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A C May 2013
Shoot Outs
Police Officers
Run & Hide
Terrorist Attacks
Many Years
KILLINGS AND DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The war

When war breaks out
Possible when Iran is attacked
By the USA for a light on its pride
Going back forty years,
When the USA embassy was invaded.
Every country will suffer in its shadow
There will be hunger
There will be a need
There will be deaths
Israel, in suicidal mood, has been in the forefront
For this war, that might possible destroy
Israel as a nation.
Who are those fanatical people who wish death?
Upon millions of people for revenge  
or the glory of power to reign over a destroyed
The world that is only advantageous for ravens.
Where heat has made magnificent diamonds for blind eyes
The stillness when gunpower has cleared
Will be the silence of nothingness.

— The End —