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I had a dream last night
Not to clear what it was about
All I know is that I needed help
I waited
Glancing only to see you turn the corner
An unexpected surprize
To see your glitterly blue eyes
We made eye contact
There were smiles and butterflies
I had never worked with you before
Yet, you were the solution
That I was looking for
Sequal to Rewind

Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Lekha Nath Sep 2018
You embraced me with your glitterly hands,
When all I could think about was chasing darkness.
Your spiral staircase gave me hope,
When all I could think about was falling down.
Your speech about the world outside came to my rescue,
When my mind was drowning in the ocean of pessimism.
You were a cold edifice when I stepped in at four,
And now as I leave at seventeen , you are a warm home, wrapped in a cocoon, giving me sanguiness.
The concrete beneathe our feet is like a pillar of life, that moulded us right.
I was a lump of wet mud when you took me under your wing,
I cried when I dried because it's time to say goodbye.
I was enthusiastic by the paradise
Of your wonderful aurora
And I didn't know that I would miss this wonderful aurora.
And now as the sun sets,
Our chapter sadly ends.
"Ta-Ta" for now,
"Goodbye for a while".
Until we meet again ,
On a blissful end.
-LN & KB
This is poem I co-wrote for my school magazine. Enjoy !!

— The End —