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Wickson Will Apr 2019
every market with a mad man,
Shouting loud as he can,
Carrying gourds and a rusty can,
Walking highly strides apart,
With his stick beside never part,
Every morning in joy he'd start..

Wake up!wake up!,Sleepy town,
Welcome sparrow bye!bye! owl,
Why can't everyone be up at dawn,
Town is dry streets are lone,
Brightness of today you all disown
Get up!or i throw stone(s).

Since a kid here i belong,
To be the town alarm i have grown,
Others smirk-face others frown,
Rolling up in bed others yawn,
It's a new day ***** have crowed,
Now stand up!its no longer cold.

Harambee let's build this nation,
For ourselves and future generation,
Why sleep like on a Havana vacation,
In everything we need dedication,
Of sweet and bitter is lifes' concotion,
Now rise everyone be on motion.

With my voice,leaders i woke up,
Some came back others my help stab,
Some listened others said it's crap,
Today all their fates are stamped,
Seen others how life has slapped,
Rise up sleepy town time is bad.
The world has been silent
As aeons of racism continue each day
If it's a joke to whoever does it
It's not funny and never was
The citizens feel the sense of alienation
That's where they were born and raised
And lived to the dogma they found
They never chose to be black and hold a colour seen to inhabit a criminal
Their laughs went thunderous when a law that would fight for their rights was put in place
Instead it became a wall so high to climb and hard to break
That separated the races
So their faith in tomorrow fades
How will America be great when all these injustices are subtle
Each year we are aggrieved and new wounds to old scars cut open
The protests won't stop till a change comes
Nothing to allay them or bring our calm back
The jury keeps acquitting the police officers of all charges
This ain't happening for the first time
The question is "When will it stop?"
We need a spirit of harambee to fight this evil that found a home in the racists' hearts
We learned that life has no comic heroes to fight for us
We'll fight for ourselves
Do we have a halon to stop the wild fire from spreading and burning up the world
Yes we do
We have voices to speak.
Justice for George Floyd

— The End —