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PK Wakefield Aug 2012
your new short arriving
lustrous clinging body
;musk snugly arousing
quartered in filaments
pale, sallow rush with
instantly finger tips
linger and brush the
wane of day tenderly
)star(you're pert lozenge
is sugar thick minute
dreamfull bursting with
whispers electric; fall so
quietly, into the parted
mystery of night your
spangled nonsense and
two wrists'
2 hands
to palms flicker
with white fire infinitely
, which doesn't burn
yields to my touch   ,         and

                                                          whom i fill dripping
                                                          with my illuminate
Addeline Wagner Aug 2010
How I wish I were the strand of hair
that clings about your neck.
Oh how I could caress your skin
and feel your every breath.

If only I could be among
the darkness of your sheets,
along with you then I would pass
into this dreamfull sleep.

Where to awake in dream or real,
the light from off your face
would lift my senses on to feel
the warmth of your embrace.
Xyz2498 Feb 2018
Sound of the breeze
Outside my window
A Dream in my mind
I was sleeping in peace.

I was all alone
It was dark everywhere
Standing under the sky.
Gazing at the stars.

I smiled as they shined
They looked so beautifull
Wanted to be there for a little longer
Because my mind was dreamfull.

I felt like talking
But would they talk to me?
Because they were all quite
And just kept shining.

As I was gazing
The time went by
Deep in sleep
I was still dreaming.

Sound of the breez
outside my window
A dream in my mind
I was sleeping in peace.
I was dreaming

— The End —