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My multitudinous dreams,
cold to years-
map their unreality
Samber Sep 2012
dreamlife preview
maybe i should just slip away
slip away for a few days.
wrap myself in an old t-shirt of yours
and lock all these opened doors.
open that box and let out all my lost thoughts.
attempt to get rid of that constant knot.
my god.
you drive me crazy.
you keep on glowing…
even when i…close my eyes.
you move in and out of my dreams.
you flow in and out of me.
i cant continue to believe
you dont love me.
even when i hide away i feel your light
filling up my lost nights.
my bed is holding tears of gathered fears.
it is getting so hard to pretend
that i have successfully been healed.
i close my eyes even in the dark and i fall.
i fall into every single phone call.
every single green lawn and blue sky
the heights were so so high.
hot wind and burning skin
exploding within my arms
you kept me from any harm.
we all have one thing that steals our words from our hearts.
you are my one thing.
my only thing.
every moment of every day
you are in my way
of moving forward.
my prize possesion.
causing confusion.
causing chaos in this mind.
i will never leave you behind.
always one addiction that i cannot control.
and it is taking a toll
on this youthfull soul
spilling sleepy lies into hungry eyes.
KLR Oct 2011
proper verbalization is impossible when all emotions build up
into a castle of nothing
where all i'd like to do is throw you down a spiral staircase
and leave you there to decompose.
my heart is a tomb and i've dug you out.

so young, and willing
to go along with all requests
and just believe there's love where there isn't.
misty led me to the fishbone dreamlife
and i let myself get lost among the ribs.

your ribs.
they're bruised.
when you laugh you ache
when i push you burn.
and now the thought of you in pain isn't in regret, nor delight, just apathy.

i once was a chain smoker.
one after the other,
and i'd come back later for more.
but there's only one cigarette left
burned down to the filter and i don't want anymore.

of course, i'm rather fickle so generally i'll go back for more
but is it out of genuine want
or addiction?
do i stay in this bed of tobacco
locked in it's embrace out of habit?

could i walk away?
can i?
It is Sunday and raining
I'm recharging my battery
because it keeps draining,

do Duracell really last longer?

I, a rose???
oops, I mean,
I rows the boat until I gets to the island
I rows the boat back again,
it's an 'orrible job but someone has to do it,

dreamlife is just real life when you're asleep
I keep that in one of my minds and my other minds
which change quite frequently don't mind at all.

They call him a crazy madman
send him to live in Bedlam
but only because he bothers them

he never bothers me.

— The End —