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itsall iwrite Aug 2018
deep pan cooking not hardeep cooking 21.08.18

monday started top draw
my venom going to spill
natalie is going to get poetry draw
forget girlfriends she will run for hill.
how dare she complain
when something is uncontrollable
insomnia through hardeep may rain
but freedom of speech not so honourable.
gabby and chloe showed they cared
how natalie was blunt
explaining hardeep was literally chaired
footage available now hunt.
onto shares and stocks
rodrigo learning how to trade
laughing off my socks
no barings even if bad bug won't fade.
nick and rodrigo in control
on boarder line ready to hassle
the biceps taking fall patrol
it was rodrigo not nick who liked mussel.
failure to the task
hunger will be plenty
one comment can not mask
hardeep can make something out of empty.
dans hands were magic
don't get confused
gabby refusal was award and tragic
like basic budget just amused.
was sally watching adverts
the aviva app dash cam i log
roxanne will need youtube diverts
it was a tin man not a brown dog.
nick explaining about travel
lands of paradise and greens
at airport all unravel
seeing face on all them screens.
legs up and over
natalie and gabby to exercise
hardeep with a nasty dig and sober
saying nick doing shopping add criticise.
natalie and hardeep getting louder
hardeep gets my crown
unacceptable all about curry powder
she bring herself not hardeep down.
going to end with a critic
natalie won't see no irony
vicious mouth and hyper-critic
its all add to cbb savoury.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
hardeep singh kohli v natlie nunn 22.08.18

going against the tingle
on the whitestuff need a hit
love hardeep but seeing strain in mingle
i understand not sure all get comedy grit.
not being a turn coat
or trying to score points cheap
forget ryan as tired was quote
woke saying save natlie in my sleep.
she is a loose cannon
hardeep is in real deep
never heard of natlie but shes equivalent to a baron
exactly the same as chloe and not page 3 cheap.
a storm is brewing
going to explode like a nuclear station
that's why natlie is to keep chewing
then kirsty will really have to say dangerous situation.
have you decided
ready to ring and inform
to keep the house alive and divided
hardeep must leave this eye of the storm.
Hardeep Singh
Hardeep Singh
you bring the news
you bring me
almost everything.
you bring me God,
the King,
the Queen,

what a man.

Shame upon the BBC for
not seeing what Hardeep
brought to me.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
sally or hardeep 06.09.18

welcome to the dilemma
this is a avalanche
you can influence a tremor
to sally or hardeep throw a branch.
think about the hat-trick
not a struggle oddly
king of the hill with his rhetoric
hows that for comedy.
aware of this verse
getting a message for a premium
rooting for sally as hardeep i curse
fall from humour says my medium.
the ball is in your caught
disappointment for hardeep is the rally
who ever we deport
pure gold i am secretly telling sally.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
eventful tuesday 05.09.18

going to start with psychic
this is really moving ground
sally went for high kick
don't ask hardeep he just moves dirt around.
accessories were not feared
hardeep midlife crisis clips
hilarious was on bear ed
nice comment about lips.
kirsty had a little cheese
was like no man that's invisible
bit of nice comedy please
hardeep smiled udderbly irresistible.
a new fragrance in demand
hooking me a lover is no wish
jermaine pass the bottle i command
just pre-ordered 10 bottles of the fish.
flowing was the toilet seat
not going to tarnish or smear
chicken was not sweet
in hard deep was diarrhoea.
taken out on chicken
predictable as sally and the box
hardeep punched it and gave it a good kicking
think this was a CBB therapy detox.
sally having guilt
wanted to be one of them go getters
did kissing comment make you tilt
offer to hardeep for letters.
ryan had a good clue
coming from his brother
not added to me to
so proud must be mother.
not onto cheese and onion
never have this inflicted
out of order was to sally and bunion
breaking news jermaine just evicted.
not in his dreams
won't be getting in his car
ryan and hardeep breaking at seams
very relevant and i quote bizarre.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
roast food waste 26.08.18

going to go deep
comedy you won't taste
not yet a love of my life for hardeep
unlike food love not going to waste.
have to disagree
solid as a bar of iron
with watson no elementary
on this one hundred percent with ryan.
it was pathetic
still no comedy did lack
maybe a joke on cosmetic
to feel the crack.
turn was on similarity
not trying a promotional commercial
don't want sympathy or charity
like hardeep often deliberately controversial.
now its time to toast
welcome back to my hood
totally understand the roast
hardeep i praise as all good.
you go for the ***** grinder
that's why the monkey is redundant
saturday and hardeep played a blinder
me and hardeep and controversy is abundant.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
my man is down rod-ken-doll 26.08.18

saturday started like a germ
rodrigo and humour no maybe
hilarious was idea and fake *****
in fits with quote "allot of baby".
at this time on wall no writing
dan was to read a disciplinary
sam smith and white object was inviting
all jumping to conclusion with summary.
my man was to whisper careless
but up-most respect is the can
like a sword fight in chess
no gossip done by roxanne.
kirsty and a woman's intuition
explaining to rodrigo  to shut
a bit like nick and boxing edition
the WBA like stock exchange would cut.
now what is forbidden
rodrigo and natlie were detective clever
off his trolley will remain hidden
the true meaning discovered so luck for ever.
nature was broody
no need to beg
did nick deliberately try to bring out moody
suggesting cake and hardeep and the egg.
now a bit of my brother
originally not georges crown
sally misinterpreted cover
no wainwright or hardeep but natlie going to town.
the eggs had no ends
in kitchen still volatile
while boxing in garden between friends
dan and roxanne showed style.
hardeep went to soak
maybe thinking of comedy literature
natalie to to sally did stoke
highlighting all is like theatre.
three getting ready
all glam and glitter to see
natlie and a line now steady
your not on unless next to me.
gabby and chloe on love bubble
at present dignity in tact
no chance of rodrigo holding up trouble
not on tv a *** act.
natlie had the doom
hardeep offered hand
up and out the room
can not with viewers understand.
hardeep very humble
grateful to explain orwellian
gave me a great word to stumble
in love with machiavellian.
before end some hurt
gabby with love  not to handle
touching was  dan and tshirt
ending with rodrigo going blowing out my candle.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
hardeep or chloe poetry to decide 28.08.18

time to build a case
calling it wrong forgotten
this will be a new trace
apple of my eye is no longer rotten.
chloe maybe candy
but between ears is zero
a bit like annoyance with sandy
25 years is sally and  clean hero.
chloe has no earn
things done is not plenty
she really needs the door turn
we will not miss empty.
hardeep is a bomb ticking
similar as not here a switch
not here for behind licking
until you understand you will twitch.
he is a keeper
we must not boot
lets get rid of a sleeper
hardeep comedy is now taking root.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
are they ganging up on hardeep 04.09.18

going to poetry with no delay
even if its cheap
segregating is all part of the play
but not going to help hardeep.
not a question of morals
fully intact and not calculating
but segregating is bringing on own quarrels
trying to use intellect for manipulating.
loved the food budget scenario
speaking trying to be ref
food bank line got to highlight and borrow
dan said "stop moaning for ???? sake" to chef.
all getting annoyed
but is it a attack by the gang
will comedy be destroyed
or a winning sinh kohli preparation hard deep hang.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
hardeep singh kohli  offence 20.08.18

we have a remedy
not going to back stab or snub
the world is missing comedy
natalie is trying to close club.
a final warning did call
with rodrigo was the confide
will it be more damaging then crumbling wall
or calling dan for breakfast will it divide.
barriers are here to be crashed
hardeep is no wally
even with ryan and white comment bashed
unlike trevor not off his trolley.
sally has declared war
but can she survive the whether
celeb big brother so far is top draw
laughing as tired in morning was to clever.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
jermaine or hardeep 03.09.18

we have to choose
first not then pally
to progressive is the loose
right behind the paranormal nut sally.
no to any switch
this cost is expensive not cheap
not doubting education rich
but fall time puts you in hard and deep.
jermaine has a beautiful side
so not a total cain
the parrot will never divide
a all time classic from jermaine.
more to explore
jermaine we can dissect
but it looks like a score
this bad boy to me is CBB correct.
not forgotten about trapping
honey not at all justified
but since voters done kidnapping
committed to CBB is being applied.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
wednesday cbb review 30.08.18

wednesday started off solid
not just for a loner
ben and dan both thinking squalid
its why both had *****.
a little bit from septic
getting right will rally
for jermaine nothing but hectic
on leaving she got right clever sally.
both nominees saying much
eviction or staying can not come soon
both want to stay in touch
hardeep and chloe are both over the moon.
marriage advice from kirsty
won't make most smile
work in progress is causing thirsty
like poetry nothing creative after a while.
ben was again enhancing
it may well be perceived shabby
patric and baby dancing
translated that's ben and gabby.
onto ***** laundry
this mission was poetic scenes
showing the world and all in sundry
crafty nick spilt beans.
hardeep and rhyan not hard
scenes soon had fading
nick got to write birthday card
with washing machine pleasure in stock trading.
dan doing to ben foxy
but all did dis-spare
not liked by roxy
she deliberately messed hair.
back to trade
nick will again take skinning
natlie was first to fade
like stock market not winning.
jermaine getting worried about follow
maybe needed a cold fanta
can you see the swallow
its not just ban-ta.
nick was observing
HMP no booker
2 lady's must be reserving
kirsty labelling both a ******.
now a bit of stenching
really was vermin
chloe and kidnapping was heart wrenching
disgusting a vile when said ketamine.
again jermaine trying to wriggle
womaniser is no obsession
the no ring may suggest single
but more "i like you in confession".
chloe did disappear
eviction glamorous and not cheap
did you see rhyan with hardeep fear
support he has got is a heap.
ending with a wink
ben and jermain not able to funk
unaware as of the drink
evident is the player even if drunk.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
presidential 23.08.18

it is the end of a era
change is forth coming
in the uk not usa is hysteria
the new poetry president is drumming.
with in tact is dignity
walk of shame not clipped
just like clinton and monica lewinsky
its why ryan stripped.
damage will despair
some may see it as ugly
is it vanity pointing out chair
did a wet *** rub good with natalie.
getting all political
understanding no good is being frustrated
sorry hardeep but this is tactical
on tubby-ware containers you calculated.
dan could be president
showing love was a beautiful side
i would advise not talking to that resident
politically tactical hardeep to dan would divide.
ryan made us grin
all will confess
absolutely adored him with turban
lovely guy showing openness.
from riches to a slum
ending with wallow
from private to council will fill like ****
thank you kirsty for demonstration with pillow.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
hard chip on shoulder deep 09.09.18

this is second
already had a burst
chewing on stuff alright i reckoned
now gone is my thirst.
ryan is correct
hitting the nation like a bolder
only one story to select
heavy load on that shoulder.
even when sleeping
hardeep had a sick humour
controlling with one eye peeping
kirsty loss kept in sleeping folder.
end with the headline
cbb can get no bigger publicity
even jason grimshaw would decline
chip on hardeep shoulder has authenticity.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
ice cream and champagne plus washing machine 25.08.18

calling all fans
you are like 118 and cheap
no on edge seat scans
have to question saviour hardeep.
natlie was full on and progressive
bit like kirstys english lesson snag
we need loud and a little aggressive
uncomfortable like quote "love a good ****".
we play the game wrong
taking flack by the heap
need to be like USA and keep strong
sorry hardeep.
moving to the residents
getting over eviction strain
the washing machine and rodrigo had precedence
hilarious was ice cream and champagne.
you all done the wrong saving
the show will now lack
just like roxanne and rodrigos shaving
out of CBB we took bone that's back.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
cbb rundown  17.08.18

first night and on form
on cbb in future gallery
poetry only getting this storm
enter who's talking kirstie alley.
second to enter was sweet
all round nice guy and not corrupt
you might no him as jason from street
mouth open eating might leave him again bankrupt.
third to enter gets a wink
repeat offending will thrive
jermaine lets crack open a drink
this house is the drive.
number four is no prisoner
16 years will be a slapping
chloe gives hope to every parishioner
shes the survivor of a sick kidnapping.
number five is no rambo
barbie and ken are clueless
bit of madge to help rodrigo
george in back round was flawless.
six is a cheat
a real ******
dan osborne  all lady's want to tweet
felt so sorry for jacqueline jossa.
love island was seven
to me no shooting star
has gabby landed in heaven
or again will it leave a scar.
number eight made me puff
only goodness will seep
love him on the wrightstuff
hes my main man hardeep.
crackers is number nine
words in poetry reliable
ben you must underline
for being very excitable.
number 10 is to scale
from best soap so impressive
roxanne put on red shoes and sail
want you to unravel and be explosive.
eleven has a link
would pay a premium
sally knows both brought to brink
love george but sceptical on this medium.
second from ending
natalie gets a bad girl green
reality star not defending
quote but don't mess with this queen.
last to enter is treason
won't thank me for sharing
forgiveness to nick leeson
i still got my baring.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
white house corruption 18.08.18

decisions have to be made
of course there will be a price
luckily no lewinsky and bill to parade
got faith in this president and vice.
first on the agenda
we have to save earth to flower
will ben want elvis and return to sender
or will he just shrivel in cold shower.
next is health of the nation
the NHS to the white house is not squalid
forget ken doll as dan has frustration
not liking veg diet of green liquid.
last but not least
the battle with mexico
president and vice on foreign trade are a beast
putting up to take flack rodrigo.
insight to president was cheap
but addicted and will swallow
end with humour from hardeep
if i don't sleep i will be tired tomorrow.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
thursday freeek 07.09.18

want to pay a complement
its all good and green
earlier today love did cement
mr lewis showed love to my queen.
now onto my silver
very near is bubble and squeak
cried enough to fill a river
sally was the inspiration for this freeek.
spot on and accurate
that's a brutal theory
not saying not clever and articulate
but over powering is the misery.
sally went to confession
allot of protecting from barrier
changing is her impression
could she be a hardeep carrier.
pregnant lady on other side of road
lets end with a scenario
just like sally this comment is hard to off load
sending her a poem would make me a ******.

— The End —