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Writing prompt of the hour: mandrake

oh poison, what poison doth whisper in my ear

race through my veins like molten metal

cause the hottest summer to season in my mind

echoes a terrible trembling in my tingling limbs

it is mandrake, oh such deadly shade of night

that raises me to the floor luring my knees to my face

in unequalled gross distortions

oh mandrake, thou art a shade so deadly

as to make the blackest night quiver

now this poison makes strange ineluctable rhythms

gradually and patiently enter my body, my thoughts

like a gradual orchestral cadence of static melody

subtly wisping around my whole being.

destructive mandrake now scampers in my blood

becomes inseparable and lives in me

in fiery flocks of hallucinated concepts.

it fires through my body like burning sulphur

this mandrake, this poison

that has prolonged persistence

makes an experience of antediluvian treachery

from another time, not of this time, this present, this now

this here

mandrake has embalmed me to

the red roguish clay

I die ghastly from a writing prompt

mandrake, mandrake, deadly nightshade

fuqing mandrake
Audrey Gleason Mar 2015
it really fuqing ***** when people dismiss you.
there are two things that salt my spit
being underestimated
and being taken for granted
i know i'm not what you're demanding
but here's a fun fact
i'm me.
it's seeming like that's not enough these days.
i'm about one-point-seven anxiety attacks away
from packing my things and searching for a spot i belong;
i'm ninety-nine percent sure it's not here anymore.
don't bother saying you'll miss me
even if i screamed you wouldn't listen to me

— The End —