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in my family conversation is seldom thoughtful questioning filled with wonder quiet pauses instead it is sociable banter teasing goading spontaneous gratuitous remarks clever embellishment excessive flattery it is an ancient system passed down patronage pecking order nepotism sycophancy near to impossible for me to be honest in presence of their overwhelming vanity when it comes to family gatherings my voice isn’t very strong my family’s joking squelches my chirp they are each and all more loud sarcastic faster wittier more crude outrageous more funny loud gregarious sanguine Mom embarrasses herself with uncalled for flirtations (her mental state rapidly deteriorating) everyone laughs boisterously they snap kid exaggerate amplify taunt i can hardly get word in i need to repeat myself several times or more to be heard my voice is minor i struggle to tell story they listen politely then rush back into their rowdy repartee i am way too sincere way too naked in my ineptitude my stomach ties in knots biting lip shivering from cold fear what’s going to happen pitch black in front of me voice inside screams please i need help so bad please make it easier i’m lost in all this commotion drama hunger lack of clarity

Chicago 1980 Odysseus always revered cousin Chris is taller tan-skinned handsomer stronger protective of Odysseus knowing he is frivolous liability tags along with Chris and his prosperous trader friends advantaged echelon inherited wealth educated white young men they float above everyone else their tastes in clothes furnishings run Brooks Brothers Burberry Giorgio Armani Ralph Lauren John-Paul Gautier Paul Smith Emile Zegna Salvatore Ferragamo their preference in women run typically blonde large ******* tight butts make-up painted nails they think Odysseus is a freak because he usually chooses females none of them want Odysseus likes skinny girls flat chests glasses he knows he is an extraneous art pet to Chris and his group

Chris joins newly built state of art fitness facility pricey membership accesses all of Chicago’s fast track shakers movers politicians lawyers pretty people Odysseus has his limits he does not have money to join also he dislikes snooty elitism several times Chris invites Odysseus as guest Odysseus feels insecure outsider Chris always includes Odysseus pays for dinners they begin with round of doubles then 2nd round of doubles before glancing at menu Chris drinks Canadian Club on the rocks Odysseus follows they raucously order extravagant meals with appetizers 3rd 4th 5th rounds of doubles after pricey dinner at chic restaurant Chris’s group rendezvous at bar or club they order round of drinks tip lavishly sip drink glare around room leave barely touched drinks walk out with look of disdain they scavenge more bars in search of females or some intangible attraction Odysseus is never certain what they are looking for or what is the source of their contempt each wears black leather jacket carries huge wads of cash $20s $50s $100s folded stuffed in front pockets no wallets or clips

the Red Meat palace or Chang’s Szechwan grill are their favorite restaurants as many as 8 men sit at table pack mentality prevails for dessert course they pull out small brown bottles filled with ******* if it is Friday night Chris’s pad is frequently elected females other arrangements settle bill depart restaurant one night Odysseus arrives early at Chang’s wanders downstairs into women’s boutique salesgirl named Fiona greets him they hit it off he invites her to join him and his hosts upstairs after her shift is done Fiona arrives as dessert is about to be served table of men look desirously at Fiona beams Odysseus and Fiona along with Chris Phil Tom go to Odysseus’s place Fiona is perhaps 22 petite lovely with deep blue eyes set wide apart long eyelashes brown thick hair cut to shoulders high ******* pink ******* fragrance of linden flowers delighted by male attention Fiona ***** fondles each men are quite intoxicated Odysseus and Phil are only capable to sustain erections Odysseus stares mesmerized at Fiona’s extraordinarily swollen ***** she notices his fixation grins blushing men shout commands but in actuality Fiona is in charge reducing each of them to little boys vying for her attention near conclusion she requests they form circle around her ******* on her chest she fondles them touches herself men laugh mockingly as if to compensate for their lack of performance Tom picks up plastic dart gun aims it at Fiona she laughs crawls on all fours Tom fires dart hitting her on **** Phil grabs gun from Tom reloads another dart suddenly it feels like fraternity stunt Odysseus goes along offended by his own complicity to him episode feels more like men having *** with each other than being with a woman telephone rings it is Odysseus’s latest love pursuit she tells him she is on her way over everyone rushes to put on clothes change bed sheets they depart within minutes she arrives finally ready after weeks of romancing to put out for him after that night when Chris and Odysseus get buzzed in bar Chris routinely speaks the line to women have you ever been done by 2 cousins one night at Green River tavern woman squeezes milk from her ****** into shot glass dares cousins to drink Chris laughing turns down her offer Odysseus shoots back shot of milk then takes swig of Irish whiskey cousins go see Billy Idol at Odysseus’s insistence they stand near front stage young girls screaming after show driving home in Chris’s Fiat Spider Chris complains his ears are ringing i don’t know how i’ll be able to work tomorrow Odysseus nods like he hears hollers out window hey little sister shotgun!

Mom and Dad want their son to enjoy fruits of burgeoning affluence they feel certain what they are doing is best for him they rent quarter seat at Chicago Mercantile Exchange they originally promised full seat but they are overextended Odysseus enrolls in trading course he learns to trade Certificates of Deposit and Eurodollars which are recently established markets suddenly Odysseus has lots of cash his parents are dishing out he does not know what he is doing newly launched markets lack investment and fleece young men of their parent’s money his friends surroundings change he loses sight of himself he is a thoroughly incompetent trader bleeding cash scatters money between harebrained panicked trades or ******* girls $1000. wristwatch when Mom and Dad see jewelry they become furious in a way he represents his parent’s design for how to build successful son yet their plan is going dreadfully wrong he wants to stand up speak out against Dad and Mom he is not courageous enough to counter their weight he wants to express with more assurance his passion to pursue painting and writing isn’t fact he graduated from art school evidence enough of his aspirations commodities exchange is last place in the world he belongs Odysseus is risk taker but he is not aggressive or entrepreneurial only lesson he has learned with respect to his parents is how to run away

by all appearances cousin Chris is brilliant trader in reality Chris is hooked up with powerful crooked brokers they use him as their bagman he covers losing trades and is compensated or offsets winning side of profitable trades subsequently dealt his share Chris is not a criminal he stumbles into profit-making situation when certain conditions are flexible to advantages Chris is diligent hard worker the vast sums of money he earns do not distort his personality he is always generous shielding of Odysseus gold trading pit becomes so shady S.E.C. intervenes relinquishing exchange’s contract Chris and his bosses walk away unscathed having made their bundles

Mom and Aunt Rita run social itinerary for family including birthdays holidays all other gatherings where family will meet changes by the minute depending on Mom and Aunt Rita’s caprice checking in by telephone at least an hour before is mandatory arriving at destination Mom and Aunt Rita insist on specific table location seating arrangement it is important they be seen viewed by others at restaurant they never sit near kitchen or washrooms or where there is too much noise light away from drafts who sits next to who is crucial round tables are their favorite preferring backs to wall looking out so they can nod wave Mom rules from proud pedestal Dad upholds chain of command sometimes he irritably gripes Aunt Rita immediately comes to Mom’s defense Dad points finger back off Rita you’re way out of line where do you come up with a remark like that Mom mediates Max that’s enough in a way the sisters are spoiled little girls over-indulged by their father they believe their opinions and tastes are the best most correct everyone in family are subordinate to their no and don’t Mom and Aunt Rita routinely criticize Odysseus’s semantics oppose his observations critical of his clothes conduct they handily misconstrue his comments to mean fodder for their amusement Mom and Aunt Rita’s efforts to keep prim proper decorum cause resentment Odysseus feels constricted by his subservient role in drama of family he fails to understand their care

Odysseus busts out of markets leaving behind alarming debts for family to pay off he feels humiliation disgrace plunges into bottomless sleepless despair hides in house door locked window shutters shut phone rings unanswered hates life willfully wants to destroy himself there is no way out after week Chris comes by to see if he is all right Odysseus is reluctant to let Chris in Chris commands be a man get a grip on yourself Odysseus replies maybe i’m not a man he feels failure shame realizes he has become traitor to himself he wants to look at existence head on embrace it but all he knows are dishonor regret deception he conceives his being has been stolen he wants his life back but knows not how to recover it he feels deep in obligation to Mom and Dad thinks to escape from Chicago but his parent’s control is crushing he wakes late drinks black coffee smokes cigarettes marijuana hangs out alone sky changes from light to dark to light phone rings he reads Nietzsche Sartre frequents ***** Hole punk rock dive several blocks from residence becomes orphan of night drinking drugging

January 5 2011 30 years have passed Chris marries fathers son becomes best father to his child he can be leaves markets in late 80’s Dad dies in ’91 Odysseus leaves Chicago in 1994 he manages to paint some paintings write some words stomach ties in knots biting lip shivering from cold fear what’s going to happen ***** pink gray skies behind pitch black in front sometimes you need to take a step back in order to move forward Mom says she worried enough about money when she was younger and isn’t going to worry about it anymore her entire life she boasted i’m saving for my children but in the end she saved solely for herself Odysseus never learned to stand on his own all he ever wanted is to love and be loved he wonders what will happen next

Maître, qui du grand art levant le pur flambeau,
Pour consoler la chair besoigneuse et fragile,
Redis la gloire antique à cette exquise argile,
Ton corps va donc subir l'outrage du tombeau !

Ton âme a donc rejoint le somnolent troupeau
Des ombres sans désirs, où l'attendait Virgile,
Toi qui, né pour le jour d'où le trépas t'exile,
Faisais des voluptés les prêtresses du beau !

Ah ! Les dieux (si les dieux y peuvent quelque chose)
Devaient ravir ce corps dans une apothéose,
Incorruptible chair l'embaumer pour toujours ;

Et l'âme ! L'envoyer dans la nature entière
Savourer librement, éparse en la matière,
L'ivresse des couleurs et la paix des contours !
Jay Taylor Aug 2012
As a child I did not want my life, because of the pain it gave so raw
I embraced the place of fantasy, and with pencils I would draw
A life I wanted to live in, was so far from what was real
Yet I was told this is your life, turn the cards, it is your deal

As times went on it never changed, yet I managed to survive
I can look back and smile to say, how glad I am, I am alive
It is hard to know, when the turning point did come
But it doesn't really matter, even though at times I feel alone

My life it has changed, in oh so many ways
I no longer count the hours, of those deep depressing days
I just know that I have a future, one which I could never see
I just know that I am happy, to find the "real" in me

Many people have passed through, and I can still feel quite alone
But it doesn't really matter, It doesn't pain me to the bone
I have been presented with new faces, as old one's they stay with me
Its the ever evolving journey, and I know happy I will be

We all have a turning point, in fact we have many in our time
Never close your doors, be open and you will be fine
People they will like you, they may even give you love
I just know my life is turning, as I am free, like a dove

© Jay Taylor (Gautier)
Quand je mourrai, ce soir peut-être,
Je n'ai pas de jour préféré,
Si je voulais, je suis le maître,
Mais... ce serait mal me connaître,
N'importe, enfin, quand je mourrai.

Mes chers amis, qu'on me promette
De laisser le bois... au lapin,
Et, s'il vous plaît, qu'on ne me mette
Pas, comme une simple allumette,
Dans une boîte de sapin ;

Ni, comme un hareng, dans sa tonne ;
Ne me couchez pas tout du long,
Pour le coup de fusil qui tonne,
Dans la bière qu'on capitonne
Sous sa couverture de plomb.

Car, je ne veux rien, je vous jure ;
Pas de cercueil ; quant au tombeau,
J'y ferais mauvaise figure,
Je suis peu fait pour la sculpture,
Je le refuse, fût-il beau.

Mon vœu jusque-là ne se hausse ;
Ça me laisserait des remords,
Je vous dis (ma voix n'est pas fausse) :
Je ne veux pas même la fosse,
Où sont les lions et les morts.

Je ne suis ni puissant ni riche,
Je ne suis rien que le toutou,
Que le toutou de ma Niniche ;
Je ne suis que le vieux caniche
De tous les gens de n'importe où.

Je ne veux pas que l'on m'enferre
Ni qu'on m'enmarbre, non, je veux
Tout simplement que l'on m'enterre,
En faisant un trou... dans ma Mère,
C'est le plus ardent de mes vœux.

Moi, l'enterrement qui m'enlève,
C'est un enterrement d'un sou,
Je trouve ça chic ! Oui, mon rêve,
C'est de pourrir, comme une fève ;
Et, maintenant, je vais dire où.

Eh ! pardieu ! c'est au cimetière
Près d'un ruisseau (prononcez l'Ar),
Du beau village de Pourrière
De qui j'implore une prière,
Oui, c'est bien à Pourrières, Var.

Croisez-moi les mains sous la tête,
Qu'on laisse mon œil gauche ouvert ;
Alors ma paix sera complète,
Vraiment je me fais une fête
D'être enfoui comme un pois vert.

Creusez-moi mon trou dans la terre,
Sous la bière, au fond du caveau,
Où tout à côté de son père,
Dort déjà ma petite mère,
Madame Augustine Nouveau.

Puis... comblez-moi de terre... fine,
Sur moi, replacez le cercueil ;
Que comme avant dorme Augustine !
Nous dormirons bien, j'imagine,
Fût-ce en ne dormant... que d'un œil.

Et... retournez-la sur le ventre,
Car, il ne faut oublier rien,
Pour qu'en son regard le mien entre,
Nous serons deux tigres dans l'antre
Mais deux tigres qui s'aiment bien.

Je serai donc avec les Femmes
Qui m'ont fait et qui m'ont reçu,
Bonnes et respectables Dames,
Dont l'une sans cœur et sans flammes
Pour le fruit qu'elles ont conçu.

Ah ! comme je vais bien m'étendre,
Avec ma mère sur mon nez.
Comme je vais pouvoir lui rendre
Les baisers qu'en mon âge tendre
Elle ne m'a jamais donnés.

Paix au caveau ! Murez la porte !
Je ressuscite, au dernier jour.
Entre mes bras je prends la Morte,
Je m'élève d'une aile forte,
Nous montons au ciel dans l'Amour.

Un point... important... qui m'importe,
Pour vous ça doit vous être égal,
Je ne veux pas que l'on m'emporte
Dans des habits d'aucune sorte,
Fût-ce un habit de carnaval.

Pas de suaire en toile bise...
Tiens ! c'est presque un vers de Gautier ;
Pas de linceul, pas de chemise ;
Puisqu'il faut que je vous le dise,
Nu, tout nu, mais nu tout entier.

Comme sans fourreau la rapière,
Comme sans gant du tout la main,
Nu comme un ver sous ma paupière,
Et qu'on ne grave sur leur pierre,
Qu'un nom, un mot, un seul, GERMAIN.

Fou de corps, fou d'esprit, fou d'âme,
De cœur, si l'on veut de cerveau,
J'ai fait mon testament, Madame ;
Qu'il reste entre vos mains de femme,
Dûment signé : GERMAIN NOUVEAU.
Enfants, beaux fronts naïfs penchés autour de moi,
Bouches aux dents d'émail disant toujours : Pourquoi ?
Vous qui, m'interrogeant sur plus d'un grand problème,
Voulez de chaque chose, obscure pour moi-même,
Connaître le vrai sens et le mot décisif,
Et qui touchez à tout dans mon esprit pensif ;
- Si bien que, vous partis, souvent je passe
Des heures, fort maussade, à remettre à leur place
Au fond de mon cerveau mes plans, mes visions,
Mes sujets éternels de méditations,
Dieu, l'homme, l'avenir, la raison, la démence,
Mes systèmes, tas sombre, échafaudage immense,
Dérangés tout à coup, sans tort de votre part,
Par une question d'enfant, faite au hasard ! -
Puisqu'enfin vous voilà sondant mes destinées,
Et que vous me parlez de mes jeunes années,
De mes premiers instincts, de mon premier espoir,
Écoutez, doux amis, qui voulez tout savoir !

J'eus dans ma blonde enfance, hélas ! trop éphémère,
Trois maîtres : - un jardin, un vieux prêtre et ma mère.

Le jardin était grand, profond, mystérieux,
Fermé par de hauts murs aux regards curieux,
Semé de fleurs s'ouvrant ainsi que des paupières,
Et d'insectes vermeils qui couraient sur les pierres ;
Plein de bourdonnements et de confuses voix ;
Au milieu, presque un champ, dans le fond, presque un bois.
Le prêtre, tout nourri de Tacite et d'Homère,
Était un doux vieillard. Ma mère - était ma mère !

Ainsi je grandissais sous ce triple rayon.

Un jour... - Oh ! si Gautier me prêtait son crayon,
Je vous dessinerais d'un trait une figure
Qui chez ma mère un jour entra, fâcheux augure !
Un docteur au front pauvre, au maintien solennel,
Et je verrais éclore à vos bouches sans fiel,
Portes de votre cœur qu'aucun souci ne mine,
Ce rire éblouissant qui parfois m'illumine !

Lorsque cet homme entra, je jouais au jardin.
Et rien qu'en le voyant je m'arrêtai soudain.

C'était le principal d'un collège quelconque.

Les tritons que Coypel groupe autour d'une conque,
Les faunes que Watteau dans les bois fourvoya,
Les sorciers de Rembrandt, les gnomes de Goya,
Les diables variés, vrais cauchemars de moine
Dont Callot en riant taquine saint Antoine,
Sont laids, mais sont charmants ; difformes, mais remplis
D'un feu qui de leur face anime tous les plis
Et parfois dans leurs yeux jette un éclair rapide.
- Notre homme était fort laid, mais il était stupide.

Pardon, j'en parle encor comme un franc écolier.
C'est mal. Ce que j'ai dit, tâchez de l'oublier ;
Car de votre âge heureux, qu'un pédant embarrasse,
J'ai gardé la colère et j'ai perdu la grâce.

Cet homme chauve et noir, très effrayant pour moi,
Et dont ma mère aussi d'abord eut quelque effroi,
Tout en multipliant les humbles attitudes,
Apportait des avis et des sollicitudes :
- Que l'enfant n'était pas dirigé ; - que parfois
Il emportait son livre en rêvant dans les bois ;
Qu'il croissait au hasard dans cette solitude ;
Qu'on devait y songer ; que la sévère étude
Était fille de l'ombre et des cloîtres profonds ;
Qu'une lampe pendue à de sombres plafonds,
Qui de cent écoliers guide la plume agile,
Éclairait mieux Horace et Catulle et Virgile,
Et versait à l'esprit des rayons bien meilleurs
Que le soleil qui joue à travers l'arbre en fleurs ;
Et qu'enfin il fallait aux enfants, - **** des mères, -
Le joug, le dur travail et les larmes amères.
Là-dessus, le collège, aimable et triomphant,
Avec un doux sourire offrait au jeune enfant
Ivre de liberté, d'air, de joie et de roses,
Ses bancs de chêne noirs, ses longs dortoirs moroses,
Ses salles qu'on verrouille et qu'à tous leurs piliers
Sculpte avec un vieux clou l'ennui des écoliers,
Ses magisters qui font, parmi les paperasses,
Manger l'heure du jeu par les pensums voraces,
Et, sans eux, sans gazon, sans arbres, sans fruits mûrs,
Sa grande cour pavée entre quatre murs.

L'homme congédié, de ses discours frappée,  
Ma mère demeura triste et préoccupée.
Que faire ? que vouloir ? qui donc avait raison,
Ou le morne collège, ou l'heureuse maison ?
Qui sait mieux de la vie accomplir l'œuvre austère,
L'écolier turbulent, ou l'enfant solitaire ?
Problèmes ! questions ! elle hésitait beaucoup.
L'affaire était bien grave. Humble femme après tout,
Âme par le destin, non par les livres faite,
De quel front repousser ce tragique prophète,
Au ton si magistral, aux gestes si certains,
Qui lui parlait au nom des Grecs et des Latins ?
Le prêtre était savant sans doute ; mais, que sais-je ?
Apprend-on par le maître ou bien par le collège ?
Et puis, enfin, - souvent ainsi nous triomphons ! -
L'homme le plus vulgaire a de grands mots profonds :
- « Il est indispensable ! - il convient ! - il importe ! »
Qui troublent quelquefois la femme la plus forte.
Pauvre mère ! lequel choisir des deux chemins ?
Tout le sort de son fils se pesait dans ses mains.
Tremblante, elle tenait cette lourde balance,
Et croyait bien la voir par moments en silence
Pencher vers le collège, hélas ! en opposant
Mon bonheur à venir à mon bonheur présent.

Elle songeait ainsi sans sommeil et sans trêve.

C'était l'été. Vers l'heure où la lune se lève,
Par un de ces beaux soirs qui ressemblent au jour
Avec moins de clarté, mais avec plus d'amour,
Dans son parc, où jouaient le rayon et la brise,
Elle errait, toujours triste et toujours indécise,
Questionnant tout bas l'eau, le ciel, la forêt,
Écoutant au hasard les voix qu'elle entendait.

C'est dans ces moments-là que le jardin paisible,
La broussaille où remue un insecte invisible,
Le scarabée ami des feuilles, le lézard
Courant au clair de lune au fond du vieux puisard,
La faïence à fleur bleue où vit la plante grasse,
Le dôme oriental du sombre Val-de-Grâce,
Le cloître du couvent, brisé, mais doux encor,
Les marronniers, la verte allée aux boutons-d'or,
La statue où sans bruit se meut l'ombre des branches,
Les pâles liserons, les pâquerettes blanches,
Les cent fleurs du buisson, de l'arbre, du roseau,
Qui rendent en parfums ses chansons à l'oiseau,
Se mirent dans la mare ou se cachent dans l'herbe,
Ou qui, de l'ébénier chargeant le front superbe,
Au bord des clairs étangs se mêlant au bouleau,
Tremblent en grappes d'or dans les moires de l'eau,
Et le ciel scintillant derrière les ramées,
Et les toits répandant de charmantes fumées,
C'est dans ces moments-là, comme je vous le dis,
Que tout ce beau jardin, radieux paradis,
Tous ces vieux murs croulants, toutes ces jeunes roses,
Tous ces objets pensifs, toutes ces douces choses,
Parlèrent à ma mère avec l'onde et le vent,
Et lui dirent tout bas : - « Laisse-nous cet enfant ! »

« Laisse-nous cet enfant, pauvre mère troublée !
Cette prunelle ardente, ingénue, étoilée,
Cette tête au front pur qu'aucun deuil ne voila,
Cette âme neuve encor, mère, laisse-nous-la !
Ne vas pas la jeter au hasard dans la foule.
La foule est un torrent qui brise ce qu'il roule.
Ainsi que les oiseaux les enfants ont leurs peurs.
Laisse à notre air limpide, à nos moites vapeurs,
À nos soupirs, légers comme l'aile d'un songe,
Cette bouche où jamais n'a passé le mensonge,
Ce sourire naïf que sa candeur défend !
Ô mère au cœur profond, laisse-nous cet enfant !
Nous ne lui donnerons que de bonnes pensées ;
Nous changerons en jour ses lueurs commencées ;
Dieu deviendra visible à ses yeux enchantés ;
Car nous sommes les fleurs, les rameaux, les clartés,
Nous sommes la nature et la source éternelle
Où toute soif s'épanche, où se lave toute aile ;
Et les bois et les champs, du sage seul compris,
Font l'éducation de tous les grands esprits !
Laisse croître l'enfant parmi nos bruits sublimes.
Nous le pénétrerons de ces parfums intimes,
Nés du souffle céleste épars dans tout beau lieu,
Qui font sortir de l'homme et monter jusqu'à Dieu,
Comme le chant d'un luth, comme l'encens d'un vase,
L'espérance, l'amour, la prière, et l'extase !
Nous pencherons ses yeux vers l'ombre d'ici-bas,
Vers le secret de tout entr'ouvert sous ses pas.
D'enfant nous le ferons homme, et d'homme poète.
Pour former de ses sens la corolle inquiète,
C'est nous qu'il faut choisir ; et nous lui montrerons
Comment, de l'aube au soir, du chêne aux moucherons,
Emplissant tout, reflets, couleurs, brumes, haleines,
La vie aux mille aspects rit dans les vertes plaines.
Nous te le rendrons simple et des cieux ébloui :
Et nous ferons germer de toutes parts en lui
Pour l'homme, triste effet perdu sous tant de causes,
Cette pitié qui naît du spectacle des choses !
Laissez-nous cet enfant ! nous lui ferons un cœur
Qui comprendra la femme ; un esprit non moqueur,
Où naîtront aisément le songe et la chimère,
Qui prendra Dieu pour livre et les champs pour grammaire,
Une âme, pur foyer de secrètes faveurs,
Qui luira doucement sur tous les fronts rêveurs,
Et, comme le soleil dans les fleurs fécondées,
Jettera des rayons sur toutes les idées ! »

Ainsi parlaient, à l'heure où la ville se tait,
L'astre, la plante et l'arbre, - et ma mère écoutait.

Enfants ! ont-ils tenu leur promesse sacrée ?
Je ne sais. Mais je sais que ma mère adorée
Les crut, et, m'épargnant d'ennuyeuses prisons,
Confia ma jeune âme à leurs douces leçons.

Dès lors, en attendant la nuit, heure où l'étude
Rappelait ma pensée à sa grave attitude,
Tout le jour, libre, heureux, seul sous le firmament,
Je pus errer à l'aise en ce jardin charmant,
Contemplant les fruits d'or, l'eau rapide ou stagnante,
L'étoile épanouie et la fleur rayonnante,
Et les prés et les bois, que mon esprit le soir,
Revoyait dans Virgile ainsi qu'en un miroir.

Enfants ! aimez les champs, les vallons, les fontaines,
Les chemins que le soir emplit de voix lointaines,
Et l'onde et le sillon, flanc jamais assoupi,
Où germe la pensée à côté de l'épi.
Prenez-vous par la main et marchez dans les herbes ;
Regardez ceux qui vont liant les blondes gerbes ;
Épelez dans le ciel plein de lettres de feu,
Et, quand un oiseau chante, écoutez parler Dieu.
La vie avec le choc des passions contraires
Vous attend ; soyez bons, soyez vrais, soyez frères ;
Unis contre le monde où l'esprit se corrompt,
Lisez au même livre en vous touchant du front,
Et n'oubliez jamais que l'âme humble et choisie
Faite pour la lumière et pour la poésie,
Que les cœurs où Dieu met des échos sérieux
Pour tous les bruits qu'anime un sens mystérieux,
Dans un cri, dans un son, dans un vague murmure,
Entendent les conseils de toute la nature !

Le 31 mai 1839.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2022
I. from living under a rock to exploring the internet

well... isn't it nice...
me? i've greatly benefited from the existence
of the internet...
how else would i have found out about the origins
of Taoism if not thanks for the internet...

i just kept one maxim in my head from
a book i picked up in some bookshop near
Russell Sq., it was a book on Taoism...
but it was sort of like the Best of
   of a band...
                not good enough... but my modus operandi
became the Kantian categorical imperative:
in order to help the world -
forget the world and let the world forget you:
the crux of "not-doing": i.e. purely being...
hell not- is not the antonym of pure...
                 not could be coupled with just... simply...
                   one of those...

me? i greatly benefited from the internet...
as most "bears" / "loners" / solitary creatures have
found out to be true...
i have an entire world history and a body
of knowledge at my fingertips:
it's only a question of what you're wanting to find...

without the internet i would have never
bothered to spend £20 on a physical copy of a book...
the complete writings of the primo Taoist: Zhuangzi...
nor would i have spent £30 x 2 on Heidegger's
black notebooks...

but i understand that the people who make videos
and do not write are all "savvy" when it comes
to view-counts... they ignore them...
they are more into "interaction": the comment sections...
i don't remember the last time i commented
on something:
i mean, ****'s sake... it's not like you buy
a book and expect to leave a comment... where?
on the sleeve? who's going to read that?
the author? hardly...

                             i like my view counts...
obviously the comments come minimally...
why? i believe in the anonymity of the readership...
the anonymity of the reader...
i like the fact that ideas are equivalent
to gold-mining and lightning strikes...
and that thinking itself is subject to shadows acting...
that it can be the best: most worthwhile "thing"
that implores of a being: hide me! hide me!

but i'm never going to make a video...
videos attract all the wrong viral attention...
i like the filter process involved in writing:
people have to make an effort and?
therefore? i'm left to my devices and whims
and sarcasms...
i can entertain Ovid and Marquis de Sade...

tu mihi, tu certe, memini, Graecine, negabas
    uno posse aliquem tempore amare duas.
per te ego decipior, per te deprensus inermis -
    ecce, duas uno tempore turpis amo!

i remember that it was you, certainly you Graecinus,
who told me to deny the idea
that one could love two girls at once!
through you i'm deceived - unarmed -
reason (this be the reason): i'm in love with two
girls at the same time!

i did one over old Ovid... loved two girls when both
of them were loving me...
which is so much better that loving one when loving
one and loving another when loving
might as well:

                ledo duas aves uno lapide

two birds one stone... hardly serving two masters:
being served up twice...
and we're not talking about masters and servants

me? i greatly gained from the internet...
                 am i the only person to agree to the fact that
it's just a jolly decent tool to use...
in and out... in and out... the internet to me
is like a brothel... i'm there / "here" for an hour...
then i disappear... leave footprints in the sand
on the beach... the tide of humanity washes in...
i'm left diluted: but i don't mind...
i too wouldn't want to have written the Harry Potter
books and then be mistreated for some
trans-****** phobic insinuations...
but i give her the grammar...
and how about the grammar on
the lyrics from WHAT IS SOUL... the B-sides
of By The Way...
                                 Big-Pie (Bag-Pie from Trainspotting:
freaking about... did i just touch
a magic nugget... a leprechaun's nose?!
is there! is there! a rainbow on this "other" side?!
pretty please... hey! if i go to Thailand
i'm sort of expecting to get confused...
it's a Thai thing... it was originally a Thai thing...
those Thai ******* are crazy)...

'it's roaming the streets at 4 in the morning
finding your best friend making out with a trans-******
in an all-night diner in Cleveland in 1986!'

plenty of women... ingenious boys
will be outright butch or add some extra BLUSH...
i can't say that i never kissed a man
sensually like i might kiss a woman sensually...
to later brush up on my Mr. Slurp'y skills
in the garden of fleshy flowers...
located where i entered the world: hopefully head-first:
oh sure... plenty of dolphins too...
how's it hanging? how's it hanging in Dubai?
plenty of hanging in Dubai...

freakishly lean: a plentiful decent diet of literature...
me? i benefited from the internet...
hey presto! i can bypass the gatekeepers of literature!
i can forget about publishing houses...
sure... i don't earn any money from it...
but that also increases me drive to pursue
the spiral out of control...
for me the advent of the internet is akin to:
the invention of the Gutenberg Press...
yes, i was a fan of buying cans of Pepsi
instead of those 2litre bottles...
hmm... how to keep the gas once opened!
aha! shake the bottle after having a refill!
shake shake!
keeps the pressure tight-knit... beautifully

- two songs get me these days....
and GO ROBOT...
i trun to the canvas with regret: great! more typing!
i just want to keep keeping the rhyhtm:
perched on the windowsill
tapping my leg and grooving with my neck
like an imitation-party-pooper-pigeon
who invented head-banging
as the Hebrews imitate before the Wailing Wall...
i should have never picked up the guitar...
what a lonely enterprise:
it's already haunting me...
i was born as a natural drummer...

of course i gained all the things there
are gained from the internet...
minus the light-bulb...
i managed to bypass all the gatekeepers
of literature: the editors...
hello! you forgot the paper! there's no paper!
there's no spoon either!
forgot the pills! just focus on the spoon
that isn't there!
and it's the perfect filter...
no one is going to bother me when i'm writig
and slacking on making video confession...

videos can be ingested passively:
reading? oh wow! who would have thought
that it might take some effort!
mix into the whole affair some Katakana...
hell... mix in some Mandarin hieroglyphs...
perfect defences against "simpletons"...
who? you have rotten cabbage
agreed with to throw with your comrade
against against being disgruntled about some
poor acting actor? what?!
stealing shadows became mundane?!

i also managed to breed a higher purpose
while everyone else was slumping
in the "pandemic"... i couldn't tell the difference...
what a funny: he-he-ha-ha tickling breeze!
ooh... let's have another go!
come on! let's go, let's go!
or rather: hí-hí-h'ah-ah-haha!

                             the internet wa been great for me...
but recently i came across this trend...
hmm (emoji of the biggest SMILE)...
                     dabbing... people dab perfumes on themselves...
what's VABBING... ah... ah... ha ha...
this is the point where i feel like putting
on my clown make-up and going out to
party come Halloween...

i'm pretty sure i'lll grow old and irrelevant
at some point... pop culture will no longer
interest me...
             but until that time comes...
piglets! teases!
                   it's like that one time where
i thought it was a good idea to date a single mom....
brought her homemade wine...
brought her homemade banana loaf cake...
i'm good-crazy as one prostitutes remarked...
still NO GOOD...
                                   goo.. plenty of goo...
oh man... the arsenal of music i have to sieve through:
it makes sense to not have children...
sure.... i'd love a little kritter "here and there"...
but? come on... with so much music
made available: would you?

and how did that parody of my grandfather
and grandmother play out?
she kept his death a secret....
to the point where he was in AGONIA:
out of reach... **** that then!

****'s sake VABBING... i.e. inserting your fingers
into your genital regions...
and then... Orestes! save me!
pretending that these juices are sort of:
akin to: perfumes!

o.k.: i'll level with these women...
here goes:
i like... ******* on my leg...
when i'm having a shower?
i like the idea of being a child again:
unable: UNONSCIOUSLY to control his bladder...
once in a while: i like ******* on my leg...
but that's only when i'm having a shower...
i like the idea of being without control...
i wish i could **** my pants ever so often...
alas... i can't!
but then i relieve my tamed unconscious
inhibitions... i tend to **** on my leg...
while taking a shower....
what is left for man beside finding new avenues
to compete: for the crown and the jewel in
in it of losing reason?
hell... let's all become **** AUTOMATON!
i can wait...
i'm orientating myself around the internet
like i might orientate myself around
a phonebook, an encyclopoedia...
and the... sacred loss of the music store on
the high streets...

there's me imitating drummers on a windowsill...
*****! i'm keeping rhythm...
with a squint of my eye watching NORMIES
sitting static with their static televisions...
i like brick walls: i think of chess...
i like the sea bashing the land come high night...
i think of playing cards with the boys...
and backgammon...
i also like the idea of interpreting the flute
by splitting a reed of grass and blowing through it...
i like the childhood memory
of catching cockchafers and throwing them
down girls' t-shirts...
         hmm! i liked a lot of things...
whiskey won... i like swimming in it: thoughtless...
it's like like: give me a drink of whiskey =
Cleopatra having a ******* bath of milk!

i love the minutes "concerning" an unlit cigarette
dangling in my mouth...
before the opening crescendo
of Led Zeppelin's IN THE EVENING...
kicks in... only because: SHARP OBJECTS
waas such a captivating t.v. show...

hate t.v. love t.v. most certainly loved the movies...
i hate the movies these days...
i sometimes think: i could replace
the t.v. with three "things":
the sky... a fireplace... or a... ooh!
a ******* aquarium!
                     yeah... that could  work!
then again.... candles or the sky...
either wait.... play shadow charades...
             there are actually two ways to give stress
to a F-U... using the hand...
A. the clenched fist with the etended middle
finger... poison...
but there's also
B. ******* extended....
thumb also extended: NO FIST...
all the other fingers are "bowing":
but they're not clenched... there's no imitation
of a fist...

seriously, though? no wonder i ventured into the realm
of prostitution, no wonder so many people thought this
"pandemic" was a "fake"...
sure sure... let me just apply my *****
Jean-Paul Gautier sniff-sniffs
while you, girl, test out, your next best
found ******.... what the ****?!

how about we start off with... oiling ourselves
with molten pig fat and then, then asking:
kosher enough for you?
oh... but this craziness is not supposed to stop!
it's supposed to escalate!
didn't you know?!
                           no no!
                                 there are either the crazies
or the uber-crazies!
      there's no in-between!
                 as much as Ovid prescribes ****** love...
i find the most erotica in prescriving myself
a decent amount of sleep...
               perhaps in his days...
but... he wasn't a solider...
so he wouldn't have known about being stationed in
Britannia,., jumping ****-naked into
the feral bushes of... no! not mint!
              you ******* Forrest Gimp or something?
blushes of *******... ****'s sake... FENNELS!
*******: Hamza: brain-drain-lord
of an otherwise working Latin BREEN!
call your ******* cousin Hah-med and Muha!
the lord of the flies! Muhammad!
Muha! FLY! Jesus is the lord of mosquitos...
Muhammad is the lord of the flies...

please tell me someone tried to tell them
that they were
the auxillaries of Hell?
the past 2000 years has been an advent
of Hell...
Hell... even more: the Hellenic original
thought project...
comme ci, comme ça... c'est la vie!
i.e. it's good when it's good...
and bad when it's bad...

the tired mountain: the eagerly waiting stone...
the tired sea... the ambitious droplet of water...
that eternal flame... but all the more eager
sparkle of an ignite!

time flies when you're not having any fun...
pretending to not having a stab at...
those Kenyan ivory slush-puppies
come the crocodiles and Muhammad types
moon-served plump almost juiced up...
hey ** hey... you're just my Macaque sort
of type...

II. a schematic of rugby

\ (pass back)
/ (kick forward)
just run around
shuffling your
magic feet:
toying with the octopus
dance of
a dislocated shoulder.

III. leftovers from an afternoon

give me until tomorrow, i'm still figuring "things" out...
video: oh video V video... Deo. and Doo and Deus...
mighty Churchill's index and middle...
of the fork in the road...
          or akin to the crossroads of
Robert Johnson...
            i picked up playing the guitar but i'm
a natural drummer...
easily soothed but also easily irritated by a rhythm
and beat...
for all the protest of (search engine, hello...
back of the bus protest, i just need a name)
sitting at the back of the bus:
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus protest...
i just remember mornings on the no. 86
bus... reading Stendhal while all the black
boys "unconsciously" stashed themselves
to the back of the double-decker...
white-flight in reverse, i.e. all the white girls
could join them:
thank god for my Turkish and Japanese fetish...
a fact not frequently recited:
i don't own any woman under the sun,
it's just my turn, turn after turn...
perhaps happily a *****-donor...
what's ******* and what's surrogate
motherhood for a homosexual couple,
like for like: i can't tell the difference...
besides... i earn about £10 an hour...
she earns £120 an hour and all for what?
being given an ******
and soothing my ego...
amazing though... it's crystal clear...
i never liked the back of the bus...
double-deckers have their engines in their ***...
very much like VW beetles...
the black boys naturally migrated to
the back of the bus every trip to school i took...
loud, vociferous: like most post-African people...
still strapped to the gridlock of
VICTIM... but sure: thanks for the jazz...
thanks for the blues...
if certain Africans were not exposed
to the English tongue...
i fear we'd still be stuck in a Mozart epoch...
¿Vienes? Me llega aquí, pues que suspiras,
un soplo de las mágicas fragancias
que hicieron los delirios de las liras
en las Grecias, las Romas y las Francias.¡Suspira así! Revuelen las abejas,
al olor de la olímpica ambrosía,
en los perfumes que en el aire dejas;
y el dios de piedra se despierta y ría.Y el dios de piedra se despierte y cante
la gloria de los tirsos florecientes
en el gesto ritual de la bacante
de rojos labios y nevados dientes:En el gesto ritual que en las hermosas
Ninfalias guía a la divina hoguera,
hoguera que hace llamear las rosas
en las manchadas pieles de pantera.Y pues amas reír, ríe, y la brisa
lleve el son de los líricos cristales
de tu reír, y haga temblar la risa
la barba de Términos  joviales.Mira hacia el lado del boscaje, mira
blanquear el muslo de marfil de Diana,
y después de la Virgen,  la Hetaíra
diosa, blanca, rosa y rubia hermana.Pasa en busca de Adonis; sus aromas
deleitan a las rosas y los nardos;
síguela una pareja de palomas,
y hay tras ella una fuga de leopardos.¿Te gusta amar en griego? Yo las fiestas
galantes busco, en donde se recuerde,
al suave son de rítmicas orquestas,
la tierra de la luz y el mirto verde.(Los abates refieren aventuras
a las rubias marquesas. Soñolientos
filósofos defienden las ternuras
del amor, con sutiles argumentos,mientras que surge de la verde grama,
en la mano el acanto de Corinto,
una ninfa a quien puso un epigrama
Beaumarchais, sobre el mármol de su plinto.Amo más que la Grecia de los griegos
la Grecia de la Francia, porque Francia,
al eco de las Risas y los Juegos,
su más dulce licor Venus escancia.Demuestran más encantos y perfidias,
coronadas de flores y desnudas,
las diosas de Glodión  que las de Fidias;
unas cantan francés, otras son mudas.Verlaine es más que Sócrates; y Arsenio
Houssaye  supera al viejo Anacreonte.
En París reinan el Amor y el Genio.
Ha perdido su imperio el dios bifronte.Monsieur Prudhomme y Homais no saben nada.
Hay Chipres, Pafos, Tempes y Amatuntes,
donde el amor de mi madrina, un hada,
tus frescos labios a los míos juntes).Sones de bandolín. El rojo vino
conduce un paje rojo. ¿Amas los sones
del bandolín, y un amor florentino?
Serás la reina en los decamerones,
la barba de los Términos joviales.(Un coro de poetas y pintores
cuenta historias picantes. Con maligna
sonrisa alegre aprueban los señores.
Clelia enrojece, una dueña se signa).¿O un amor alemán?-que no han sentido
jamás los alemanes-: la celeste
Gretchen; claro de luna; el aria; el nido
del ruiseñor; y en una roca agreste,la luz de nieve que del cielo llega
y baña a una hermosa que suspira
la queja vaga que a la noche entrega
Loreley en la lengua de la lira. Y sobre el agua azul el caballero
Lohengrín; y su cisne, cual si fuese
un cincelado témpano viajero,
con su cuello enarcado en forma de S.Y del divino Enrique Heine un canto,
a la orilla del Rhin; y del divino
Wolfang la larga cabellera, el manto;
y de la uva teutona el blanco vino.O amor lleno de sol, amor de España,
amor lleno de púrpuras y oros;
amor que da el clavel, la flor extraña
regada con la sangre de los toros;flor de gitanas, flor que amor recela,
amor de sangre y luz, pasiones locas;
flor que trasciende a clavo y a canela,
roja cual las heridas y las bocas.¿Los amores exóticos acaso...?
Como rosa de Oriente me fascinas:
me deleitan la seda, el oro, el raso.
Gautier adoraba a las princesas chinas.¡Oh bello amor de mil genuflexiones:
torres de kaolín, pies imposibles,
tasas de té, tortugas y dragones,
y verdes arrozales apacibles!Ámame en chino, en el sonoro chino
de Li-Tai-Pe. Yo igualaré a los sabios
poetas que interpretan el destino;
madrigalizaré junto a tus labios.Diré que eres más bella que la Luna:
que el tesoro del cielo es menos rico
que el tesoro que vela la importuna
caricia de marfil de tu abanico.Ámame japonesa, japonesa
antigua, que no sepa de naciones
occidentales; tal una princesa
con las pupilas llenas de visiones,que aun ignorase en la sagrada Kioto,
en su labrado camarín de plata
ornado al par de crisantemo y loto,
la civilización del Yamagata.O con amor hindú que alza sus llamas
en la visión suprema de los mitos,
 y hacen temblar en misteriosas bramas
la iniciación de los sagrados ritos.En tanto mueven tigres y panteras
sus hierros, y en los fuertes elefantes
sueñan con ideales bayaderas
los rajahs, constelados de brillantes.O negra, negra como la que canta
en su Jerusalén al rey hermoso,
negra que haga brotar bajo su planta
la rosa y la cicuta del reposo...Amor, en fin, que todo diga y cante,
amor que encante y deje sorprendida
a la serpiente de ojos de diamante
que está enroscada al árbol de la vida.Ámame así, fatal cosmopolita,
universal, inmensa, única, sola
y todas; misteriosa y erudita:
ámame mar y nube, espuma y ola.Sé mi reina de Saba, mi tesoro;
descansa en mis palacios solitarios.
Duerme. Yo encenderé los incensarios.
Y junto a mi unicornio cuerno de oro,
tendrán rosas y miel tus dromedarios.
¿Recuerdas que querías ser una Margarita
Gautier?  Fijo en mi mente tu extraño rostro está,
cuando cenamos juntos, en la primera cita,
en una noche alegre que nunca volverá.

Tus labios escarlatas de púrpura maldita
sorbían el champaña del fino baccarat;
tus dedos deshojaban la blanca margarita,
«Sí... no... sí... no...» ¡y sabías que te adoraba ya!

Después, ¡oh flor de Histeria! llorabas y reías;
tus besos y tus lágrimas tuve en mi boca yo;
tus risas, tus fragancias, tus quejas, eran mías.

Y en una tarde triste de los más dulces días,
la Muerte, la celosa, por ver si me querías,
¡como a una margarita de amor, te deshojó!
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2021
i sometimes spend the first 30 minutes
of s drinking sessions
ingesting bachelor videos...
men's opinions about women...
i have to grant some, perhaps almost all
observational pointers,
come to think of it: i think for a while
about a dialectical approach...
on such subjects i don't really want to
have an opinion...
like: i don't want to be famous:
i want to be left alone...
so i listen... opinion X and opinion Y...
sure, could have one,
but i... am... sort of lacking...
investing in opinions,
that will later not be dialectically
scrutinised, what's the point?
too many unnecessary feels...
most people cower from their original
opinion to begin with,
when push comes to shove,
or when shove comes to a clenched fist...
my life doesn't revolve around
staging a snippet of some *******
Mexican / English soap-opera...
my use of the internet it simple:
1. listen to some music
2. check the encyclopedia
3. doodle something, equivalent to this
4. email someone
5. complete some form
6. buy a book, or a CD / vinyl
7. check the dictionary
8. look at pictures of myself:
i've "recently" lost a sixth of me...
down from 120kg to 97kg...
like i told my neighbour,
i'm very much like a vampire...
of course i see myself in a mirror,
but i really don't...
sure... if i were to go to the nurse,
she wold check my blood-pressure...
no more dizziness...
i had two options: lose weight...
or be put on some high blood-pressure
tablets, **** the second part...
no more pills...
it's enough that i mix a knock-out
punch with some whiskey, some cider,
some naproxen, some phenergan...
some APAP...
oh, quiet the contrary, i'm not sedated by
alcohol... i'm soothed:
not exactly pushing a cube through
a square hole in the wall...
when comparing the words: sedated vs.
i need a chemical knock-out
to find release from a vibrating mind...
that's of course if i start writing...
i need an opt-out scenario...
what points have i already mentioned, are there 8?
9. checking general information,
perhaps some news, but i rather like my
cul de sac existence, so i rarely bother
about being informed, unless
10. TfL... train times, esp. concerning Sundays
and holidays
11. maps, i sometimes ride my bicycle
into Essex countryside, completely
forgetting where Epping or Theydon Bois
is placed... oh, right, i'm "here"?!

o.k., these bachelor videos...
m.g.t.o.w. or whatever: read some Kierkegaard,
who the hell composed the music
for the Giselle ballet?
           Adolphe Adam, Theophile Gautier,
Jean Coralli?!

so i listen to their videos... eh... easy listening...
men talking to men...
it could be worse:
it could be... getting dating advice from women...
that's why i prefer exchanging
messages with older women...
in their 50s... 40s...
60s is sort of stretching it...
come on...

that taboo of teenage girls is a flimsy fantasy...
it's ****** at first, at first, prior to them opening their
mouths... of course the debate concerning
outliers and Humbert Humbert...
ha ha... catch-22... major major... anyways...
sure, there are outliers...
like i acknowledge the existence of nymphomaniacs...
for a split second i was going
to turn ol' Humbert into: Herbert Herbert...

i'm out, Pontius Pilate style...
i have washed my hands clean from this whole
"affair"... speak to older women whenever online,
don't engage in the comment section
on any item you're ingesting...
why would i stop myself being from
being the passive reader, spectator,
why do i need those 2 cents of "thought"...
of opinion...
and... just ******* to the brothel...
if *** is what you want...
the clarity of a monetary exchange...
no dating...
oh, sure... i remember going on a date once...
we were both 18...
i paid for her gallery ticket,
since i invited her,
but he later went to the cinema,
she paid for herself,
then for some Japanese food...
she split the bill with me...
we weren't dating prior... just high school-friends...

this other date i was on...
we were "dating"... well... it was more like...
she was a first year university student
living with other girls in student accommodation,
i was a third year student with a flat i shared with
only one guy... what was his name...
Tristan! from Bristol, a math major:
a complete brood... some German lineage:
go figure... a half-German
and a fully-blooded ****** living under
the same roof... "complications"...

look at her go... now that i think of it...
she moves it... she has escalated her worth by getting
out of student accommodation,
she moves into a flat on Montague St.,
because... as time passes by, the candles did their magic...
she can give decent head...
we go to St. Petersburg, see Metallica in Moscow...
i return to London, she remains in Edinburgh...

with all the women i was ever with...
all managed to break up with me prior to me
even whispering that i might...
thank god that none of these relationships lasted
per annum... just a few months of my life:

now... older women on the internet...
and prostitutes...
at least i know what i'm buying...
i'm hardly going to buy a girl dinner...
if i'm not assured some... extra...
like a Chinese fortune cookie peek...
so i listen to these bachelor videos...
"misogyny" etc. again:
like the minorities... throwing words against
the wind, so frivolously...
i am the minority, how many Polacks
live in England?!
like my training suggested:
not all disabilities are visible...
most Arabs+ confuse my physiognomy with
that of a German...
hmm... i can use this...
if i look like a German: even to my fellow Polacks...
if they can't identify as one of "their own":
great... i can merge into this phenomenon
of how the entire world seems to have
congregated on these little isles...

- i wish i had the concerns of the natives,
what are they? being undermined
demographically, what else?
i'm pretty sure the story goes...
even though Britain staged:
we will make war on Germany for invading Poland...
funny, that... it took both Germany
and the Soviet union (35 days)
to completely subjugate Poland during the theatre
of the second world war...
1 September 1939 – 6 October 1939...
but it took the Germans: alone...
6, *******, 6 weeks to subjugate
France (and the little ******* extensions of
the Benelux)
10 May – 25 June 1940 (6 weeks)....
if the current climate of, ahem... "discussion" is anything
to go by, or pretend to go fishing....
like **** i will: unless we're hunting rather than
fishing for whale...
killing off an Estonian elephant (a mammoth)...

easily: the French **** welcomes the ZZ-top
SS-mensch(en)... who attired them?
no, it wasn't Gucci... it might have been
Chanel... Hugo! *******! Boss!
yeah, how could you ever make
khaki ***** into uniform somehow bearable...
beyond me...

from under the iron curtain to now, "this"...
sorry, i'm not going to comply...
trans-genderism with flaky transcendentalism...
sorry, what?!
you can only do so much within the confines
of a metaphor, within the certification
of metaphysics,
three directions... meta-physics...
ortho-graphy... English is a language with no
knowledge of implementing orthographical
critique: it, does, not, employ, any,
diacritical, markers! the end!

all that English has to replace a study of orthography
is, the para-avenue...
Charlie ****-sense might have glorified a spelling
mistake by citing the term orthography...
poor Charlie D...
oh my god... i'm pumped!
it's what ******* might have felt working his way around
a genesis of a blank canvas...
me, i just have sounds... but i'm not encoding music:
i'm translating meaning...

i'm not even translation two languages
etymologically apart...
i'm translating language in order for it to be written
to begin with...

some other point... why i use the internet..
i listen to some of these bachelor videos,
but then i have to step back...
get completely pummeled,
become pulverised, become almost deaf with
music that's the antithesis adhesive of
someone talking... lately?
COMBICHRIST: all pain is gone,
   sent to destroy, never surrender...

12. looking for "googlewhacks"... mostly those i can invest
in as secondary search results...
13.  what the ****'s a "13"?
if ever, summon an elf: + / ?
Bekah Halle Dec 2024
I put on Jean Paul Gautier for women this morning,
but the pungent that befell on me was cut grass,
From the house next door,
freshly mowed this morning.
As I waited for my lift to work,
The smell permeated my skin
And my inner being;
A fresh start to my day!

— The End —