The gates of Pluto cannot be unlocked, within is
A people of dreams; The formless and void:-
The supreme ways omega-minus function,
The dichotomous sciamachy of eka-bodies and if
You know your origin, you know your destiny as
There is no real disconcernment between the living
And the dead, as the perfection of the body is its soul;
As a pearl in an oyster, being is cast.
Whilst it is not the spiritual that comes first but
The physical wearing the sackcloth and ashes of
Necessitarianism to manumit the seven corporal
Works of mercy upon the secret commonwealth;
A fern seed , like a ghost in the machine fore whom
God would destroy he first makes mad as there is
Nothing that can be hidden and when required
Lucifer, even will, alike a herb of grace materialize
Willingly too expose everything in all creation;
A death prayer, and lie open the akashic records
Of transvirulence before our eyes;- as the
Foolishness of God is wiser than men and the
Weakness of God is stronger than men;
Ordering the existent non-existence, clearing
Consciousness time, in and out of the parallellism
Of Earth and Hell within the paradigm of Heaven.