running on empty
all outta gas.
all outta,all outta, all outta, gas.
my daddy was a gasman,
well... he drove a petrol tanker
big shiny thing.
that's before he went away,
then my mumma, she done
worked her fingers red raw.
to keep food on the table,
and the roof overhead.
she got us up before dawn,
ready for school and then
we went with and sat,
waitimg on hard hospital chairs,
til the bus done come and
picked us up, for school.
i was always tired, fore, i got to by the three thirty bell,
my life was a living hell.
then, we started the long traipse home.
4.5km in a straight line then,
turn left,trudge another 550 metres
and the white picket fence,
gives a welcome home grin.
everyday, i was running on empty.
all outta, all outta, all outta gas
my daddy was a gas man,
til he went away.
my daddy was a... mongerel *******
when he went away.
freeflow before bed