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Silver Wolf Feb 2015
I miss the way your eyes used to sparkle
Glinting with starlight and summer
Dust swirls around your auburn locks
Uplifting rosy tendrils
Dancing around your head
like fire crackling and sparking embers
Igniting the view

Leaves turn crimson
Along with your heartbeat
Pumping blood through infinitesimal connection
Of veins and arteries
Running deep along with the roots
Sleeping dormant underneath beds of leaves
Yearning to resurface
Germinate beauty

Winds blow free
Whistling through the night
Chilling what's left of our bones
trees to shed their only cover
Castaways left abandoned
Scattered over a once fertile ground
Harvested gems ****** dry
To meet their fate of crumpled defeat

Shadows grow thick
Hanging heavy in the air
They seem to be draped over things
And follow your footsteps wherever you tread
Looming over you throughout the night
Along with taunts and cackles of phantoms
Darkness is coming

crystallized rain a washing the world with blankets of ice
Creating dreamy snowscapes
A mystical wonderland
as if everything slows to a stop
It seems so ethereal
My mind loses feeling
giving way to a perpetual numbness
As we all fall asleep
dreaming of morning dew coating meadows
before ice brought the cold along with its tears

Light continues to dim
Letting a fuzzier coat of blue paint the sky
Silhouettes block out the warmth
The last remnants of sun
Fading away with the vibrancy and laughter of autumn
Leaving a meek replacement of what could have been

And a longing to break free of this frozen apathy
That glaciates our hearts
NCT Oct 2014
plead for the pain to be gone,
yet beg to feel the hurt.
tie an anchor to your ankle
to hold you down,
yet gasp for air as it drags you deeper and deeper into the ocean.
admire the shimmering waters
glistening as the waves
ripple across the vast seas.
beautiful sparkles,
ethereal and lucid.
slowly but surely,
the surface glaciates.
the iciness spreads
and soon you are submerged
in the piercing frost,
frigid and forbidden,
biting your flesh,
bit by bit.
it begins to cut,
hard and deep.
right through your skin
to your bone,
and in to your marrow
where it ***** your life;

you are lifeless.
there is nothing left but a corpse,
of the beauty, love, peace and happiness
it never possessed.
silently shrouded
by a white veil
as the evanescent wails
fill the barren air.
flowers adorn
the pale cloth to cloak the
foulness hidden beneath.
but they soon wither,
as promised,
beauty gone forever;

for forever is an empty promise,
and death is the evaded truth.

— The End —