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Soumya May 2014
You said things -
because its easier to speak-
and gossip, and later forget.

Than it is to
follow a crazy butterfly of a dream,
when everyone asks you
to chase instead an angry bullfrog
of tradition.

To flick your fingers
and dismiss failures
as unthoughtful mistakes
and heartiness as an
an ugly carnival of
embarssing emotions.

Follies of other are good fodder
for two minute advice soliliquies
a distant critical review.

Dear friend,
or foe - as you like,
Come around to this side
of the window,
and wear the torn shoes
of his distress
or live through
her sorrow

And then tell me,
Would you again,
given a chance,
say the same ?
rose14195 Aug 2014
How was school?

My mind starts racing
looking for wrids
loney depreesing
A costume party

Yet all I say is good
Veronica clark Oct 2018

A fleeting moment
A kind gesture
Heart races under pressure..

A backward glance
A forward motion
To say hello
Is the notion..

Holding hands
A defensive stance
Sweat and tears it does enhance..

Part of one
Part of a whole
You say I do
To have and to hold..

Embarssing moments
Childish quick tease
A flowering rose
A quick breeze

As you grow old
The love never fades.
Even when you put loved ones
In a final resting place

So what does this have to do with you?
You might ask
Because love is in your future
Not in your past.
Sabrina Whitley Apr 2018
you hurt me when im with you
i hurt when im without you
i need you when your gone
i need you when your here
i feel like i cant live without you
i ache with this embarssing need
ill cry if you leave

poison in my veins
you are my main
i love you with all my heart
till the end
you broke me once
you broke me twice
i can never live without you
for i keep coming back
only to be hurt again

this ache is very strong
this need very big
i love you till the end
always and forever
this is what its like to have an unhealthy relationship

— The End —