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Oasis Jan 2017
Hear this my love
For all I have bear
You won't let me
come near
My words drench
clear truth
See the hopes flow
from my fainting eyes
What will my gain be
Crushing your heart
with tricks
Vain feebles like others do
The moon still lie
in wait to cloth us
with its dear blessing
and smile luck on us
gird your heart a trial
or you'll regret not trying
My heart faints still
with hopes I can wait
For a nod of hope
Let my wait worth it
soothe my broken heart
In all this rumblings
My desire is you
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2018
such "fickle"
a sort of "people"
to mind...
given they
are the sort of people
that necessarily
    need minding...
       what little
    ******* irritable
arab fwends...
        and the some
but bits in betwain...
     idiotic Koran
blah blahs....
you have me be and me be you
             you grieve the what,
in attaining the Vatican,
you, *******
******* windy project!

— The End —