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Sasha Jun 2010
You're Beautiful like Marilyn monroe.
It's a beauty easy to see but hard to show.
When you ask why I love you so,
I say "you're Beautiful like Marilyn monroe."
Then you say"Yes I know, you told me so before.
But honestly *** there must be more."
Between my fingers I place your hair and say
"I love the way your hair looks like the sun, even in the rain"
Then I slowly lift you head and that is when you said
"I love you to, I really do."
I touch my head to yours.
"Oh if only I could open doors that are inside your head, I wonder what you're thinking and what you havn't said."
You giggle quitly and then I place my arm around you.
" I love you whether or not you look like Marilyn monroe."
You smile then you say
"What Hapens when I am old and grey?"
Then squeze your arm and say
"When you are grey and old, I will be too.
Nothing makes me happier then to spend the rest of my life with you."
Not to anyone at all or to all of anyone.
Akash mazumdar Jul 2014
eyes in nights are open,
no sleep and heart is broken,
tears falling one by one,
love is rolling down & i am burnt,
now liquid causing fire but no smoke,
it all happens when trust broke,
then little-little things we remember,
bright mirror shines but the image is blurr,
because eyes are ful of tear,
strings of music touches the heart,
lyrics of sad songs fall apart,
in ears,
coldness develops  within soul,
and the soul plays the actual role,
of a broken feel of love,
hands wiping the cheeks,
and vocal cord bleaks,
room is empty as like heart,
a blank paper defines the crumbled picture drawn in mind,
then the worst needed thing is liquid wine,
walls become the screen of eyes,
slowing picture of past happy times,
hattered from light become general,
and black colour make peace in my heart's funeral,
thoughts go beyond outerspace,
ashes fall on the ground but makes the trace,
glass of water stops and falls fro hand,
mind explores the empty dark land,
tears again starts flowing,
vic versa all these hapens and makes
of broken heart,,
Your lips so soft and red,
the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head.
Your beauty so bright and warm,
shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky,
when I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true,
I never stop thinking of you.
The sound of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound
because I knew I'd truly found my one and only.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm,
like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul,
baby you are my whole world.

Family Friend Poems Your lips so soft and red,
the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head.
Your beauty so bright and warm,
shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky,
when I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true,
I never stop thinking of you.
The sound of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound
because I knew I'd truly found my one and only.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm,
like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul,
baby you are my whole world.

Then it hapens i saw you looking at him and then you were talking
and it was the end of you and me
you broke it off and i was stunned
you said we would last for every
and then he broke youe heart and you came back to me and said you were sorry and you said i let it get my head and i missed that my true love is you and then she saw the cuts on your wrist and she asked if that was because i broke up with you
and i said yes and then we made upp and kissed you lips still the same sweet cherry flaver of your lip stick and you soft soft lips touching me and i was right were i was and i realized we were meant for each other
Kevin Deering Jul 2015
There is not a measure exists in world, that can examine the mysteries of the heart that loves you. I did not know the depth, the vastness. That if one was to dive an everending fall. There are seasons to this world, the summer to the month of may, the cold and ice, come christmas. I am around when everyone sleeps. When those that want dream, and the steps to the sky are clear to the naked eye. I watch and tell sweet stories, now and of past, of the former and propper ways of a world unknown, And witness growh. Growth of an unknown kind and fall of a told kind that goes unnoticed.
My time is silent, clouds move across my head and face. Whispers of something I wait to embrace. I am not alone, I know this from the warm that approaches.From that which beats of pureness, a glowing that expands past reaches of understanding, beyond discovery. There is no conceavable end to your love and beauty. This time that I exist sees things that move Without the want of eyes to see, move slowly then quickly then again I am far above. I see alot of things and cannot speak. So I spread my arms, wide and hope I will not go unnoticed. It hapens now your time is approaching. I admire you daily. Time stands still around you, wishing to freeze itself. You rise, eyes open and gaze up longing to be near you. You have a glow so bright.You stretch around the round, around the figure that I surround. It motions, it moves things drop and fall. They do not understand but they try. You guide, your given to see the hope that is inside. To feel not alone, but one. The night and the Sun. We meet sure yes on the streets. While I lift my veil I glance knowing you will always be there, while hurt upon a flower your flame would burn to close. You see, you look up as you create your pressence, and move away me, the night. They will always look up knowing that you are there. Why does it rain? To bring moisture to all the pain. I tried to bribe the clouds you see, I promised them somehing in a far off place. But you are there no matter,because they see where they are going. You are the persuit of a greatness that will last forever. Nohing overwhelms. You know me and yes you love me. While you go down to sleep I will watch over and keep. Keep for you the sun, the things that you have won. When seasons change you effect the growing. Things move towards and not away. You are wanted, you are loved. I cannot speak and you are the sun. Forever we shall dance and know that we are one. We will know that without the other no longer we exist. The last, these few words, few gestures I promise it will be well. We are married to one cause. To contain and to inspire.For created I am endless and you the entire. Entire hope stilled upon the end of a pin. A point to prove. I see you, you see me now let us on the horizon be

— The End —