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Demitrius Aug 2010
In the morning the gardener waters the plants
When he is done he says hi to the roses and tulips
And at that moment he has perpose
Always will he be there for these plants.

Before the gardener watered
The gardener cried and of that was his soul watered
Now he can look the tulips in the eye
And smile with the roses.

In the end the plants were always there for the gardener
And when he was sad and cried
The plants are glad to take his tears
And to be there for the gardener is what the plants do.

You give me purpose
I will be there for you even when you cry
For you have taken my tears away gently and lovingly
Anyway I can be there for you ill be glad to be.
Hailey A Carlson Jan 2013
Second chances can't persist
Because the memories still exist
You can try to replace them
And yield to retrace them
While you try to hit clear
And push away your fear
But it's just too hard,
These times went too far
The past cant be  chared,
yet it still burns hard,
The future seems a waste,
Cuz the good times already took their place.
There's no where left to turn,
Those fealings are over
You've  come to learn
September Apr 2013
Breathe out. Breathe in.
Ideas high-strung,
out of your grasp,
in crossbars above.
Find a topic—
Angst, grief, fantasy, love.
Reach. Stretch.
Contort your body into long and thin.
Breathe out. Breathe in.

Live to standards man has set.
Emotions. Thoughts. Blood. Sweat.
Fealings on paper, sealed in ink.
But no words to connect and link.

Dig deep into the corners of your mind.
Find the place where it's just instinct.
No hearing.
No sight.
Become deaf.
Become blind.
No mental thought.

And write. Just write, about the expression you sought.

Hurry up, dearest poet.
The deadline? Tonight.
Pick up your poetry and write. Just write.
October 23rd, 2011. I just felt like posting it.
sarah bella Mar 2014
they say put the past behind u
but the past always seems to mentally find you
even when your overly happy the sorrough will over whelm you for no reason all the time u gonna see lil things in life that bring back them fealings them memories they hide them selves in pannties at the store in smells of the rooms u stayed in before the nightmares of the pimps nd the ****** the flashbaccs nd the thoughts that hold u back from succeeding even if ur making progress youll always have memories that depress you

— The End —