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I was drunk off pure MOONshine.
Wishing I was kissing the face of it...
A feeling like no other.
An unexplainable wave that never ends.
I was Klimbing the sky of infinity..
Why should I stop now?
DiSKUMbobulating the audience in a lay low fashion.
Dround them in passion and
Keep living the life of soul and only soul.
Worship the stars and everything above.
Proceed to observe the unKnown.
Question all but do not fear, for we are just souls
trying to get along in this Love of sphere...
Soul Flowers Make Everything Groovy
the dirty poet Oct 2018
night after night in all those arenas
we hippies understood
only three songs where it happened

was pop sculpture
1983 (a MERMAN) multi-track symphony
FOXY LADY and PURPLE HAZE *** and drugs
nifty covers

but it was only in those three fluid blues jams
launched by deep bass and lurching drums
standing on albert king's shoulders
that acid and sonics unlocked the rigid gates of reality
the landscape melting in a psychedelic instant
the trip coming on inexorably
then at warp speed
fillmores became colosseums
roofs shrugged off, slicing treetops
delivering us to a battlefield no one had known existed
a war without violence but with neural flashing conflict
and fantastic consequences

twirling his guitar like a magic lasso out out out
making contact with patrols buzzing through the galaxy
he grabbed the slurping wah and whammy,
wrestling them
into enormous axes, chained maces and
networked nuclear swords
jimi riding elephants and african curtains past the clouds
rushing through different dimensions, pinballing
across the stars
carrying us longhairs with him, jimi
the grooviest warrior
castles disintegrating as he stepped through them

the lyrics were peripheral
singing about longing in HEAR MY TRAIN
****** swagger in RED HOUSE
confronting the issues more directly
laughing about his colossal strength
his ridiculous psychic power blasting open
every wretched door
jimi so brave and bold and debonair
charging past speed limits, not with scales and chords
but with lightning bolts, blue notes and a carpet
of feedback
which he captured and twisted into climaxes
galloping across a cosmos of souls, way past calculation
spilling emotion, blues and riffs over the earth
in a scramble
to overcome the forces against us
we could even SEE the armies as jimi confronted them
all alone but with our ears as eyes upon him

and all the seas that jimi hendrix swam through
here on earth
the hydraulic groupies, carnivorous managers
drugs and rock star glamour
NOTHNG next to those cosmic dogfights

and when he was finished, when the battle was over
and the song ended in victory for everyone
and the tendrils returned to the soil
and we all had our final ******
and he tuned up for the next number
the entire firmament revolved once
and applauded itself
Travis Green Dec 2021
In the clear perfect moonlight
I imagine how nice it would be
To have you in my gay world
Where we share our magic
And pleasant, ambrosial kisses
He is a mystery that thrills me
Everything that I want
To touch, love, and experience
All the adventures in life
He is an intriguing composition of dreams
The grooviest, tattooed hot stuff
Imbued with dopetastic vibes
I long to slide in his excitable water slide
Of sensuous extremities and treasure
His wild bewitchment
Travis Green Dec 2021
I want you more
Massage your forehead, your temples
Your cheeks, your ears
Slip into the enchantment in your addictive lips
Kiss and relish your studly scented beard
Seamless dark eyes, an elegant exhibition of dreams
Strong black eyebrows
I desire you so much more
Everything about your swagger is mantastic

Your drip got me feenin’ to grasp your body
Sink into your fragrant nation
Feel your unbeatable power
You set me ablaze with your penetrating gaze
I am dazed, captivated by your intriguingly beastly muscles
You are like a blazing tornado
You make me so hard with your flow
Your extraordinarily fiery empire is the most sensational treasure

You are the grooviest gem I know
I love how you plow my lovely perennial garden
Solace me so flawlessly
Immerse me into the dope audio
Of your seductively deep tone
Dance with me in a wonderland of delight
*** me, my mighty, romantic, and handsome Prince
Let me guzzle you into my system
Utterly loving your magical masculineness
never wishes to awaken from pleasant snooze

Appellation (with trailing switchback
and/or additional colorful turns
of phrases) emphasizing assigned
nom de plume "princess goldilocks"
hardly flattering compliment

gently aforementioned sobriquet mocks,
jabs, and stings painful as botox
analogous when the Daily's
(mean neighbors on Lantern Lane
out in vinyl city Audubon Boondocks)
hurled sizable rocks

at our then spry hybrid shorthaired
Boxer/Dalmatian, long since
pushing up bonafied daisies, when
I too sported crew cut,
versus choicest hardiest, meatiest... most
grooviest personal unorthodox hirsute

with unmatched socks,
yet parents, who (along with
paternal grandpa Aaron)
scorned long hair donning
pencil neck geeks as laughingstocks
among cruel classmates,

add diminutive physique
topping off effeminate traits
oft times purposely mistaken
for a girl - courtesy beefy "jocks,"
which mine trademark lean
non mean mien
gave bullies free license

to rain taunts,
they feigned threatening moves
to clean out clocks
belonging to self
and other wimpy kids
even tormenting old folks
suffering dementia praecox,
our ladies of perpetual responsibility

this haint nun cents
(think Garrison Keillor
Prairie Home Companion)
took me under their wing
metaphorically inoculating yours truly
as against some deadly pox
at providential spiritual crossing
divine intercession really rocks!
Travis Green Apr 2022
I pine to slow grind with him
Bask in his immaculate flashy splashiness
His hot marvelous matureness
A sweet smooth stillness that awakens me
I long for the magical moments after moments to come
When he feels me deeply
When he kisses me with his passionate pink lips

So ever graceful with his pace
With his immensely incredible patience
Wraps me in his bright divine fieriness
Deeply breathing in my sensual frequency
He exhilarates my chakras
Moves me into the limelight of his perfection
Like a stunning summer weekend

He shines sublimely in my mind
So ever serene as a gleaming, gorgeous Sunday
So fragrantly fruitful as a blooming succulent cherry tree
His swagger is enchanting as the everlasting azure sky
Perfectly genuine and untouched
Flaming southern charm in my heart
Pure unchanging bliss that consoles me

I hanker to drive into the deepest extents of him
Collide with his galvanizing kingdom
Let him perform his dreamy lucid poems to me
******* away with every wonderful word he says
The way he smells so sexalicious
He deserves a round of applause for his hotness
For his ****** affectionate majesticness
So complex like organic chemistry
Like quantum field theory
But still stellarly striking and inviting

He is the smoothest and grooviest dude that I know
That makes me tremendously twitchy in his closeness
He amplifies the slow jams in my mind
The beguiling booming bassline
That surrounds my creation
I thirst to drown deep in his salty hypnotic allure
Bound to his earthy and immersive firmament

Lay on his comfortably solid stomach
Press my palms on his lean bare chest
Drift away from the present-day problems of the world
So overly sweet on his exquisiteness
How he emancipates my nation
Kisses to my soft, breezy shoulders
Brings me closer to him to feel
His southern loving warmth
Travis Green Jun 2023
He is my amorous new-found kryptonite
That makes my heart sing
That has me so wild about his bright, striking delight
The smoothest grooviest dude
That makes me hella high
Makes me hanker to fly above the sky
Makes me hot like no other

I hunger to hit the club with him
Get it on in V.I.P
Shout out his name
While he puts it down
Takes me down

Don’t give a ****
Slamming rams
Confounding sensations
Vibrating thighs
Love-struck eyes

He grips my kissable milk fountains
Twist my lickable nips
Make me lose my breath
Undress my frame of mind
Strike me hard

Turn up the noise
Hot boy, explore me all over
Place me in his slammer
Compel and nail me
With his amazingly long
And suckable hammer

Give me all his treasured infectious manliness
**** me like a ****
Enrapture my curves
Cover me in his blissful irresistible love
Kiss me everywhere

Bite into me like a big juicy pear
Search into my anatomy
Give me unsurpassed rhapsody
Press his hands on my back
Slap my plump, luscious ***

*** me so fast like flash
Crash into every fraction of me
Reach a gratifying ******
And splash his fresh man batter
All over my spectacular *** cheeks
Please rescue us from this godforsaken place
veritable hellscape, where angels fear ingress.

Just then an unexpected pleasant distraction
woke me from induced stupor linkedin to Los
Angeles fires jump/kick starting telepathic wife
high connection between yours truly husband
to a righteous leftist extraterrestrial establishing
an immediate cove Van Halen brotherly bond.

Here and now would be the time to exercise
opportunistic exchange of communication and
experience unconditional acceptance despite
spindleshanks, which might explain why I beak
came the laughing stock of unrelenting torment
when a student at the school of hard knocks for
knuckleheads, which barely found me earning
a diploma graduating with flying colors - black,
blue, and red, yet interestingly enough the hues
of the home planet where creatures whom yours
truly desperately wanted to be taken to, no matter
I would never get to befriend potential amazingly
literate respondents from All Poetry, Hello Poetry
Tumblr, COSMOFUNNEL, My Poetic Side, Poetry
Poetry Soup, Poetry Nook, Poetry Vibe, Prose. |
A Community for readers and writers, Neopoet | A
family of poets, and Poem Hunter, though amidst
countless bodies out beyond the outer limits of the
twilight zone hiding within dark shadows or maybe
lurking along the edge of night awaited homeboys
to regale me about learning the secret to survive
nothing short of a thermonuclear war, a bajillion
times more horrific than the tragedy that signaled
confluence of meteorological factors wrought,
hellscape in southern California global warming
suspected, nevertheless, who in their grooviest,
and wildest dreams could have thought never
in a millions years Dante's Inferno cruel
fiery fate jump/kick started lapping flames argh.

I read the horrific news from afar (no less than a
bajillion miles from Earth) transfixed watching live
action broadcast from the most sophisticated input
device (unknown to man) finding me rapt (quite an
understatement) and hypnotized fixated on the raft
of burning mansions mega million dollar homes
now chock full of tsuris unbearable unimaginable
unrecognizable fraught nouveau homeless - yes
with money in the bank to seek shelter at a pricey
glitzy accommodation tormented courtesy charred
domiciles gifted into rubble ground hovels searing
casting an everlasting impression upon mine eyes.

Inescapable nightmare reality indelibly etched numb
burrs of retinas burned with ineradicable images see
sinned with unfair indiscriminate scenes grafted in
soot to ash heaps impossible mission to differentiate
though amidst the mounds of mourning dewy eyed
resilience camaraderie witnessed salvation, where
random acts of kindness punctuated disequilibrium
while search and rescue teams combed thru debris
no matter hot embers still smoldered coalescence
generated an eerie orange otherworldly glow like
a quiet riot of Venusian topography where average
surface temperature on said planet around eight
hundred and sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit (464
degrees Celsius), making said solar body the hottest
planet in our solar system due to strong greenhouse
effect caused by its thick carbon dioxide atmosphere
earning evening star appellation qua Earth's "evil twin"
because of its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide
and sulfuric acid, which chemical cocktail poisonous to life.

— The End —