect people
penning pals their best,
pulling down presents
and pushing back pests.

sharing smiles, sending
sights, sound-bytes and bites
several miles, south by southwest
and some places elsewhere.

wishing well, winning wildly
with one another—We whine and
wine while wishing-wells way round
the round rock and wayward,
wish and wash
with the Without,
in waste,

We'll wink, think and talk
shortly—but not a moment longer
and never more or nevermore,
unless we witness winter, fresh.

but locked or not
the door is rotten:
would a knock be heard
it'd already be forgotten.

open up.
Lola Jan 2013
Discarded christmas trees lay naked on city sidewalks.
Goodnight baby Jesus.
Another victim of the holidaze.
What's this all about?
Tis the season.
The season for greed
The season for consuming
The season for ignorance and whining
And people ask why
Why I don't like the holidays
Why I spend them in a holidaze

Humans will always find a reason
Some ******* reason for them to get gifts
While some are opening presents
Others are opening their wrists

Just remember
The holidays are some peoples bane
Worst time of the year
People never stay in the realm of the sane

Tis the season for misery and hate
And I'm the Grinch.
And my heart has shrunk
Three sizes too small
And its never growing
Clarkia Dec 2021
Merry Christmas, twin flame.
I hope you are not lonely.
I hope you spend the holiday with friends.
I hope you are warm and feeling well.
I hope you are happy and feeling whole.
I don't know you yet I miss you.
I wish you were spending Xmas with me.
I'm not allowed to but I love you.
I'm yours, or rather,
I'm mine.
As I spend my holiday alone,
Because I don't want to spend it with
Anyone else but you.
Clarkia Nov 2023
Maybe I should start drinking again
So I will be attracted enough to people
To settle with someone
So I won't be alone for the holidaze
But I don't feel like throwing up
Or begging for my needs to be met
So instead
I will stay sober
And wait until
I am no longer lonely
In just a few minutes
Nov 29, 2023

— The End —