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Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
I'm writing the story of my life,
  and I'm not letting anyone hold the pen.
      The pen is mightier than the sword.
    I'll write out all my pain, damage, fear.
                I'll shoot for the moon,
     even if I miss I'll land among the stars.
  They all told me that because of my past,
     I could never become anything great,
              that I'd never have success,
                  never be good enough,
   that what they did to me was my fault.
                   I wanted to grow up.
                          I finally did.
                 I excaped their torture.
            Now, I keep writing my story.
             Write. Edit. Change. Repeat.
        I'm not even completely grown up.
                                 2 years.
                 But it's happening now...
         I've started toa ture into an adult.
                     Frankly, I'm scared.
           I'm not exactly sure what to do.
      I'm taking over sooner than planned,
              I'm working a real job now,
      I'm responsible for sisters well being.
                       I just don't know.
                          But that's ok.
        I have my faith and I have my pen.
I don't want to miss out on the people who
                have me mesmerised...
But how can I captivate them and weave
                       them a story?
       I don't know. I don't know if I can.
      My rythem and rhyme is so unique,
          there's no hope in attempting
     to intertwine another beautiful soul.
           I'm sorry. I just don't know.
                      All I do know is
      The pen is mightier than the sword.
Sad? Why not im full of dismal thoughts i thought i once excaped but no im back to breaking over all this thinking im full of hate and sorrow you make me wish i had no tomorrow im depressed and becoming desperate dieing for anyone to lie to me just tell me im all right and that ill be okay but despite all that ill still lay in my dismal sorrow wishing there was no tomorrow escaping through the bite of a bullet and thats just it so as i grasped the trigger harder my teeth began to clinch tighter till   my jaw dropped but not in aw but of my dismal sorrow escaping through my bite of no tomorrow

— The End —