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JL Jan 2012
Homefield advantage
When we were together
I took you to all of my favorite spots

They became our favorote spots

Then as summer burned

Straight yellow afternoon suns

Began to fade

Until night was quick

And mornings only came after long
Hours of television
And burnt coffee
Until I realized that
"Stepping headlong  into oblivion is the only way to burn the past
From your skin"

I went to our favorite spot on the beach
Where we had our first date first kiss first and third and fifth anniversaries
Not to mention random nights we exhausted young lust right on this spot
I think I asked you to marry me here
Oddly enough I remember you said yes

It hurt so bad to come back right to the heart of things
I could feel the heartbeat on the sand
The pulse of the ocean on my skin
The drift of the sea breeze
I closed my eyes and listened to the call of gulls
As night fell
Ten bottles of red stripe
I only needed six
My dads most expensive bottle of gin
And two marijuana cigarettes

I remember
Screaming at the moon
And running headlong into the black sea

I rembember the sand
Scraping my skin
Stealing my cells
Pushing them softly out to sea

I woke up alone
Lying in the sand
A dog licking my face

My eyes hurt into my head
My mouth was frozen
Swelling and thickening next to the sea

I read the dogs collar
His name was Biscuit
And a telephone number
My phone was in the car
As dead as a doornail

So I walked barefoot and asphalt
To the jetty
and found a payphone

It rang once
And she answered

Ten minutes later me and Biscuit were on your doorstep

"You look like you could use some coffee"
"You look like a towheaded red lipped angel of light"
You think it would have been strange
To let a ***** stranger like me in but I think you understood when I said
I had stepped headlong into oblivion to burn the past from my skin

from your. Skin
ashlee allee Jan 2015
Once apon a time in london de vor poetry was hidden and never seen before people came all around people were quiet too no one came out there for the king and queen had a daughter name rose when she came out of the palace she was different from the others sure she was a princess but she like riding horses and fishing as well but her favorote thing to do though was poetry that was her thing she did most of the time she wrote the story of her life before she died and the people that were in her life she made peoples lives alot better after she died people everyone cryed she brought hope and happyness to others but no one will forget about her storys it will go on in history of the true beauty of poetry. That left the hearts of of happy ness shes the goddness of all the poetry the stories and all of time

By ashlee allee
class home work I did yesturday

— The End —