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Edward Feb 2020
Alyssa, thank you for your poems GBU.
Larry , thank you for your poems GBU
Kristy, thank you for your poems here GBU.
Roumen, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Wendy, thank you for your poetry GBU.
Brandon, thank you for your poems GBU.
Sally, thank you for your poetry GBU.
Mark, thank you for your Poems GBU.
The Girl, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Ava, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Godson, thank you for your Poems GBU.
TheRaven thank you for your Poems GBU.
Raven , thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Krippi, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Mike H, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Willow, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Kim, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Keith, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Jules, thank you for your Poems,GBU.
Traveler,thank you for your Poems GBU.
Moonlight, thank you for your Poems GBU.
AB, thank you for yourPoetry GBU.
MAM, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Guy, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Fawn, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Frank, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Melancholy, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Pradip, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Melanie, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Mike E, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Lilian, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Phil, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Katja, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Godwin, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Jennifer, thank you for your poetry GBU.
Bijan, thank you for your poetry GBU.
FJ, thank you for your poetry GBU.
For the ones that I miss sorry GBU.
My hands are really sore right now.
One of the Greatest gifts that Christ give to us is a prayful heart.
One that is desperately praying for the lost around us to find God.
For when we become desperately praying for others in our lives.
Miracles began to take place in these people lives revealing Christ.
For even Christ spends time praying for people to find him.
Even though he knows who shall find him and who shall not.
Still it might be that one prayer that put them into his people.
So allow Christ to transform you into an Mighty Prayer Warrior.
I am so thankful for all the Powerful Prayer Warriors in my life.
I love each of you all and thank God for each of you GBU all.

— The End —