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My life is in shambles

Stress taking over my life

the constant drinking trying to drown

this feeling hoping with this false

courage that can deal

Tired of being angry

Tired of being sad

Tired of crying, tear ducts depleted

I can't breathe or sleep

Everything is in turmoil

Feeling helpless there is no easy fix

Exhausted from all this pain, misery and heartache

Temper flairing at the most minut things

Can't seem to catch a break

Everything is falling apart all around me

This is more than I can handle

My stability is being rocked

Rocked to the core
Jenn Jan 2015
I remember the first day
I saw him.
He sat curled around that teddy bear
like it was the love of his life.

All the thoughts my little thirteen year old
mind could harbor.

I remember building a bond
one unlike any other.
I'd never been able to open myself up.
Free myself
Not until he,
Not until he was­­–
continues to be.

I remember the way he looked at me while
driving down the road, laughing at his sister's cat.
Both drunk on each other's company
Unwilling for change.

I remember listening.
Listening to you talk about the girl you hoped to marry.
Feeling about how much pride I'd have in being a bridesmaid.
Telling you about my fear of being unloved–

But you.
You just hugged me
promised I would not fade away.

I remember we bloomed
Our souls intertwining
passions flairing
Heated, red-faced argument.
The way you pulled me into you
lying together
my head on your heart
your arms around my lungs
peacefully existing.
Breathe in–
breathe out–
Breathe in–
breathe out–

for what I hoped would be forever.

I remember the pain.
The kind that overwhelms your senses
the kind that demands to be felt.

I remember how everything stopped.
Like someone had ripped out my lungs,
and then told me to take a deep breath.
The lungs you once held–
So carefully–
now had gaping holes in them
created by your absence
the undeniable thought that you were gone
and willingly gone.
I remember.

I know the peace.
I feel it every day.
In your absence I welcome the immense calm.
You made your choice.
And you will make one again...
All you have to say is
And I'm all yours.

With two souls like ours
We will always find a way to each other.

Shanon Lee Apr 2014
I built a hundred bridges
Just to jump of each one
And as I floated down
And fell
Into the waters that we once
Breezed so slowly through
I realized that the rocks
Beneath the surface
Weren't as vivid
Until they hit the edges of my bones
And collapsed my chest.
These spines cannot take
Any more jumps
And my heart can't take any more
This lump in my throat can't seem
To keep itself from
While my words can't seem to calm
Me down.

I don't know what I'm trying to say
But maybe one day I will.
Just as long as you remember
What I did say
Is all that really mattered.
Because even though the pages of our books burned and tore at the bindings
My spine never cracked when I said
All the things I did
Without hesitation.
When you read my palms as they intertwined with yours
And when you read my back like it was brail
You open me up much deeper
Into the story
And that will never go
Unread or burned.

— The End —