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em nwohs evah uoy tahw ees I~I see what you have shown me
delaever sah noitiutni ym tahw ees I~I see what my intuition has revealed
gnilriws ssendas dna epoh ees I~I see hope and sadness swirling
tnetni dna esoprup a ees I~I see a purpose and intent
noissap degac a ees I~I see a caged passion
traeh a ees I~I see a heart
sdnah ruoy ees I~I see your hands
seye ruoy ees I~I see your eyes
ylfnogard ees I~I see dragonfly
?elihwa syats ohW~Who stays awhile?
ffo stilf dnA~And flits off
nruter ot ylnO~Only to return
efas s’ti swonk eh nehW~When he knows it’s safe
yats oT~To stay.
traeh ruoy ees I~I see your heart.
gnos ruoy raeh I~I hear your song.
thgilf ruoy leef I~I feel your flight.
ecaps ruoy hcuot I~I touch your space
ecaf ruoy ees I~I see your face.
uoy ees I~I see you.
Patricia Drake Mar 2013
But tuB
Maybe ebyaM
You still llits uoY
Recall llaceR
My yM
Reflection noitcelfeR
In the mirror rorrim eht nI
The image of fo egami ehT
Me naked in ni dekan eM
The sunlight thgilnus ehT
Maybe you uoy ebyaM
Still dream maerdy llitS
Of this siht fO
Of me my ym em fO
Body here ereh ydoB
Ready for a a rof ydaeR
Touch for you uoy rof hcuoT
Touching me em gnihcuoT
Me feeling gnileef eM
You inside edisni uoY
Me inside edisni eM
Outside edistuO
Touch hcuoT
Tickle elkciT
Tingle elgniT
Tease esaeT
Take ekaT
Action noitcA
Release esaeleR

— The End —