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Joe Cole Jun 2014
3am and the sky was split
by the mighty bolt that the heavens lit
then Thor did speak, intimidating,  loud
and his voice did shatter both mind and cloud
mighty bolts were more unleashed
to sear the eyes and shatter trees
which burst assunder into flames
but his plan was just to maim
to leave the scars upon the land
and thus came torrential rain
to extinguish trees
consumed by flame
but the pain and scars remain
as Thor played his mighty game
and vent his wrath upon mankind
for 3 long hours his voice was heard
fearce bolts from blackened skys
were hurled
striking fear into mankind
what angered Thor to vent his wrath
upon feeble humans trapped below
perhaps its time for man to change
to revert once more to natures game
and a better life to live
3am yesterday morning and hell broke loose overhead
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2016
A dark knight  
Riding alone
Across the starry sky
Ready for battle ready to fly

The battle is fearce
One could just tell
Fighting the evil
Out of hell

The evil is dark
That much he knows
As the fear inside
Continued to grow

The night is ice cold
And so is his shield
Instead of protecting
It made him kneel

Frightening scream
Woke up the wild
The knight was injured
Deep in the night

"Never" screamed out the knight
He picked up the pieces
And continued to fight

The sun his faithful friend
Asked gently the moon to light up his way
It gave him hope
Of the new day

Angel carrying a lifeless body
Is what you could see at the end of the night
He might have lost this battle
But never the war

In his soul the light was still on
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
wild beautiful thing

hoarded away from day

its true your heart was bleak

you're colors dim not getting what they seek

at the turn of day you slipped away

dreaming, you dare not speak

with those ember eyes

those nights of fire

that burned so brightly with desire

till the morning sun, it lit you through

you walked on, fearce and true

you banished the past that had haunted you

now I've known love, but not like yours

and though as you'll come to know

some say love is a burning thing

a wild beautiful thing
This feeling I've never felt like this before but tired to put to words.

— The End —